Connected bedside lights to a Sonoff D1 dimmer using Sonoff LAN integration from HACS, standard firmware.
All seemed to work OK, but the lights randomly power on every few hours - which is not good in the middle of the night. I’m totally sure this is not triggered by an automation and is something weird going on with the D1. Wondered whether its a random RF433Mhz signal its somehow picking up even though I don’t have the RM433 remote.
Long press the “pairing button” on SONOFF until the on/off LED indicator flashes twice, then long press any button on the RM433 until the on/off LED indicator flashes once after clearing is successful. (Other buttons can be cleared through this method.)
There is also a lot of posts saying it doesn’t work.
I tried to flash mine with ESP-Home without RF capabilities but that didn’t work.
So apparently it’s not software-RF.
There are other suggestions that a low pass filter is needed, not sure how that would be connected on the D1 since it’s different from the other Sonoffs.
I will try the “remove the resistors” way when I get time for it.
That should separate the RF chip from the ESP
Yeah, pairing with an old remote definitely hasn’t worked since the lights still come on on their own
Going to have to get the resistors out I think.
TBH, for something brand new, I really should send it back - its a load of junk - and it doesn’t succesfully dim anyway, just make my dimmable led lamps flicker.
Yeah, it’s known bug in D1, and although, as said, commonly known, sonoff still didn’t solve this problem in newest dimmers.It’s known that random turn-on happens even if all remotes are cleared. I guess they rely on the fact that classic bulbs are pretty much history.
Your best option is to phisically eliminate RF receiver (unsolder one pin), you can find all needed HERE. There’s also conversion to ESPHome described there. For elemination of RF only (without going to ESPHome FW) just unsolder and pull-up that pin (or cut appropriate PCB trace) and don’t solder a wire to ESP and RF part will be history.
You can also try with “custom” RF part (driven with ESPHome, not original sonoff, described on above page). But, be aware that current version of ESPHome (2021.9) has problems with D1: lamp never goes off. If you’ll do the testing it do it with 2021.8.x version, which works fine.
That does look a bit easier than dealing with all the resistors. Just so I understand this right, we’re saying to unsolder the top right corner pin on the 590R RF???
Exactly. Or, maybe even easier: do you see a horizontal track, which goes from under right chip to the left under left chip? Right below SMD capacitors? Cut this trace and you’re done. That’s the data line from RF receiver to controller chip. Whatever you prefer.
@Hellis81 No need to solder it to pin 4 if you have no intention to change FW from original to ESPHome. That connection is meant for more stable RF working, and especially that with this mod you can use other buttons for other stuff (like turn on/off) another relay/light).
But, here at my place 433MHz is pretty noisy and sonoff’s remotes work unreliable, and also some buttons seem to repeat itself. They work perfect when using original FW, but… an example: i learned first of 8-button remote to sonoff’s T1 (one gang) wall switch with ESPHome FW, but running on original RF part (not soldered). Lights toggle with learned first button (left on first row), but also with 4th buton (right one on second row). Same happens if i use modded - soldered ESPHome - codes are same when pressing different buttons. I have two 8-button remotes and with modded-soldered FW one or two buttons are the same even on different remotes. Very odd… I think that used RF chip is sadly chosen very badly.
Now i’m waiting to get sonoff’s RF bridge. Hopefully it will act somewhat better
I have already flashed mine with ESP-Home. I thought the issue was firmware first.
The remote is a bonus, if it can be used and doesn’t cause ghost turn on then I will use it.
For those that don’t have the possibility to fix the hardware for any reasons. Here a temporary workaround automation, that turn off the light if no user associated to the context. It’s a bit crappy I know, but it was really annoying for me to see light On 20% of the time for nothing.
ITEAD pretends that they don’t know about this problem. They kept me busy on an email thread for over a month. Only to offer me no solution, then try to sell me more gear that would also be defective in this scenario. I have had 4 D1, and they all eventually became defective. Shame on Sonoff and ITEAD. Buyer be ware.