Sonoff NSPanel Blueprint - Configure your own custom NSPanel easy via a Blueprint

Aligning with ESP-IDF: Preparing for Our Future

As we approach the March release and our transition to ESP-IDF, understanding both the reasons behind this change and how to prepare is crucial. This message outlines the benefits of ESP-IDF, the future of Arduino in our project, and essential steps for a smooth update.

Why Choose ESP-IDF?

  1. Strategic Alignment: Adopting ESP-IDF aligns us with the core development direction of both Espressif and ESPHome, opening doors to innovation and advanced features.

  2. Future-Ready Development: This shift positions us to rapidly integrate new technologies and improvements inherent to ESP-IDF.

  3. Simplifying the Framework Stack:

    • Removing a Layer: Transitioning to ESP-IDF eliminates the intermediary Arduino layer, reducing complexity and potential issues from additional layers.
    • Direct Hardware Access and Efficiency: With one less layer, ESPHome can more directly interact with the ESP hardware, improving performance, memory usage, and hardware feature utilization.

Considering Arduino?

Continued Support with Practical Considerations:

  1. Customization and Specific Use Cases: Some projects may still require the Arduino framework.
  2. OTA Update Limitations: If serial flash isn’t feasible, staying with Arduino is safer. Switching frameworks via OTA can lead to errors and potentially render the device unbootable until a flash via serial is performed.
  3. New Feature Availability: Note that some future features may be exclusive to ESP-IDF.

Determining Your Current Framework:

The default framework is currently Arduino. However, it’s worth noting that all our example/suggested code since the last few months have been indicating the esp-idf enforcement, so new users may already be on the new framework.

In short, unless you’ve explicitly set esp-idf in your code, you’re using Arduino.

Explicitly Staying on Arduino:

Upcoming releases will default to ESP-IDF. To remain on Arduino, add this to your panel’s YAML:

# Custom Arduino framework enforcement 
    type: arduino

Add this in the customizations area or at the file’s end. You can make this change now; no need to wait until March.

Early Transition Encouraged

Those who can are encouraged to start transitioning to ESP-IDF now, to take full advantage of its capabilities.
In order to enforce the new framework, add this to your code:

# Custom ESP-IDF framework enforcement 
    type: esp-idf

Remember, migrating between frameworks requires flashing your panel via USB to Serial/TTL adapter.

Community Support on GitHub

Our GitHub Discussions are open for any assistance or queries during this transition. We’re here to help each other.

In Summary

This transition underlines our commitment to delivering a robust and feature-rich ESPHome experience on your NSPanel. Your involvement is invaluable as we embark on this exciting phase.

Warm regards,


1 Like

Just installed this with a new NSPanel. Everything seems to be working well, but what I cant find is how to configure a alarm display or media display. Nothing exists in the blueprint. Everything is running 4.2.4 (Blueprint, TFT and ESPHome). Am I missing some kind of configuration to allow seeing these?

You can assign your alarm or media player entities to any button, then pressing that button will bring you to the specific page.

Thats what I was missing. I was looking for a section in the blueprint. Works perfect.

One other thing I cant figure out. How do you send a notification to the keypad?

You have to call the service esphome_xxxxx_notification_show:

Hi all,

I’ve been exploring the HA services related to the interaction with the nspanel… and i’m kind of lost.
Can someone tell me if its possible to call the alarm keypad to the panel from HA so that when i get home… as soon as i’m detected… the panel is on and waiting for the code to be inserted to disarm the alarm?

Thank you for the help… and thank you for this excelent project.

You can use the open_entity_settings_page to call the alarm page with the alarm entity you wanna show: How to - Call a Page Directly - Entity-Specific Pages.

You can then check for the sensor “Current page” to wait for page “alarm” to be visible. Once that page is visible, you can use the service send_command_printf to run command click bt_disarm,0 which will simulate the release of a click on button disarm:

service: esphome.xxxxx_send_command_printf
  cmd: click bt_disarm,0

Thank you… just what i needed.

1 Like

I’m back to trying to recover my very first NS Panel which in the early days got stuck on the “System Data ERROR!” message.

I have loaded the latest ESPhome version (2023.12.9) onto the panel (with esp-idf setting) but still can’t get the tft updated. I have tried multiple USB-TTL adaptors to flash it directly but always get an error in the communication with Nextion Editor, “Connectiion refused”.

ESPhome log:

INFO Successfully connected to nspanel1 @ in 0.007s
INFO Successful handshake with nspanel1 @ in 0.051s
[08:44:07][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:07][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:08][D][button:010]: 'nspanel1 Update TFT display' Pressed.
[08:44:08][D][addon_upload_tft.button.tft_update.on_press:060]: Update TFT display button pressed
[08:44:08][W][script:060]: Script 'upload_tft' is already running! (mode: single)
[08:44:08][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:08][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:08][D][main:1203]: Attempting to upload TFT
[08:44:08][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:203]: Attempt #1 at 921600 bps
[08:44:08][D][addon_upload_tft.script.nextion_upload:153]: Waiting for empty UART and Nextion queues
[08:44:09][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:09][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:10][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:10][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:10][D][addon_upload_tft.script.nextion_upload:162]: Starting TFT upload...
[08:44:10][D][nextion.upload.arduino:145]: Nextion TFT upload requested
[08:44:10][D][nextion.upload.arduino:146]: URL:
[08:44:10][D][nextion.upload.arduino:185]: Connected
[08:44:10][D][nextion.upload.arduino:191]: Requesting URL:
[08:44:11][D][nextion.upload.arduino:225]: Updating Nextion ...
[08:44:11][D][nextion.upload.arduino:251]: Waiting for upgrade response
[08:44:13][D][nextion.upload.arduino:257]: Upgrade response is [] - 0 bytes
[08:44:13][D][nextion.upload.arduino:266]: preparation for tft update failed 0 ""
[08:44:13][D][nextion.upload.arduino:329]: Restarting Nextion
[08:44:13][W][component:214]: Component script took a long time for an operation (2.43 s).
[08:44:13][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:44:13][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:13][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:203]: Attempt #1 at 921600 bps failed!
[08:44:13][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:14][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:14][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:15][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:16][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:16][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:17][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:17][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:18][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:18][D][main:1203]: Attempting to upload TFT
[08:44:18][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:203]: Attempt #2 at 921600 bps
[08:44:18][D][addon_upload_tft.script.nextion_upload:153]: Waiting for empty UART and Nextion queues
[08:44:18][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:19][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:19][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:20][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:20][D][addon_upload_tft.script.nextion_upload:162]: Starting TFT upload...
[08:44:20][D][nextion.upload.arduino:145]: Nextion TFT upload requested
[08:44:20][D][nextion.upload.arduino:146]: URL:
[08:44:20][D][nextion.upload.arduino:185]: Connected
[08:44:20][D][nextion.upload.arduino:191]: Requesting URL:
[08:44:20][D][nextion.upload.arduino:225]: Updating Nextion ...
[08:44:20][D][nextion.upload.arduino:251]: Waiting for upgrade response
[08:44:22][D][nextion.upload.arduino:257]: Upgrade response is [] - 0 bytes
[08:44:22][D][nextion.upload.arduino:266]: preparation for tft update failed 0 ""
[08:44:22][D][nextion.upload.arduino:329]: Restarting Nextion
[08:44:22][W][component:214]: Component script took a long time for an operation (2.42 s).
[08:44:22][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:44:22][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:22][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:203]: Attempt #2 at 921600 bps failed!
[08:44:22][I][addon_upload_tft.script.report_settings:189]: TFT URL:
[08:44:22][I][addon_upload_tft.script.report_settings:190]: Substitutions:
[08:44:22][I][addon_upload_tft.script.report_settings:191]:   nextion_update_url:
[08:44:22][I][addon_upload_tft.script.report_settings:192]:   nextion_update_base_url:
[08:44:22][I][addon_upload_tft.script.report_settings:193]:   upload_tft_chunk_size_max: 32768
[08:44:22][I][addon_upload_tft.script.report_settings:194]:   upload_tft_baud_rate:      921600
[08:44:23][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:23][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:24][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:24][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:25][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:26][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:26][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:27][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:27][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:27][D][script.nextion_status:1970]: Nextion status:
[08:44:27][D][script.nextion_status:1971]:   Is detected: False
[08:44:27][D][script.nextion_status:1972]:   Is setup:    False
[08:44:27][D][script.nextion_status:1973]:   Queue size:  0
[08:44:27][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:203]: Setting baud rate
[08:44:27][D][script.set_baud_rate:2473]: Baud rate changing from 921600 to 115200 bps
[08:44:27][D][script.set_baud_rate:2474]: Flush UART
[08:44:27][D][script.set_baud_rate:2482]: Sending instruction 'baud=115200' to Nextion
[08:44:27][D][script.set_baud_rate:2484]: Flush UART
[08:44:27][D][script.set_baud_rate:2492]: Set ESPHome new baud rate to 115200 bps
[08:44:27][C][uart.arduino_esp32:131]: UART 0 was reloaded.
[08:44:27][C][uart.arduino_esp32:137]: UART Bus 0:
[08:44:27][C][uart.arduino_esp32:138]:   TX Pin: GPIO16
[08:44:27][C][uart.arduino_esp32:139]:   RX Pin: GPIO17
[08:44:27][C][uart.arduino_esp32:141]:   RX Buffer Size: 256
[08:44:27][C][uart.arduino_esp32:143]:   Baud Rate: 115200 baud
[08:44:27][C][uart.arduino_esp32:144]:   Data Bits: 8
[08:44:27][C][uart.arduino_esp32:145]:   Parity: NONE
[08:44:27][C][uart.arduino_esp32:146]:   Stop bits: 1
[08:44:27][D][script.set_baud_rate:2495]: Baud rate is changet to 115200 bps
[08:44:27][W][component:214]: Component script took a long time for an operation (0.09 s).
[08:44:27][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:44:28][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:28][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:29][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:29][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:29][D][main:1203]: Attempting to upload TFT
[08:44:29][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:203]: Attempt #3 at 115200 bps
[08:44:29][D][addon_upload_tft.script.nextion_upload:153]: Waiting for empty UART and Nextion queues
[08:44:30][W][script.watchdog:3102]: TFT upload in progress
[08:44:30][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:30][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:31][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:31][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:32][D][addon_upload_tft.script.nextion_upload:162]: Starting TFT upload...
[08:44:32][D][nextion.upload.arduino:145]: Nextion TFT upload requested
[08:44:32][D][nextion.upload.arduino:146]: URL:
[08:44:32][D][nextion.upload.arduino:185]: Connected
[08:44:32][D][nextion.upload.arduino:191]: Requesting URL:
[08:44:32][D][nextion.upload.arduino:225]: Updating Nextion ...
[08:44:32][D][nextion.upload.arduino:251]: Waiting for upgrade response
[08:44:34][D][nextion.upload.arduino:257]: Upgrade response is [] - 0 bytes
[08:44:34][D][nextion.upload.arduino:266]: preparation for tft update failed 0 ""
[08:44:34][D][nextion.upload.arduino:329]: Restarting Nextion
[08:44:34][W][component:214]: Component script took a long time for an operation (2.42 s).
[08:44:34][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:44:34][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:34][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:203]: Attempt #3 at 115200 bps failed!
[08:44:34][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:35][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:36][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:36][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:37][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:37][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:38][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:38][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:39][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:39][D][main:1203]: Attempting to upload TFT
[08:44:39][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:203]: Attempt #4 at 115200 bps
[08:44:39][D][addon_upload_tft.script.nextion_upload:153]: Waiting for empty UART and Nextion queues
[08:44:39][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:40][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:40][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:41][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:41][D][addon_upload_tft.script.nextion_upload:162]: Starting TFT upload...
[08:44:41][D][nextion.upload.arduino:145]: Nextion TFT upload requested
[08:44:41][D][nextion.upload.arduino:146]: URL:
[08:44:41][D][nextion.upload.arduino:185]: Connected
[08:44:41][D][nextion.upload.arduino:191]: Requesting URL:
[08:44:41][D][nextion.upload.arduino:225]: Updating Nextion ...
[08:44:41][D][nextion.upload.arduino:251]: Waiting for upgrade response
[08:44:43][D][nextion.upload.arduino:257]: Upgrade response is [] - 0 bytes
[08:44:43][D][nextion.upload.arduino:266]: preparation for tft update failed 0 ""
[08:44:43][D][nextion.upload.arduino:329]: Restarting Nextion
[08:44:43][W][component:214]: Component script took a long time for an operation (2.43 s).
[08:44:43][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:44:43][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:43][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:203]: Attempt #4 at 115200 bps failed!
[08:44:43][D][sensor:094]: 'ntc_source': Sending state 1.43600 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
[08:44:43][D][resistance:039]: 'resistance_sensor' - Resistance 8628.3Ω
[08:44:43][D][sensor:094]: 'resistance_sensor': Sending state 8628.32617 Ω with 1 decimals of accuracy
[08:44:43][D][ntc:026]: 'nspanel1 Temperature' - Temperature: 28.4°C
[08:44:43][D][sensor:094]: 'nspanel1 Temperature': Sending state 28.35760 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[08:44:44][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:44][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:45][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:46][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:46][D][sensor:094]: 'nspanel1 RSSI': Sending state -56.00000 dBm with 0 decimals of accuracy
[08:44:46][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:47][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:47][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:48][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:48][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:48][D][script.nextion_status:1970]: Nextion status:
[08:44:48][D][script.nextion_status:1971]:   Is detected: False
[08:44:48][D][script.nextion_status:1972]:   Is setup:    False
[08:44:48][D][script.nextion_status:1973]:   Queue size:  0
[08:44:48][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:203]: Setting baud rate
[08:44:49][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:49][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:50][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:50][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:50][D][main:1203]: Attempting to upload TFT
[08:44:50][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:203]: Attempt #5 at 115200 bps
[08:44:50][D][addon_upload_tft.script.nextion_upload:153]: Waiting for empty UART and Nextion queues
[08:44:51][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:51][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:52][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:52][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:52][D][addon_upload_tft.script.nextion_upload:162]: Starting TFT upload...
[08:44:52][D][nextion.upload.arduino:145]: Nextion TFT upload requested
[08:44:52][D][nextion.upload.arduino:146]: URL:
[08:44:52][D][nextion.upload.arduino:185]: Connected
[08:44:52][D][nextion.upload.arduino:191]: Requesting URL:
[08:44:53][D][nextion.upload.arduino:225]: Updating Nextion ...
[08:44:53][D][nextion.upload.arduino:251]: Waiting for upgrade response
[08:44:55][D][nextion.upload.arduino:257]: Upgrade response is [] - 0 bytes
[08:44:55][D][nextion.upload.arduino:266]: preparation for tft update failed 0 ""
[08:44:55][D][nextion.upload.arduino:329]: Restarting Nextion
[08:44:55][W][component:214]: Component script took a long time for an operation (2.43 s).
[08:44:55][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:44:55][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:55][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:203]: Attempt #5 at 115200 bps failed!
[08:44:55][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:56][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:57][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:57][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:58][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:58][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:59][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:44:59][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:00][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:00][D][main:1203]: Attempting to upload TFT
[08:45:00][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:203]: Attempt #6 at 115200 bps
[08:45:00][D][addon_upload_tft.script.nextion_upload:153]: Waiting for empty UART and Nextion queues
[08:45:00][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:01][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:01][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:02][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:02][D][addon_upload_tft.script.nextion_upload:162]: Starting TFT upload...
[08:45:02][D][nextion.upload.arduino:145]: Nextion TFT upload requested
[08:45:02][D][nextion.upload.arduino:146]: URL:
[08:45:02][D][nextion.upload.arduino:185]: Connected
[08:45:02][D][nextion.upload.arduino:191]: Requesting URL:
[08:45:02][D][nextion.upload.arduino:225]: Updating Nextion ...
[08:45:02][D][nextion.upload.arduino:251]: Waiting for upgrade response
[08:45:04][D][nextion.upload.arduino:257]: Upgrade response is [] - 0 bytes
[08:45:04][D][nextion.upload.arduino:266]: preparation for tft update failed 0 ""
[08:45:04][D][nextion.upload.arduino:329]: Restarting Nextion
[08:45:04][W][component:214]: Component script took a long time for an operation (2.42 s).
[08:45:04][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:45:04][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:04][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:203]: Attempt #6 at 115200 bps failed!
[08:45:05][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:05][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:06][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:07][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:07][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:08][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:08][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:09][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:09][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:09][D][script.nextion_status:1970]: Nextion status:
[08:45:09][D][script.nextion_status:1971]:   Is detected: False
[08:45:09][D][script.nextion_status:1972]:   Is setup:    False
[08:45:09][D][script.nextion_status:1973]:   Queue size:  0
[08:45:09][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:203]: Setting baud rate
[08:45:10][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:10][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:11][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:11][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:11][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft_v414:550]: Attempting to upload TFT
[08:45:11][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:203]: Attempt #7 at 115200 bps
[08:45:11][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft_v414:562]: Starting...
[08:45:11][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft.upload_tft_arduino:793]: Nextion TFT upload requested
[08:45:11][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft.upload_tft_arduino:794]:   url:
[08:45:11][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft.upload_tft_arduino:795]:   baud_rate: 115200
[08:45:11][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft.upload_tft_arduino:808]: Setting Nextion protocol reparse mode to passive
[08:45:11][D][main:3208]: Exit reparse
[08:45:11][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft_v414:573]: Wait 5 seconds
[08:45:16][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft.upload_tft_arduino:826]: Connected
[08:45:16][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft.upload_tft_arduino:832]: Requesting URL:
[08:45:17][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft.upload_tft_arduino:864]: Updating Nextion
[08:45:17][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft.upload_tft_arduino:873]: Clear serial receive buffer: 0
[08:45:17][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft.send_nextion_command:598]: Sending: whmi-wris 7383288,115200,1
[08:45:17][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft.upload_tft_arduino:889]: Waiting for upgrade response
[08:45:22][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft.upload_tft_arduino:894]: Upgrade response is []
[08:45:22][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft.upload_tft_arduino:899]: Preparation for tft update failed 0 ""
[08:45:22][D][script.upload_tft.upload_end_:666]: Completed: False
[08:45:23][D][script.upload_tft.upload_end_:676]: Nextion TFT upload will attempt again
[08:45:23][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:203]: Attempt #7 at 115200 bps failed!
[08:45:23][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft_v414:1195]: Finished!
[08:45:23][W][component:214]: Component script took a long time for an operation (11.72 s).
[08:45:23][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[08:45:23][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:24][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:24][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:25][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:25][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:26][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:26][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:27][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:27][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:28][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 
[08:45:28][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft_v414:550]: Attempting to upload TFT
[08:45:28][D][addon_upload_tft.script.report_upload_progress:203]: Attempt #8 at 115200 bps
[08:45:28][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft_v414:562]: Starting...
[08:45:28][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft.upload_tft_arduino:793]: Nextion TFT upload requested
[08:45:28][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft.upload_tft_arduino:794]:   url:
[08:45:28][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft.upload_tft_arduino:795]:   baud_rate: 115200
[08:45:28][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft.upload_tft_arduino:808]: Setting Nextion protocol reparse mode to passive
[08:45:28][D][main:3208]: Exit reparse
[08:45:28][D][addon_upload_tft.script.upload_tft_v414:573]: Wait 5 seconds
type or paste code here

any tips?

Try ref: dev in your remote_package area, collect logs during the upload and share it in issue on GitHub. I will do my best to recover your panel. :wink:

Your log shows the Nextion display wasn’t detected by the UART on ESPHome, which means either you have hardware issue (unlikely), a cable not connected properly (or perhaps a short circuit somewhere) or (most likely) a baud rate mismatch.
On v4.2.5DEV you will find a hidden selector under your device’s page (under Settings > Devices & Services > ESPHome) named something like “Baud rate” (please do not use the “Update TFT - Display Baud Rate” as that won’t take effect if the communication with your display, controlled by the other one, isn’t established).
You can try setting each one of those baud rates, then click to Update TFT again. It’s some time consuming, I know. I can work in a baud rate scanner later, but probably not this weekend. :frowning:

I had my NSPanel up and running for month when I decided to upgrade it - I upgraded it to the latest version in ESPhome, udated the blue-print and pressed the “Update TFT display” button. The display is stuck on loading, and and when I did the upgrade I got some alarming errors:
[10:53:55][C][nextion:129]: Device Model: NX4832F035_011C
[10:53:55][C][nextion:130]: Firmware Version: 72
[10:53:55][C][nextion:131]: Serial Number: 0E663401DBA3FF6D
[10:53:55][C][nextion:132]: Flash Size: 16777216
[10:53:55][C][nextion:133]: Wake On Touch: YES
[10:53:55][C][nextion:134]: Exit reparse: YES

[10:53:56][D][script.setup_sequence:2678]: Fetching display mode
[10:53:56][W][nextion:405]: Nextion reported variable name invalid!

[10:54:01][E][script.setup_sequence:2805]: A non-compatible TFT is installed
[10:54:01][E][script.setup_sequence:2806]: Display mode: nan
[10:55:30][W][script.watchdog:3198]: TFT: UNKNOWN

Does any one have any good ideas how to fix this, or at least revert it to an older version?

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anyone know a way to have a the screen saver with time and then via automation call the screen sleep but not in deep sleep

Just try to upload the TFT again. A successful TFT upload should fix that issue.
If you keep having trouble uploading TFT; please share the logs from the upload process.

Calling page screensaver should do the trick:

NSPanel_HA_Blueprint/docs/ at main · Blackymas/NSPanel_HA_Blueprint (

It won’t compile. I’ve raised an issue on Github for it.

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I’ve answered there with some instructions to clean up the building files.

Thank you but im looking for more 2 screen saver pages one with time and one without

You can create an automation to be triggered by sensor “Current page” being screensaver (or call it as I mentioned before).
When you want the clock, set the Dim sleep to some value, let’s say 15. When you don’t want the clock, set it to 0.

Did not think of that idea, thanks I will give that a try

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It did work - I replaced everything in the yaml file and cahnged the deveice_name from sonofpanel1 to sonofpanel2 - every thing worked perfectly. However, when I rebooted home assistant it seems to have reverted the names - I can access the panel as sonofpanel1 in ESPhome integration - but in the ESPhome addon the Sobof panel is off-line - vert strange

device_name: “sonofpanel2”