Sonoff NSPanel Blueprint - Configure your own custom NSPanel easy via a Blueprint

As the fallback AP is working, you have a hope.

Why don’t you ask for help in GitHub… The community is way more active over there.
This is the link: Issues · Blackymas/NSPanel_HA_Blueprint · GitHub

After updating ESPHome last night, my panel lost all the configurations. I can see that the configs are still in the blueprint, but not on the panel . The two buttons are still responsive with the automations assigned to them. What’s the next steps? Sorry newb here and kinda scratching my head lol TIA

I had the same symptoms. ESPHome has been updated but not the TFT version.

Follow the steps here:

Update the Blueprint
Update ESPHome
Update TFT file

The order doesn’t matter.


Looks like an old bug returned in the latest version….
The color of the media icons (Spotify etc) is not updated real-time on the homescreen. Only if you refresh the homescreen, the icon color (status) is updated.

Do you mind reporting this as a bug in GitHub?
This is the link: Sign in to GitHub · GitHub

Since the update , nothing but issues . I apologize if I’m coming off rude not my intention. Icons not changing to reflect state of the device. Buttons not responding either . I can turn on the light let’s say, won’t change the icon but then I can’t turn it off. A bit frustrating. Rebooted twice and no luck, same issue. The stairs light is stuck on with 5% showing while device is off

Sad to hear you’re having all these issues. If you want, I can try to help you reverting to the previous version.

But trying to fix the issues in this one, do you have any error log in Home Assistant logs (Settings > System > Logs)?

Hello, I also have a problem with the display. Since the latest update, the temperature display has shifted slightly to the right. See red square picture. Is the error known?

Having some issues getting my panel working. I am basically getting the same outcome as [Drknght4] is reporting above.
First off, I got the panel flashed and it boots successfully - but I cannot get any automations to load to it. Something is working because on boot it always shows the correct time and it sometimes shows the panel temp sensor - but thats it. When it boots up it just shows the ESPHome version of 4.2.4 and the TFH panel of 4.2.4, but it never shows the Blueprint version. The Blueprint version I am using is 4.2.4 so there should be no conflict there.
All featurs work as expected on the ESPHome devices screen and it responds to load TFH, Reboot, Right click and Left click and shows the correct temperature.

I am running this on a Odroid N2 with 2Gb of memory - but unfortunately it will not compile on the N2 using ESPHome addon due to the error:

xtensa-esp32-elf-g++: fatal error: Killed signal terminated program as compilation terminated.

which I understand is an out of memory error at root. I compiled the .bin file successfully on my Ubuntu laptop using ESPHome and my laptop flashed it onto the NSPanel using a serial-USB adapter. I do not know if compiling on the laptop has introduced issues as there is very little documentation as to how to do this (even though the out of memory error is common enough on anything with less than 4gb of onboard memory).

I am going round in circles here, no automation strategy works - neither the Blueprint or the onboard devices automation in HomeAssistant. Its been a steep learning curve to get to this stage and I am out of ideas as to how to proceed. I am seeing no useful logs within HA logs, but have a suspicion that I am hitting the baud rate issue (but dont know how to get around it if I am).

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I hate to abandon a project but this one is pushing me to my technical limits as nothing has gone as described in the guides. HA is a hugely frustrating project as it changes so quickly that it seems to render any guidance out of date almost as soon as it is given.


Turned out that I had introduced an error into my Configuration.yaml file which was preventing loading of all automations. Solve that problem and the automations loaded along with the blueprint.

Hi, I use nspanel blueprint but I never could configure the alarm panel, simple because this option dot not show in blueprint options. I have all my panels configured for service calls. I use ALARMO and I have some nspanels running nspanel lovelace and it works, but I never saw in blueprint. What could be?

We have changed that and the documentation got obsolete. It’s already fixed in dev and will be updated on main soon.

You can assign your alarm control panel entity to any of the buttons, and clicking there should open the alarm page.

Thank you. Worked perfect

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I just updated to latest everything and curious what the grey icon in topper left screen horizontal bar is/comes from!? Can’t identify this icon/setting in my automation config!?

Anyone an idea?

alias: NSPanel Configuration
description: ""
  path: Blackymas/nspanel_blueprint.yaml
    nspanel_name: blablabla
    language: de
    weather_entity: weather.forecast_myhome
    indoortemp: sensor.shelly_motion_wohnzimmer_temperature
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
    home_value01_icon: mdi:diabetes
    chip01: binary_sensor.garagentor_external_input
    chip01_icon: mdi:garage-open
    chip02: binary_sensor.aussenturen
    chip02_icon: mdi:door-open
    chip03_icon: ""
    chip04: sensor.abfallbiotonne
    chip04_icon: mdi:flower-outline
    chip05: sensor.abfallrestmuell
    chip05_icon: mdi:trash-can
    chip06: sensor.abfallpapier
    chip06_icon: mdi:trash-can-outline
    climate: climate.lg_artcool_mirror_ac24
    climate_button08: switch.lg_artcool_mirror_ac24_jet_mode
    climate_button08_icon: mdi:air-conditioner
    climate_button09_icon: mdi:ceiling-fan
    climate_value01: sensor.lg_artcool_mirror_ac24_energy_current
    climate_value01_icon: mdi:lightning-bolt
    left_button_entity: light.dimmer_kuche
    right_button_entity: light.dimmer_wohnzimmer
    right_button_name: Licht WZ
    entity01: light.dimmer_kuche
    entity01_name: Küche
    entity01_icon: mdi:lightbulb
    entity02: light.dimmer_wohnzimmer
    entity02_name: WZ
    entity02_icon: mdi:lightbulb
    entity03: light.dimmer_terrasse
    entity03_name: Terrasse
    entity03_icon: mdi:lightbulb
    entity04: light.dimmer_galerie_1
    entity04_name: Galerie
    entity04_icon: mdi:lightbulb
    entity05: switch.garagentor
    entity05_name: Garagentor öffnen
    entity05_icon: mdi:garage
    entity06: switch.shelly_uni_hausture_channel_1
    entity06_name: Haustüre öffnen
    entity06_icon: mdi:door-open
    chip07: binary_sensor.tursensor_hausture_door
    chip07_icon: mdi:door-open
    left_button_name: Licht Küche
    entity07: fan.ventilatoren_wz
    entity07_name: Ventilatoren
    entity07_icon: mdi:ceiling-fan
    entity08: climate.lg_artcool_mirror_ac24
    entity08_name: Klimaanlage
    entity08_icon: mdi:air-conditioner
    button_page01_label: Beleuchtung und Türen
    entity_page01_label: Strom und Gas
    entities_entity01: sensor.stp10_0_3av_40_837_grid_power
    entities_entity01_name: "PV aktuell:"
    entities_entity01_icon: mdi:solar-panel-large
    entities_entity02: sensor.strom_zuruck_ins_netz
    entities_entity02_name: "Einspeisung aktuell:"
    entities_entity02_icon: mdi:transmission-tower-import
    entities_entity03: sensor.strom_gwh_bezug
    entities_entity03_name: "Stromzählerstand:"
    entities_entity03_icon: mdi:counter
    entities_entity04: sensor.energy_production_today_remaining
    entities_entity04_icon: mdi:solar-power-variant
    entitypages_enabled: true
    entities_entity04_name: "PV Vorhersage:"
    entities_entity05: sensor.strom_pv_einspeisung
    entities_entity05_name: "Zähler PV Einspeisung:"
    entities_entity05_icon: mdi:counter
    climate_button09_hold_custom_action: []
    qrcode_label: "Gast Wifi: @MySSID"
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
    qrcode_value: Wifi:@MYSSID pwd
    climate_value02: >-
    climate_value02_icon: mdi:thermometer
    date_format: "%a, %d.%m.%Y"
    qrcode_enabled: true
    home_value02_icon: mdi:diabetes
    home_value03_icon: mdi:solar-power-variant-outline
      - 250
      - 250
      - 0
      - 250
      - 250
      - 0
      - 250
      - 250
      - 0
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
    entitypages_value_alignment: "0"
    home_value03: sensor.stp10_0_3av_40_837_grid_power
      - 200
      - 204
      - 200
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
    outdoortemp: sensor.temperatursensor_terrasse
    climate_value03: sensor.temperatursensor_terrasse
    climate_value03_icon: mdi:thermometer
    home_indoor_temp_icon: mdi:sofa-single
    chip_font_size: "8"
    home_custom_button01: fan.ventilatoren_wz
    home_custom_button01_icon: mdi:ceiling-fan
    climate_button09: fan.ventilatoren_wz
    entity09_icon: ""
    entities_entity06: fan.ventilatoren_wz
    entities_entity06_name: Ventilatoren
    entities_entity06_icon: mdi:ceiling-fan
    home_button06_icon: mdi:view-list
    entity05_confirm: true
    entity06_confirm: true
    home_value01: sensor.blood_sugar_nightscout
    home_value02: sensor.dexcom_blabla_glucose_trend
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Hello, I have another question. Does the nspanel not have a humidity sensor? According to the description, one should be installed, right?

As far as I know, there’s no embedded humidity sensor.

If you take a look at this NSPanel teardown, they mention a slot for one, but nothing installed there.

I will take a look at mine on the next time I open it just in case, but I don’t think I will find a humidity sensor.

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Hello, could someone help with configuring HA to use the media player card after pressing a button on NSPanel? I want to create several buttons, each with a different internet radio, and I can’t manage to do it.

Is it possible to disable 3 of the 4 button screens? I only use one.

This is not possible right now, but it is in our plans:

It would be really handy if in the Blueprint we could have a short description to show which page each one is relative to the swipe actions. ie: is Page 1 up, down, left or right? It would make the setup a lot easier.


I can put this in a Github request if you want (if it’s not already on the roadmap).

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