The main goal for this update is to support the new weather.get_forecasts service introduced with Home Assistant 2023.12.0 to replace weather.get_forecast and avoid the message of the deprecated service in use.
We also moves some files around to make the repository a bit cleaner. If you are missing some files, please take a look under advanced folder.
And, as a bonus, in additional to the existing logs, we improved a bit the user’s interface on the panel when uploading TFT. This will be more visible after you install the latest TFT (v4.1.4), but we still have something if you are already with a TFT v4.x.x.
Below is a detailed list of changes. We recommend reviewing them to understand how this update impacts your setup.
Compatibility Note: This patch is fully compatible with components from v4.1, v4.1.1, v4.1.2 and v4.1.3. Your system will operate seamlessly with a mix of v4.1, v4.1.1, v4.1.2, v4.1.3 and v4.1.4 components, though we advise updating all components to the latest version for optimal performance.
My apologies for the late reply here. I was focused at v4.1.4.
I think I was a bit fast on changing the upload blueprint instructions. That is for Home Assistant v2023.12, which will be released tomorrow. I was trying to anticipate and let everything prepared.
My apologies for that.
Anyways, if you are installing the blueprint for the first time, then you just have to click this button and follow the instructions:
Thank you for replying me SIR .am new to all of this but i did update it to both
the TFT and ESPHOME to 4.1.4 that’s fantastic for a noob like me!but still don’t know where should i paste the blueprint please hlep me
I’ve hit a wall, and can’t for the life of me get the device to work.
I’ve flashed via TTL, and when the tft upload is attempted, get the below. Has anyone successfuly gotten past this?
INFO Waiting for result...
INFO OTA successful
INFO Successfully uploaded program.
INFO Starting log output from livingroomnspanel.local using esphome API
INFO Successfully connected to livingroomnspanel in 6.439s
INFO Successful handshake with livingroomnspanel in 0.112s
[12:06:48][I][app:102]: ESPHome version 2023.11.6 compiled on Dec 7 2023, 12:04:27
[12:06:48][C][wifi:559]: WiFi:
[12:06:48][C][wifi:391]: Local MAC: C0:49:EF:60:AB:B0
[12:06:48][C][wifi:396]: SSID: 'SSWM2'[redacted]
[12:06:48][C][wifi:397]: IP Address:
[12:06:48][C][wifi:399]: BSSID: 60:22:32:30:56:71[redacted]
[12:06:48][C][wifi:400]: Hostname: 'livingroomnspanel'
[12:06:48][C][wifi:402]: Signal strength: -53 dB ▂▄▆█
[12:06:48][C][wifi:406]: Channel: 1
[12:06:48][C][wifi:407]: Subnet:
[12:06:48][C][wifi:408]: Gateway:
[12:06:48][C][wifi:409]: DNS1:
[12:06:48][C][wifi:410]: DNS2:
[12:06:48][C][logger:416]: Logger:
[12:06:48][C][logger:417]: Level: DEBUG
[12:06:48][C][logger:418]: Log Baud Rate: 0
[12:06:48][C][logger:420]: Hardware UART: UART0
[12:06:48][C][uart.arduino_esp32:124]: UART Bus 0:
[12:06:48][C][uart.arduino_esp32:125]: TX Pin: GPIO16
[12:06:48][C][uart.arduino_esp32:126]: RX Pin: GPIO17
[12:06:48][C][uart.arduino_esp32:128]: RX Buffer Size: 256
[12:06:48][C][uart.arduino_esp32:130]: Baud Rate: 115200 baud
[12:06:48][C][uart.arduino_esp32:131]: Data Bits: 8
[12:06:48][C][uart.arduino_esp32:132]: Parity: NONE
[12:06:48][C][uart.arduino_esp32:133]: Stop bits: 1
[12:06:48][C][ledc.output:164]: LEDC Output:
[12:06:48][C][ledc.output:165]: Pin GPIO21
[12:06:48][C][ledc.output:166]: LEDC Channel: 0
[12:06:48][C][ledc.output:167]: PWM Frequency: 1000.0 Hz
[12:06:48][C][ledc.output:168]: Bit depth: 16
[12:06:49][C][template.binary_sensor:028]: Template Binary Sensor 'livingroomnspanel Nextion display'
[12:06:49][C][template.binary_sensor:028]: Device Class: 'connectivity'
[12:06:49][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'livingroomnspanel Display Brightness'
[12:06:49][C][template.number:050]: Unit of Measurement: '%'
[12:06:49][C][template.number:051]: Optimistic: YES
[12:06:49][C][template.number:052]: Update Interval: 60.0s
[12:06:49][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'livingroomnspanel Display Brightness Dimdown'
[12:06:49][C][template.number:050]: Unit of Measurement: '%'
[12:06:49][C][template.number:051]: Optimistic: YES
[12:06:49][C][template.number:052]: Update Interval: 60.0s
[12:06:49][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'livingroomnspanel Temperature Correction'
[12:06:49][C][template.number:050]: Unit of Measurement: '°C'
[12:06:49][C][template.number:051]: Optimistic: YES
[12:06:49][C][template.number:052]: Update Interval: 60.0s
[12:06:49][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:06:49][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:06:49][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:06:49][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:06:49][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'livingroomnspanel Timeout Page'
[12:06:49][C][template.number:050]: Icon: 'mdi:timer'
[12:06:49][C][template.number:050]: Unit of Measurement: 's'
[12:06:49][C][template.number:051]: Optimistic: YES
[12:06:49][C][template.number:052]: Update Interval: 60.0s
[12:06:49][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'livingroomnspanel Timeout Dimming'
[12:06:49][C][template.number:050]: Icon: 'mdi:timer'
[12:06:49][C][template.number:050]: Unit of Measurement: 's'
[12:06:49][C][template.number:051]: Optimistic: YES
[12:06:49][C][template.number:052]: Update Interval: 60.0s
[12:06:49][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'livingroomnspanel Timeout Sleep'
[12:06:49][C][template.number:050]: Icon: 'mdi:timer'
[12:06:49][C][template.number:050]: Unit of Measurement: 's'
[12:06:49][C][template.number:051]: Optimistic: YES
[12:06:49][C][template.number:052]: Update Interval: 60.0s
[12:06:49][C][]: Template Select 'livingroomnspanel Wake-up page'
[12:06:49][C][]: Icon: 'mdi:page-next-outline'
[12:06:49][C][]: Update Interval: 60.0s
[12:06:49][C][]: Optimistic: YES
[12:06:49][C][]: Initial Option: home
[12:06:49][C][]: Restore Value: YES
[12:06:49][C][template.text_sensor:020]: Template Sensor 'livingroomnspanel Detailed Entity'
[12:06:49][C][template.text_sensor:020]: Icon: 'mdi:tablet-dashboard'
[12:06:49][C][template.text_sensor:020]: Template Sensor 'livingroomnspanel Notification Label'
[12:06:49][C][template.text_sensor:020]: Template Sensor 'livingroomnspanel Notification Text'
[12:06:49][C][switch.gpio:068]: GPIO Switch 'livingroomnspanel Relay 1'
[12:06:49][C][switch.gpio:091]: Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF
[12:06:49][C][switch.gpio:031]: Pin: GPIO22
[12:06:49][C][switch.gpio:068]: GPIO Switch 'livingroomnspanel Relay 2'
[12:06:49][C][switch.gpio:091]: Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF
[12:06:49][C][switch.gpio:031]: Pin: GPIO19
[12:06:49][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:06:49][C][gpio.binary_sensor:015]: GPIO Binary Sensor 'livingroomnspanel Left Button'
[12:06:49][C][gpio.binary_sensor:016]: Pin: GPIO14
[12:06:49][C][gpio.binary_sensor:015]: GPIO Binary Sensor 'livingroomnspanel Right Button'
[12:06:49][C][gpio.binary_sensor:016]: Pin: GPIO27
[12:06:50][C][switch.gpio:068]: GPIO Switch 'livingroomnspanel Nextion display - Power'
[12:06:50][C][switch.gpio:091]: Restore Mode: always ON
[12:06:50][C][switch.gpio:031]: Pin: GPIO4
[12:06:50][C][template.switch:068]: Template Switch 'livingroomnspanel Notification sound'
[12:06:50][C][template.switch:091]: Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF
[12:06:50][C][template.switch:057]: Optimistic: YES
[12:06:50][C][template.switch:068]: Template Switch 'livingroomnspanel Relay 1 Local'
[12:06:50][C][template.switch:091]: Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF
[12:06:50][C][template.switch:057]: Optimistic: YES
[12:06:50][C][template.switch:068]: Template Switch 'livingroomnspanel Relay 2 Local'
[12:06:50][C][template.switch:091]: Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF
[12:06:50][C][template.switch:057]: Optimistic: YES
[12:06:50][C][template.switch:068]: Template Switch 'livingroomnspanel Notification unread'
[12:06:50][C][template.switch:091]: Restore Mode: always OFF
[12:06:50][C][template.switch:057]: Optimistic: YES
[12:06:50][C][rtttl:029]: Rtttl
[12:06:50][C][nextion:123]: Nextion:
[12:06:50][C][nextion:124]: Device Model:
[12:06:50][C][nextion:125]: Firmware Version:
[12:06:50][C][nextion:126]: Serial Number:
[12:06:50][C][nextion:127]: Flash Size:
[12:06:50][C][nextion:128]: Wake On Touch: True
[12:06:50][C][nextion:139]: Start Up Page : 8
[12:06:50][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:06:50][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:06:50][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:06:50][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:06:50][C][restart.button:017]: Restart Button 'livingroomnspanel Restart'
[12:06:50][C][adc:097]: ADC Sensor 'ntc_source'
[12:06:50][C][adc:097]: Device Class: 'voltage'
[12:06:50][C][adc:097]: State Class: 'measurement'
[12:06:50][C][adc:097]: Unit of Measurement: 'V'
[12:06:50][C][adc:097]: Accuracy Decimals: 2
[12:06:50][C][adc:107]: Pin: GPIO38
[12:06:50][C][adc:122]: Attenuation: 11db
[12:06:50][C][adc:142]: Update Interval: 60.0s
[12:06:50][C][resistance:010]: Resistance Sensor 'resistance_sensor'
[12:06:50][C][resistance:010]: State Class: 'measurement'
[12:06:50][C][resistance:010]: Unit of Measurement: 'Ω'
[12:06:50][C][resistance:010]: Accuracy Decimals: 1
[12:06:50][C][resistance:010]: Icon: 'mdi:flash'
[12:06:50][C][resistance:011]: Configuration: DOWNSTREAM
[12:06:50][C][resistance:012]: Resistor: 11200.00Ω
[12:06:50][C][resistance:013]: Reference Voltage: 3.3V
[12:06:50][C][ntc:014]: NTC Sensor 'livingroomnspanel Temperature'
[12:06:50][C][ntc:014]: Device Class: 'temperature'
[12:06:50][C][ntc:014]: State Class: 'measurement'
[12:06:50][C][ntc:014]: Unit of Measurement: '°C'
[12:06:50][C][ntc:014]: Accuracy Decimals: 1
[12:06:50][C][homeassistant.time:010]: Home Assistant Time:
[12:06:50][C][homeassistant.time:011]: Timezone: 'MST7MDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0'
[12:06:50][C][status:034]: Status Binary Sensor 'livingroomnspanel Status'
[12:06:50][C][status:034]: Device Class: 'connectivity'
[12:06:51][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:06:51][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:06:51][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:06:51][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:06:51][C][web_server:168]: Web Server:
[12:06:51][C][web_server:169]: Address: livingroomnspanel.local:80
[12:06:51][C][mdns:115]: mDNS:
[12:06:51][C][mdns:116]: Hostname: livingroomnspanel
[12:06:51][C][ota:097]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[12:06:51][C][ota:098]: Address: livingroomnspanel.local:3232
[12:06:51][C][ota:101]: Using Password.
[12:06:51][C][api:139]: API Server:
[12:06:51][C][api:140]: Address: livingroomnspanel.local:6053
[12:06:51][C][api:144]: Using noise encryption: NO
[12:06:51][C][http_request:013]: HTTP Request:
[12:06:51][C][http_request:014]: Timeout: 5000ms
[12:06:51][C][http_request:015]: User-Agent: ESPHome
[12:06:51][C][http_request:016]: Follow Redirects: 1
[12:06:51][C][http_request:017]: Redirect limit: 3
[12:06:51][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:06:52][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:06:52][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:06:52][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:06:52][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:06:52][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:06:52][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:06:52][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:06:52][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:06:53][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:06:53][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:06:53][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:06:53][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:06:54][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:06:54][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:06:54][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:06:54][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:06:54][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:06:54][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:06:54][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:06:54][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:06:55][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:06:55][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:06:55][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:06:55][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:06:56][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:06:56][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:06:56][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:06:56][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:06:56][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:06:57][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:06:57][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:06:58][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:06:58][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:06:59][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:06:59][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:00][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:00][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:01][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:02][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:02][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:03][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:03][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:04][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:04][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:05][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:05][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:06][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:06][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:07][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:07][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:08][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:08][D][main:2591]: Exit reparse
[12:07:08][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:09][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:10][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:10][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:11][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:11][D][sensor:094]: 'ntc_source': Sending state 1.68100 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:07:11][D][resistance:039]: 'resistance_sensor' - Resistance 11628.9Ω
[12:07:11][D][sensor:094]: 'resistance_sensor': Sending state 11628.90723 Ω with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:07:11][D][ntc:026]: 'livingroomnspanel Temperature' - Temperature: 21.6°C
[12:07:11][D][sensor:094]: 'livingroomnspanel Temperature': Sending state 21.64209 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:07:11][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:12][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:12][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:13][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:13][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:14][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:14][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:15][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:15][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:16][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:17][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:17][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:18][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:18][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:19][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:19][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:20][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:20][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:21][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:21][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:22][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:22][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:23][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:23][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:24][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:25][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:25][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:26][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:26][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:27][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:27][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:28][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:28][D][script.nextion_status:2682]: Nextion status:
[12:07:28][D][script.nextion_status:2684]: Is setup: False
[12:07:28][E][on_boot:059]: No response from Nextion display
[12:07:28][D][on_boot:060]: Turn off Nextion
[12:07:28][D][switch:016]: 'livingroomnspanel Nextion display - Power' Turning OFF.
[12:07:28][D][switch:055]: 'livingroomnspanel Nextion display - Power': Sending state OFF
[12:07:28][D][on_boot:046]: Wait 2 seconds
[12:07:30][D][on_boot:063]: Turn on Nextion
[12:07:30][D][switch:012]: 'livingroomnspanel Nextion display - Power' Turning ON.
[12:07:30][D][switch:055]: 'livingroomnspanel Nextion display - Power': Sending state ON
[12:07:30][D][on_boot:046]: Wait 5 seconds
[12:07:35][D][script.nextion_status:2682]: Nextion status:
[12:07:35][D][script.nextion_status:2684]: Is setup: False
[12:07:35][W][component:214]: Component esphome.coroutine took a long time for an operation (7.06 s).
[12:07:35][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:35][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:36][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:36][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:36][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:36][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:36][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:37][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:37][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:37][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:37][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:38][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:38][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:38][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:38][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:38][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:39][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:39][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:39][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:39][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:40][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:40][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:40][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:40][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:40][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:40][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:40][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:40][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:41][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:41][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:41][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:41][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:41][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:41][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:41][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:41][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:42][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:42][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:42][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:42][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:43][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:43][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:43][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:43][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:43][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:43][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:43][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:43][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:44][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:44][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:44][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:44][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:45][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:45][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:45][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:45][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:45][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:46][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:46][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:46][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:46][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:47][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:47][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:47][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:47][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:47][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:47][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:47][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:47][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:48][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:48][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:48][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:48][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:48][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:48][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:48][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:48][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:49][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:49][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:49][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:49][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:50][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:50][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:50][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:50][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:50][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:50][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:50][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:50][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:51][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:51][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:51][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:51][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:52][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:52][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:52][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:52][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:52][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:52][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:52][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:52][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:53][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:53][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:53][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:53][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:54][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:54][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:54][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:54][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:54][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:54][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:54][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:54][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:55][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:55][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:55][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:55][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:55][D][script.nextion_status:2682]: Nextion status:
[12:07:55][D][script.nextion_status:2684]: Is setup: False
[12:07:55][E][on_boot:076]: No response from Nextion display
[12:07:55][D][on_boot:078]: Finished
[12:07:56][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:56][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:56][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:56][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:56][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:56][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:56][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:56][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:57][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:57][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:57][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:57][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:57][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:57][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:57][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:57][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:58][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:58][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:58][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:58][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:59][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[12:07:59][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:07:59][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[12:07:59][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:07:59][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:08:00][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:08:00][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:08:01][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:08:01][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:08:02][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:08:02][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:08:03][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:08:04][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:08:04][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:08:05][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:08:05][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:08:06][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:08:06][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:08:07][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:08:07][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:08:08][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:08:08][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:08:09][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:08:09][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:08:10][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:08:11][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[12:08:11][D][sensor:094]: 'ntc_source': Sending state 1.68100 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:08:11][D][resistance:039]: 'resistance_sensor' - Resistance 11628.9Ω
[12:08:11][D][sensor:094]: 'resistance_sensor': Sending state 11628.90723 Ω with 1 decimals of accuracy
[12:08:11][D][ntc:026]: 'livingroomnspanel Temperature' - Temperature: 21.6°C
[12:08:11][D][sensor:094]: 'livingroomnspanel Temperature': Sending state 21.64209 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
No, I have flashed the panel before, but never managed to upload the tft file. I did at one time get a wrong model error on the screen of the panel, although i am using the tft for the us version (which i have). This try was flashing the blank tft
###### CHANGE ME START ######
device_name: "livingroomnspanel"
wifi_ssid: "REDACTED"
wifi_password: "REDACTED"
# nextion_update_url: "http://homeassistant.local:8123/local/nspanel_us.tft"
nextion_update_url: "http://homeassistant.local:8123/local/nspanel_blank.tft"
##### addon-configuration #####
## addon_climate ##
# addon_climate_heater_relay: "1" # possible values: 1/2
##### CHANGE ME END #####
ref: main
- nspanel_esphome.yaml # Core package
# - nspanel_esphome_advanced.yaml # activate advanced (legacy) elements - can be useful for troubleshooting
# - nspanel_esphome_addon_climate_cool.yaml # activate for local climate (cooling) control
# - nspanel_esphome_addon_climate_heat.yaml # activate for local climate (heater) control
refresh: 300s
port: 80
Interestingly enough, I am able to flah the following tft:" using esp home, but I can’t use the UBS to TTL to fglash the tasmota software so that’s out too.
I’ll run a new flash with the us tft and post the full logs too right away here.
INFO Waiting for result...
INFO OTA successful
INFO Successfully uploaded program.
INFO Starting log output from livingroomnspanel.local using esphome API
INFO Successfully connected to livingroomnspanel in 6.738s
INFO Successful handshake with livingroomnspanel in 0.078s
[14:58:50][I][app:102]: ESPHome version 2023.11.6 compiled on Dec 7 2023, 14:56:33
[14:58:50][C][wifi:559]: WiFi:
[14:58:50][C][wifi:391]: Local MAC: C0:49:EF:60:AB:B0
[14:58:50][C][wifi:396]: SSID: 'SSWM2'[redacted]
[14:58:50][C][wifi:397]: IP Address:
[14:58:50][C][wifi:399]: BSSID: 60:22:32:30:56:71[redacted]
[14:58:50][C][wifi:400]: Hostname: 'livingroomnspanel'
[14:58:50][C][wifi:402]: Signal strength: -55 dB ▂▄▆█
[14:58:50][C][wifi:406]: Channel: 1
[14:58:50][C][wifi:407]: Subnet:
[14:58:50][C][wifi:408]: Gateway:
[14:58:50][C][wifi:409]: DNS1:
[14:58:50][C][wifi:410]: DNS2:
[14:58:50][C][logger:416]: Logger:
[14:58:50][C][logger:417]: Level: DEBUG
[14:58:50][C][logger:418]: Log Baud Rate: 0
[14:58:50][C][logger:420]: Hardware UART: UART0
[14:58:50][C][uart.arduino_esp32:124]: UART Bus 0:
[14:58:50][C][uart.arduino_esp32:125]: TX Pin: GPIO16
[14:58:50][C][uart.arduino_esp32:126]: RX Pin: GPIO17
[14:58:50][C][uart.arduino_esp32:128]: RX Buffer Size: 256
[14:58:50][C][uart.arduino_esp32:130]: Baud Rate: 115200 baud
[14:58:50][C][uart.arduino_esp32:131]: Data Bits: 8
[14:58:50][C][uart.arduino_esp32:132]: Parity: NONE
[14:58:50][C][uart.arduino_esp32:133]: Stop bits: 1
[14:58:50][C][ledc.output:164]: LEDC Output:
[14:58:50][C][ledc.output:165]: Pin GPIO21
[14:58:50][C][ledc.output:166]: LEDC Channel: 0
[14:58:50][C][ledc.output:167]: PWM Frequency: 1000.0 Hz
[14:58:50][C][ledc.output:168]: Bit depth: 16
[14:58:51][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:58:51][C][template.binary_sensor:028]: Template Binary Sensor 'livingroomnspanel Nextion display'
[14:58:51][C][template.binary_sensor:028]: Device Class: 'connectivity'
[14:58:51][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'livingroomnspanel Display Brightness'
[14:58:51][C][template.number:050]: Unit of Measurement: '%'
[14:58:51][C][template.number:051]: Optimistic: YES
[14:58:51][C][template.number:052]: Update Interval: 60.0s
[14:58:51][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'livingroomnspanel Display Brightness Dimdown'
[14:58:51][C][template.number:050]: Unit of Measurement: '%'
[14:58:51][C][template.number:051]: Optimistic: YES
[14:58:51][C][template.number:052]: Update Interval: 60.0s
[14:58:51][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'livingroomnspanel Temperature Correction'
[14:58:51][C][template.number:050]: Unit of Measurement: '°C'
[14:58:51][C][template.number:051]: Optimistic: YES
[14:58:51][C][template.number:052]: Update Interval: 60.0s
[14:58:51][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'livingroomnspanel Timeout Page'
[14:58:51][C][template.number:050]: Icon: 'mdi:timer'
[14:58:51][C][template.number:050]: Unit of Measurement: 's'
[14:58:51][C][template.number:051]: Optimistic: YES
[14:58:51][C][template.number:052]: Update Interval: 60.0s
[14:58:51][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'livingroomnspanel Timeout Dimming'
[14:58:51][C][template.number:050]: Icon: 'mdi:timer'
[14:58:51][C][template.number:050]: Unit of Measurement: 's'
[14:58:51][C][template.number:051]: Optimistic: YES
[14:58:51][C][template.number:052]: Update Interval: 60.0s
[14:58:51][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'livingroomnspanel Timeout Sleep'
[14:58:51][C][template.number:050]: Icon: 'mdi:timer'
[14:58:51][C][template.number:050]: Unit of Measurement: 's'
[14:58:51][C][template.number:051]: Optimistic: YES
[14:58:51][C][template.number:052]: Update Interval: 60.0s
[14:58:51][C][]: Template Select 'livingroomnspanel Wake-up page'
[14:58:51][C][]: Icon: 'mdi:page-next-outline'
[14:58:51][C][]: Update Interval: 60.0s
[14:58:51][C][]: Optimistic: YES
[14:58:51][C][]: Initial Option: home
[14:58:51][C][]: Restore Value: YES
[14:58:51][C][template.text_sensor:020]: Template Sensor 'livingroomnspanel Detailed Entity'
[14:58:51][C][template.text_sensor:020]: Icon: 'mdi:tablet-dashboard'
[14:58:51][C][template.text_sensor:020]: Template Sensor 'livingroomnspanel Notification Label'
[14:58:51][C][template.text_sensor:020]: Template Sensor 'livingroomnspanel Notification Text'
[14:58:51][C][switch.gpio:068]: GPIO Switch 'livingroomnspanel Relay 1'
[14:58:51][C][switch.gpio:091]: Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF
[14:58:51][C][switch.gpio:031]: Pin: GPIO22
[14:58:51][C][switch.gpio:068]: GPIO Switch 'livingroomnspanel Relay 2'
[14:58:51][C][switch.gpio:091]: Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF
[14:58:51][C][switch.gpio:031]: Pin: GPIO19
[14:58:51][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:58:51][C][gpio.binary_sensor:015]: GPIO Binary Sensor 'livingroomnspanel Left Button'
[14:58:51][C][gpio.binary_sensor:016]: Pin: GPIO14
[14:58:51][C][gpio.binary_sensor:015]: GPIO Binary Sensor 'livingroomnspanel Right Button'
[14:58:51][C][gpio.binary_sensor:016]: Pin: GPIO27
[14:58:51][C][switch.gpio:068]: GPIO Switch 'livingroomnspanel Nextion display - Power'
[14:58:51][C][switch.gpio:091]: Restore Mode: always ON
[14:58:51][C][switch.gpio:031]: Pin: GPIO4
[14:58:52][C][template.switch:068]: Template Switch 'livingroomnspanel Notification sound'
[14:58:52][C][template.switch:091]: Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF
[14:58:52][C][template.switch:057]: Optimistic: YES
[14:58:52][C][template.switch:068]: Template Switch 'livingroomnspanel Relay 1 Local'
[14:58:52][C][template.switch:091]: Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF
[14:58:52][C][template.switch:057]: Optimistic: YES
[14:58:52][C][template.switch:068]: Template Switch 'livingroomnspanel Relay 2 Local'
[14:58:52][C][template.switch:091]: Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF
[14:58:52][C][template.switch:057]: Optimistic: YES
[14:58:52][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:58:52][C][template.switch:068]: Template Switch 'livingroomnspanel Notification unread'
[14:58:52][C][template.switch:091]: Restore Mode: always OFF
[14:58:52][C][template.switch:057]: Optimistic: YES
[14:58:52][C][rtttl:029]: Rtttl
[14:58:52][C][nextion:123]: Nextion:
[14:58:52][C][nextion:124]: Device Model:
[14:58:52][C][nextion:125]: Firmware Version:
[14:58:52][C][nextion:126]: Serial Number:
[14:58:52][C][nextion:127]: Flash Size:
[14:58:52][C][nextion:128]: Wake On Touch: True
[14:58:52][C][nextion:139]: Start Up Page : 8
[14:58:52][C][restart.button:017]: Restart Button 'livingroomnspanel Restart'
[14:58:52][C][adc:097]: ADC Sensor 'ntc_source'
[14:58:52][C][adc:097]: Device Class: 'voltage'
[14:58:52][C][adc:097]: State Class: 'measurement'
[14:58:52][C][adc:097]: Unit of Measurement: 'V'
[14:58:52][C][adc:097]: Accuracy Decimals: 2
[14:58:52][C][adc:107]: Pin: GPIO38
[14:58:52][C][adc:122]: Attenuation: 11db
[14:58:52][C][adc:142]: Update Interval: 60.0s
[14:58:52][C][resistance:010]: Resistance Sensor 'resistance_sensor'
[14:58:52][C][resistance:010]: State Class: 'measurement'
[14:58:52][C][resistance:010]: Unit of Measurement: 'Ω'
[14:58:52][C][resistance:010]: Accuracy Decimals: 1
[14:58:52][C][resistance:010]: Icon: 'mdi:flash'
[14:58:52][C][resistance:011]: Configuration: DOWNSTREAM
[14:58:52][C][resistance:012]: Resistor: 11200.00Ω
[14:58:52][C][resistance:013]: Reference Voltage: 3.3V
[14:58:52][C][ntc:014]: NTC Sensor 'livingroomnspanel Temperature'
[14:58:52][C][ntc:014]: Device Class: 'temperature'
[14:58:52][C][ntc:014]: State Class: 'measurement'
[14:58:52][C][ntc:014]: Unit of Measurement: '°C'
[14:58:52][C][ntc:014]: Accuracy Decimals: 1
[14:58:52][C][homeassistant.time:010]: Home Assistant Time:
[14:58:52][C][homeassistant.time:011]: Timezone: 'MST7MDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0'
[14:58:52][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:58:52][C][status:034]: Status Binary Sensor 'livingroomnspanel Status'
[14:58:52][C][status:034]: Device Class: 'connectivity'
[14:58:53][C][web_server:168]: Web Server:
[14:58:53][C][web_server:169]: Address: livingroomnspanel.local:80
[14:58:53][C][mdns:115]: mDNS:
[14:58:53][C][mdns:116]: Hostname: livingroomnspanel
[14:58:53][C][ota:097]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[14:58:53][C][ota:098]: Address: livingroomnspanel.local:3232
[14:58:53][C][ota:101]: Using Password.
[14:58:53][C][api:139]: API Server:
[14:58:53][C][api:140]: Address: livingroomnspanel.local:6053
[14:58:53][C][api:144]: Using noise encryption: NO
[14:58:53][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:58:53][C][http_request:013]: HTTP Request:
[14:58:53][C][http_request:014]: Timeout: 5000ms
[14:58:53][C][http_request:015]: User-Agent: ESPHome
[14:58:53][C][http_request:016]: Follow Redirects: 1
[14:58:53][C][http_request:017]: Redirect limit: 3
[14:58:53][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:58:54][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:58:54][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:58:55][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:58:55][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:58:56][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:58:56][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:58:57][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:58:58][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:58:58][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:58:59][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:58:59][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:00][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:00][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:01][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:01][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:02][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:02][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:03][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:03][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:04][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:05][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:05][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:06][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:06][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:07][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:07][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:08][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:08][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:09][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:09][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:10][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:10][D][main:2591]: Exit reparse
[14:59:10][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:11][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:11][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:12][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:13][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:13][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:14][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:14][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:15][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:15][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:16][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:16][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:17][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:17][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:18][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:18][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:19][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:19][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:20][D][sensor:094]: 'ntc_source': Sending state 1.65400 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
[14:59:20][D][resistance:039]: 'resistance_sensor' - Resistance 11254.4Ω
[14:59:20][D][sensor:094]: 'resistance_sensor': Sending state 11254.43652 Ω with 1 decimals of accuracy
[14:59:20][D][ntc:026]: 'livingroomnspanel Temperature' - Temperature: 22.4°C
[14:59:20][D][sensor:094]: 'livingroomnspanel Temperature': Sending state 22.36397 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[14:59:20][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:21][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:21][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:22][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:22][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:23][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:23][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:24][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:24][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:25][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:25][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:26][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:26][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:27][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:28][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:28][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:29][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:29][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:30][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:30][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:30][D][script.nextion_status:2682]: Nextion status:
[14:59:30][D][script.nextion_status:2684]: Is setup: False
[14:59:30][E][on_boot:059]: No response from Nextion display
[14:59:30][D][on_boot:060]: Turn off Nextion
[14:59:30][D][switch:016]: 'livingroomnspanel Nextion display - Power' Turning OFF.
[14:59:30][D][switch:055]: 'livingroomnspanel Nextion display - Power': Sending state OFF
[14:59:30][D][on_boot:046]: Wait 2 seconds
[14:59:32][D][on_boot:063]: Turn on Nextion
[14:59:32][D][switch:012]: 'livingroomnspanel Nextion display - Power' Turning ON.
[14:59:32][D][switch:055]: 'livingroomnspanel Nextion display - Power': Sending state ON
[14:59:32][D][on_boot:046]: Wait 5 seconds
[14:59:37][D][script.nextion_status:2682]: Nextion status:
[14:59:37][D][script.nextion_status:2684]: Is setup: False
[14:59:37][W][component:214]: Component esphome.coroutine took a long time for an operation (7.06 s).
[14:59:37][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:37][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:38][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:38][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:39][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:39][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:39][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:39][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:40][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:40][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:40][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:40][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:40][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:40][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:40][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:40][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:41][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:41][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:41][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:41][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:42][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:42][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:42][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:42][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:42][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:42][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:42][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:42][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:43][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:43][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:43][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:43][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:44][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:44][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:44][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:44][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:44][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:44][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:44][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:44][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:45][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:45][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:45][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:45][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:45][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:45][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:45][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:45][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:46][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:46][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:46][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:46][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:47][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:47][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:47][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:47][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:47][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:48][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:48][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:48][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:48][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:49][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:49][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:49][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:49][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:49][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:49][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:49][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:49][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:50][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:50][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:50][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:50][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:51][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:51][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:51][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:51][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:51][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:51][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:51][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:51][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:52][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:52][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:52][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:52][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:52][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:52][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:52][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:52][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:53][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:53][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:53][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:53][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:54][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:54][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:54][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:54][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:54][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:54][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:54][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:54][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:55][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:55][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:55][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:55][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:56][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:56][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:56][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:56][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:56][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:56][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:56][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:56][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:57][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:57][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:57][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:57][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:57][D][script.nextion_status:2682]: Nextion status:
[14:59:57][D][script.nextion_status:2684]: Is setup: False
[14:59:57][E][on_boot:076]: No response from Nextion display
[14:59:57][D][on_boot:078]: Finished
[14:59:58][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:58][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:58][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:58][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:58][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:58][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:58][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:58][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[14:59:59][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[14:59:59][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[14:59:59][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[14:59:59][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[15:00:00][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[15:00:00][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:00][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[15:00:00][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[15:00:00][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[15:00:00][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:00][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[15:00:00][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[15:00:01][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[15:00:01][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:01][W][component:214]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.11 s).
[15:00:01][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[15:00:01][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:02][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:02][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:03][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:04][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:04][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:05][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:05][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:06][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:06][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:07][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:07][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:08][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:08][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:09][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:09][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:10][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:10][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:11][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:12][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:12][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:13][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:13][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:14][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:14][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:15][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:15][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:16][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:16][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:17][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:17][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:18][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:19][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:19][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:20][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:20][D][sensor:094]: 'ntc_source': Sending state 1.64300 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
[15:00:20][D][resistance:039]: 'resistance_sensor' - Resistance 11105.4Ω
[15:00:20][D][sensor:094]: 'resistance_sensor': Sending state 11105.37207 Ω with 1 decimals of accuracy
[15:00:20][D][ntc:026]: 'livingroomnspanel Temperature' - Temperature: 22.7°C
[15:00:20][D][sensor:094]: 'livingroomnspanel Temperature': Sending state 22.65904 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[15:00:20][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:21][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:21][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:22][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:22][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:23][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:23][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:24][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:24][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:25][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:25][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:26][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:27][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:27][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:28][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:28][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:29][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:29][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:30][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:30][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:31][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:31][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:32][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:32][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:33][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:33][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:34][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:35][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:35][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:36][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:36][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:37][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:37][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:38][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:38][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:39][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:39][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:40][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:40][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:41][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:42][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:42][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:43][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:43][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:44][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:44][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:45][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:45][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:46][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:46][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:47][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:47][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:48][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:48][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:49][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:50][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:50][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:51][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:51][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:52][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:52][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:53][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
[15:00:53][W][nextion:077]: Nextion is not connected!
First a great thanks for the Blueprint…
I have the normal slider from the thermostat but it only "push"a new value to the CV in 0.5 c if the slider for example is set in 18.4 this value is not push to the wall thermostat, so i need steps in 0.5 C. any idea?
sorry!! my question was how to change time on the from Mauritius i don’t know which timezone should i use because Mauritius/port-louis not working! i can use dubai time but what timezone should i put? can i use time offset?