Sonoff NSPanel Blueprint - Configure your own custom NSPanel easy via a Blueprint

This is used by Alarm Control Panel when you have a pin code: (EN) Alarm Control Panel · Blackymas/NSPanel_HA_Blueprint Wiki · GitHub

As @makai said, you can enable it following those instructions.

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Thank you both!

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thank you for the blueprint, I got a panel for christmas and it really helped to get it up and running :slight_smile:
I was wondering it there’s a way to have the buttons resize either via blueprint or another way. Even something similar to this:

These are from a figma design from around here for the Pro Panel. I was mostly after the 3 (or even just 2) big buttons on touch screen as it would help usability in the home for guests and… older people :smiley:

Even with the default white HA button design!

Thx for this verry cool blueprint etc. After a few hours playing and trying its working.
But at the moment i googled en looked around to change the background, is there somebody who can lead me the right way to do this ?

Please take a look at this discussion: Issues · Blackymas/NSPanel_HA_Blueprint (

just one other question, i renamed this NS panel , and after that i did this i’ll get

ESPHome version: 4.1.4
[18:36:59][D][script.check_versions:2176]: TFT version: 4.1.4
[18:36:59][D][script.check_versions:2178]: Blueprint version: 
[18:36:59][E][script.check_versions:2179]: Blueprint version mismatch!
[18:36:59][D][script.check_versions:2187]: Framework: arduino
[18:36:59][D][script.check_versions:2188]: Baud rate: 115200
[18:37:04][D][text_sensor:064]: 'nspanel_hal_boven NSPanel event': Sending state '{"page": "boot", "event": "timeout", "value": 1, "version": "4.1.4", "display_mode": "1"}'
[18:37:04][E][text_sensor.disp1_nspanel_event:1452]: Starting
[18:37:04][E][text_sensor.disp1_nspanel_event:1460]: page: boot
[18:37:04][E][text_sensor.disp1_nspanel_event:1461]: component: null
[18:37:04][E][text_sensor.disp1_nspanel_event:1462]: value: 1
[18:37:04][E][text_sensor.disp1_nspanel_event:1463]: entity: 
[18:37:04][D][nextion_textsensor:014]: Processed text_sensor "nspanelevent" state "{"page": "boot", "event": "timeout", "value": 1, "version": "4.1.4", "display_mode": "1"}"
[18:37:30][D][sensor:094]: 'ntc_source': Sending state 1.67400 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
[18:37:30][D][resistance:039]: 'resistance_sensor' - Resistance 11530.6Ω
[18:37:30][D][sensor:094]: 'resistance_sensor': Sending state 11530.62793 Ω with 1 decimals of accuracy
[18:37:30][D][ntc:026]: 'nspanel_hal_boven Temperature' - Temperature: 21.8°C
[18:37:30][D][sensor:094]: 'nspanel_hal_boven Temperature': Sending state 21.82893 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[18:38:10][D][text_sensor:064]: 'nspanel_hal_boven NSPanel event': Sending state '{"page": "boot", "event": "timeout", "value": 2, "version": "4.1.4", "display_mode": "1"}'
[18:38:10][E][text_sensor.disp1_nspanel_event:1452]: Starting
[18:38:10][E][text_sensor.disp1_nspanel_event:1460]: page: boot
[18:38:10][E][text_sensor.disp1_nspanel_event:1461]: component: null
[18:38:10][E][text_sensor.disp1_nspanel_event:1462]: value: 2
[18:38:10][E][text_sensor.disp1_nspanel_event:1463]: entity: 
[18:38:10][D][nextion_textsensor:014]: Processed text_sensor "nspanelevent" state "{"page": "boot", "event": "timeout", "value": 2, "version": "4.1.4", "display_mode": "1"}"
[18:38:30][D][sensor:094]: 'ntc_source': Sending state 1.67100 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
[18:38:30][D][resistance:039]: 'resistance_sensor' - Resistance 11488.8Ω
[18:38:30][D][sensor:094]: 'resistance_sensor': Sending state 11488.76660 Ω with 1 decimals of accuracy
[18:38:30][D][ntc:026]: 'nspanel_hal_boven Temperature' - Temperature: 21.9°C
[18:38:30][D][sensor:094]: 'nspanel_hal_boven Temperature': Sending state 21.90907 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy

I tried to delete the blueprint i made before and make a new one by selecting the new / correct NSPanel device, but still the same.
What to do next

some extra info, i tried to rename the NSpanel by changing the

  device_name: nspanel_hal_boven


  device_name: nspanel

I am relatively new to HA. I bought NSpanel pre-flashed with Tasmota. Then, via the tasmota console I installed NsPanel Lovelace UI - it works well, but it is not as good and amazing as your version. I read the entire discussion, but didn’t find answers for my 2 questions which are very important to take decision to go with your software. Please help with answers for the next questions:

  1. Can I flash the NSpanel via Wifi without using USB to TTL adapter? As I said, it is already with Tasmota. I know there is intermediate step with empty file uploading because of the NsPanel Lovelace UI, but after that can I use Tasmota console or ESPHome Wifi installation for installing your blueprint? Any guidance would help.
  2. After the initial setup of the NSpanel with the blueprint, how can I easily personalise and modify the content - screens, buttons, etc? Does it require the USB adapter every time or is there easier way for doing modifications?
    Thank you in advance for the help!

On Home Assistant, go to Settings > Devices & Services > ESPHome and Remove/Delete the entry related to your panel.
Then restart Home Assistant (to make sure everything was cleaned-up), and go back to that page and add your device again (by using it’s hostname or IP if not automatically discovered).
Then go back to the automation where you set the blueprint and make sure the right device is selected.
That should solve the issue.

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You can, but you probably shouldn’t, as Tasmota may have a different partitioning when compared to ESPHome and that might cause some issues when rebooting.
You can try uploading via OTA first and if it is working fine, you probably can live with that, but if you find some strange behavior like your panel alternating between ESPHome and Tasmota between the boots, that might indicate an issue with the partitioning. When that happens you can chose between returning to Tasmota of flashing ESPHome via serial. Both options should solve that issue.
One tip if you wanna give that try is to disable OTA password from ESPHome before installing it, so it will be easier to flash it back to Tasmota via OTA later, if you decide to revert back.
In order to disable OTA password, add this to your panel’s yaml when creating it’s settings in ESPHome dashboard:

  password: ""
  id: my_ota

This can be added to the My customization* section on your yaml.

Basically, it is easier to upload any TFT file from this project if you can still use the tools from Tasmota to upload TFT, as they use a different communication protocol. Once you upload any of the TFT from this project, then the protocol we support will be installed and you will be able to upload other TFTs with both systems. :wink:
If you forget this step and installs ESPHome before uploading the TFT, don’t worry, just try the normal upload process and if that fails ask for help and I will be happy to support from there.

Most of the settings, like buttons, pages, the UI in general, are under the Blueprint. You can even try that before setting up ESPHome in your panel - just import the Blueprint to Home Assistant, go to the Blueprint list and start adding an automation. You can even save the automation, but as no panel is available yet, it won’t do anything, but you will be able to see how to set it up.
Some settings like wake-up page, sleep time, etc. are under the device page and you won’t be able to try that until you flash ESPHome in your panel.

No. All the settings are always sent wirelessly using ESPHome APIs.
The only situation we recommend serial flash is when changing between frameworks, as they use different partition tables, as I’ve mentioned earlier.

By the way, I’m way more present in GitHub than here, so if you have issue I will be faster to answer if you register it there. :wink:
This is the link: Issues · Blackymas/NSPanel_HA_Blueprint (

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Hi there, I am quite new to Home Assistant so apologies if this question is basic.

I have successfully flashed an NSPanel with the blueprint from blackymas…
…or at least the ESPHome web upload process completed successfully.

I then am trying to power up the NSPanel and it isn’t coming on. I have tried the mains and using Dupont pins and connecting up 5V and Ground via an FT232. Pressing and holding the NSPanel buttons for 5+ seconds doesn’t work.

Perhaps foolishly I didn’t attempt to power up the panel before I did the flash so I guess it is possible the screen parts of the board have always been faulty (even though the flash worked).

Is there anything obvious that I have missed? What should I try next?

A few pointers would be much appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m having this exact same issue with light controlled by shelly relays and it does not make any sense. Can anyone please help?

v4.2: Beta Testing Invitation

Hello NSPanel Community,

We’re delighted to announce that version 4.2 of NSPanel HA Blueprint is ready for beta testing. This update introduces a series of enhancements and new features to enrich your NSPanel experience.

We invite you to participate in the beta testing, ideally on a non-production panel. Your feedback is crucial in identifying any potential issues and ensuring the stability of this release.

What’s New in v4.2:

  • UI improvements, including additional custom buttons on the Home page and standardized entity icons.
  • Introduction of features like multiple Alarm Control Panels support, dual thermostat controller support (add-on), and enhanced TFT transfer.
  • Important updates such as the reversion to “Toggle” for automation entities and setting ESPHome v2023.12.0 as the minimum required version.

For a detailed overview of all changes, including breaking changes, please visit the Release Notes.

How to Join the Beta Testing:
All necessary files and instructions for the beta version are available in the beta branch of our repository. Click here for direct access.

We Value Your Input:

  • If you encounter any issues during beta testing, please report them on our Issues page. Your reports are crucial for identifying and addressing problems effectively.
  • If you’re able to contribute fixes or improvements, feel free to create a Pull Request in the dev branch. We greatly appreciate contributions from our community.
  • For new feature ideas or enhancements, create a “Feature Request”. Your suggestions are valuable for shaping future releases.
  • For discussions about this beta test, join the discussion on GitHub.

Every piece of feedback matters, from typos in the documentation to minor bugs. Let us know if everything looks good or if there are areas that need attention.

Thank you for your continued support and contribution to making NSPanel HA Blueprint a success. Your involvement is key to improving each version.

Happy testing, and we look forward to your valuable feedback!


Hey @5JH, do you mind creating an issue on GitHub? That will make it easier to support you.

This is the link: New Issue · Blackymas/NSPanel_HA_Blueprint (

Hey @crls, do you mind creating an issue on GitHub? That will make it easier to support you.

This is the link: New Issue · Blackymas/NSPanel_HA_Blueprint (

Someone already did (as a feature request). I have added my comments to that one:

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Release v4.2 - Multi-Alarm Control, Dual Thermostat Functionality, and More · Blackymas/NSPanel_HA_Blueprint (


So, my next big goal is this:

“Simplifying User Experience for NSPanel Firmware”

Please come with your ideas to our discussion on GitHub: Simplifying User Experience for NSPanel Firmware

Hi all, I love this project, thank you and well done to everyone involved. I have 11 panels and really loving it. I have found in the last couple of versions that it is taking a very long time or failing to update tft (first 45% takes about 2 minutes but then crawls to 100% over the next 2 hours ish). My question is a simple one and may or may not be related: Is there a specific order that updates should be completed in ie: ESPHome, TFT, Blueprint ?
The above order is what I have always done but wonder if it should be different?

Not really. I thi nk in most of the cases the update is triggered by an update on ESPHome compiler, which happens once a month and starting showing the update message in Home Assistant, so when users try to update that, it will connect to our repo and will get the latest version, triggering the upload flow. As I believe it starts from ESPHome in most of the times I try to do the same here (to increase my chances to view things others my face).
So, in my casem I ususaly do ESPHome, then TFT and then Blueprint but, knowing the system from the details, I don’t think this order will make any difference.

Thanks for the quick response. I’ll take a look see if I can work out why the upload is taking so long