Sonoff NSPanel Blueprint - Configure your own custom NSPanel easy via a Blueprint

Yes it is possible.
Those screens are just dumb devices managed bij 1 ha instance.
Most ga instances do not have a screen. You can have one big screen. But before spending a lot of money on devices. I would suggest start with one and if you know what it does decide if you need more.


This is a know bug, which was already fixed in dev and will be released very soon.

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Maybe this is your issue:

I cannot answer more questions here until someone else publishes something. :weary:

v4.3.1 - Ensuring Compatibility with ESPHome v2024.3.0 and Enhancing Stability · Blackymas/NSPanel_HA_Blueprint

Patch v4.3.1 focuses primarily on ensuring full compatibility with the latest ESPHome v2024.3.0 IP address format changes, crucial for the smooth compilation and operation of the NSPanel project. This timely update addresses critical compatibility issues, alongside implementing key bug fixes and optimizations. It underscores our ongoing commitment to enhancing stability and ensuring a reliable experience for all NSPanel users, keeping pace with the evolving ESPHome ecosystem.

v4.3.1 - Ensuring Compatibility with ESPHome v2024.3.0 and Enhancing Stability · Blackymas/NSPanel_HA_Blueprint

I’m curious about the IP address change that you mention in the change log. I didn’t see anything about that in the ESPhome breaking changes. I take it this is a backend thing that isn’t seen by us with the YAML config?

They don’t call “breaking change” when it isn’t changing the way you have to set via yaml. When you write code in lambdas, you are in your own. We do have probably thousands of lines of code there, and one of those lines was isung a function that was changed. So, it was a change, breaking our solution.

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Thanks for advising, it’s working perfectly now, but I just got another issue. If I type in Chinese in the label area, a bunch of characters cannot be properly displayed. For example, “床头灯” only shows “头灯”, and “衣帽间” only shows “间”.

Anyway, this blueprint is awesome! Great job!

Hi guys, congrats for this proyect.

Ive been using nspanel flawless for a month. I am trying now to change the password of my wifi. Is there any option? I try to update it via secrets in esphome but it says password is incorrect.

Thank you very much

Please take a look at this: NSPanel_HA_Blueprint/docs/ at e263047b157822f8018c42e583a9d5f0b2ba5ab4 · Blackymas/NSPanel_HA_Blueprint · GitHub

On your device’s page (Settings > Devices and Services > ESPHome), which value is shown for “Display charset” in the Diagnostic area?

It shows number 1


why after hardware reboot (power off → power on) the version of esphome aways rollback to prev version
after fw a new version ok, after hardware reboot again - old version and stuck on boot screen

thank you!

hello i can’t update the TFT from v 4.2.5 to the newer version .how can i fix it please
and yes i did clean build files…

In the drop down “Update TFT display - Model” above, please change from “NSPanel US” to “NSPanel US (CJK languages)”, then press “Update TFT display” to update your screen with the file supporting Chinese, Japanese and Korean (CJK) charset.

Could you please share your ESPHome logs from when you press the upload button to the moment your panel restarts (and a few seconds after that)?

If possible, please create a bug report in GitHub with this info. It’s much easier there. :smiley:

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OMG finally i fixed it after 3 hours.but now it’s working great .my mistake was the Update TFT display - Baud rate was at 921600 i changed it to 115200.okay thank you so much.

921600bps shouldn’t be an issue. That is the baud rate to be used when transferring TFT and it’s OK that you use something different than 115200bps.
I will investigate that.

I can’t believe I missed this option. Fantastic, it’s working perfectly now. You’re a superhero.

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