Sonoff NSPanel Blueprint - Configure your own custom NSPanel easy via a Blueprint

oh i thought the problem was 921600bps.i think it was the (Update TFT display -
Use nextion_update_url).

i changed the Update TFT display to (NSPanel EU).i saw some screenshot i think this was my mistake.sorry about that.

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I had updated my NS Panels over a week ago to 4.3.1 and everything is working great, then just today got this message pop up in HA.


Had the same issue, just reflash it using the serial connection then it should be fine

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Hi guys, we bought a house and I would like to install Sonoff NSPanels in 6-8 rooms because I want to expand the electrical system in some areas.

Now I have two questions:

Will it still work if I buy some from Aliexpress or are there now restrictions or hardware modifications that make it impossible to use it with Home Assistant?

And if so, maybe someone could send me a link that will definitely still work.

Thank you very much.

So maybe I have ran into a bug or something unique. My NSPanel is configured, but the blueprint itself seems to only have the default config (i.e. not any custom config retained).
I have now updated the firmware, the TFT and the Blueprint to 4.3.1, and interestingly the NSPanel config itself seems to have “jumped back” a version i.e. some of the config I remember doing is no longer in effect on the panel, but it is mostly still configured. However, the Blueprint on Home Assistant is still (again?) fully the default config.

What am I missing / how do I debug what is happening?

It is one thing to re-configure everything again, but I am also worried the same thing would happen again.

thanks for this easy way to use the NSPanel.

Yet, I’m missing some “flexibility” and I’m not sure if I just miss the how-to or if it should be put on the to-do stack :wink:

  1. The length of the Entity Text on the home page is very limited. For example I’d like to show “Window Open” and Window Closed" but as I’m limited to 10 characters this won’t work.
  2. I’d like to show dynamic Info on the Homepage. If a timer is running, I want to show the remaining time and if it’s not running the entity should be empty. But if an entity was once filled with some text I cannot clear it anymore it will always show the last text even if the entity contains an emtpy string. Actually I have to restart the panel to clear the text, even after updating the blueprint.
  3. I can’t get the entity icon to disappear, even when using mdi:void.

Example to (2):
I created a template helper (sensor):

{% if is_state('binary_sensor.isteinfensteroffen', 'on') %}
{{ (now().timestamp() - as_timestamp(states.binary_sensor.isteinfensteroffen.last_changed) ) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M', False)}}
{% else %}
{%endif %}

It shows either an empty String or the time the window is open.
If the rsulting sensor is then added as an entity to the homepage the behaviour above happens. It correctly shows the time but if the windows are closed, the last time will not clear.

BTW, this works nicely with labels on the button pages. There I don’t even need the helpers…

Do I miss something?

Release v4.3.2 - Enhancements and Critical Fixes for a Seamless Experience · Blackymas/NSPanel_HA_Blueprint (

Do you mind reporting this as a bug in GitHub?
This is the link: New Issue · Blackymas/NSPanel_HA_Blueprint (

I created two bugs and one enhancement proposal:

Looking forward to your solutions :wink:

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v4.3.3 - Enhancing Flexibility and User Experience

With the v4.3.3 update, we’re focused on refining the NSPanel’s usability and customization capabilities, addressing user feedback to enhance the intuitive interaction with the panel.
From streamlining light entity controls to expanding text length for entities on the home page, each change is aimed at improving the user experience.
This patch also introduces experimental features, such as prebuilt firmware updates and PSRAM use, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with NSPanel,
while also ensuring a smoother, more reliable interface across different languages and configurations.

All done! :wink:

v4.3.4 - Urgent Fix for Home Screen Interaction

This patch release addresses a critical issue from the v4.3.3 update that affected the touch functionality on the Home screen, specifically impacting the ability to navigate to the climate page.

Critical Touch Interaction Bug Fixed (#2040)

  • Criticality: Critical
  • Affected Components: Blueprint
  • Issue Number: #2040
  • Description: Fixed an issue where users were unable to navigate to the climate control page by touching the temperature display on the Home screen. This bug was inadvertently introduced in the v4.3.3 update and has been promptly resolved to restore full functionality. Users can now interact with the temperature display as intended, facilitating seamless access to the climate controls.

This update is essential for ensuring that the NSPanel functions correctly, maintaining the quality and reliability expected by our users. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your continued support.

I had no idea the NS Panel had PSRAM, and 16MB at that! I guess this should mean we might be able to add onboard wake word / voice assistant stuff with the addition of a microphone…? Or are we too close to running out of normal memory space for the main firmware file?

16Mbits, so 2MBytes. :wink:
We are quite close to the needed to boot, but I think it worth a try. Not all components will take advantage of the external memory, I’m not sure about wake word, etc.
My plan is to work next on adapting the Nextion component to take advantage of psram when available, and will change some of the existing code also, so that may free up abit more of regular (internal) RAM. Then soon flash will become the bottle neck.

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I have an error in my blueprint since the update. Tried to fix it in the yaml file of the blueprint but the error keeps occuring. Any has a solution for it? I have the blueprint 4.3.4.


Please update your panel with ESPHome to v4.3.4.

Thanks a lot for your continues work!

I have enabled the climate (heat) component and I can see it in Home Assistant and it is working as expected but on the device itself it is not showing. I added the following to my config:

  ## addon_climate ##
  heater_relay: "2"  # Possible values: "1" or "2"
  temp_min: "15" 
  temp_max: "22" 
  temp_step: "0.1"
  cold_tolerance: "0.1"
  hot_tolerance: "0.1"

  ##### CHANGE ME END #####
    ref: main
      - nspanel_esphome.yaml # Basic package
      # Optional advanced and add-on configurations
      # - esphome/nspanel_esphome_advanced.yaml
      # - nspanel_esphome_addon_climate_cool.yaml
      - nspanel_esphome_addon_climate_heat.yaml
      # - nspanel_esphome_addon_climate_dual.yaml
    refresh: 300s

  - id: !extend thermostat_embedded
    default_preset: "Home"
      temperature_step: ${temp_step}
      - name: "Off"
        default_target_temperature_low: ${temp_min} ${temp_units}
        mode: "off"
      - name: Home
        default_target_temperature_low: 20 ${temp_units}
        mode: "heat"
      - name: Away
        default_target_temperature_low: 17 ${temp_units}
        mode: "heat"
      - name: Sleep
        default_target_temperature_low: 18 ${temp_units}
        mode: "heat"

But the climate page is not showing. I tried adding it as an entity and button but neither of those bring up the controls for the thermostat. The logs show no errors and I can see the thermostat being loaded correctly.

Apologies if I missed a step in the documentation but I think the config I pasted is all that is required?

If you add button with climate entity defined in blueprint (on the buttons page), then long-press on climate button doesn’t open climate page?

Hi Edward,

Updateing to latest ESP home did the trick. Thanks!