Sonoff smart water meter and ZHA

After pairing and using the SLZB-06, ZHA picks up the device but fails to do anything with it. It managed to add it as a device once but without any way to control it. I saw this post about waking up during this process but that doesn’t work either.

The process is permanently stuck on the Configuring process and the light on the pump goes out. Even pressing it every time it goes out does nothing. Leaving it to see if ZHA configures it does nothing.

There aren’t any errors, just no progress beyond Configuring.

Not sure it is supported in ZHA yet? [Device Support Request] Sonoff SWV-BSP Smart Water Valve · Issue #3298 · zigpy/zha-device-handlers · GitHub

gave up trying to use ZHA, deleted it and switched to MQTT Broker and Zigbee2MQTT and it works.