Sonoff SWV water valve

Just picked up two of these Sonoff SWV and would like to automate daily watering of my gardens. Using the Blackshome blueprint to automate switch on/off doesn’t seem to be working and no other blueprints seem to have the options I’m looking for (particularly scheduling by capacity). Literally just hooked these up but taking the lazy route and seeing if anyone has already implemented a solution that doesn’t rely on the eWeLink app as I want local control.

Do you know what the blueprint requires and why your valve does not satisfy that requirement? You might very well be able to use a template to convert your entity to something the blueprint does like.

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I can’t figure out why the blueprint won’t run and not worth pursuing atm. I just built simple automations to trigger at specific times on certain days, run for an hour, then send me a state notification. I’ll revisit once I finish building a rain gauge to monitor the weather and enable/disable the valves as warranted.

If you change your mind, let me now if you need help.

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I’ve just added mine to HA using the standard Z2M methods, nothing fancy, however I have noticed that the timing within automations can be off.

For example I set one on for 120 minutes but it stopped after 80mins. Another I turned on and left on (its powering a misting cooling system) and it seems to auto turn off after 30 mins. I’m simply turning on or off using the entity Z2M creates - its a bit odd!

Are mine the only ones to be doing this?

I set up my automations in a similar way but each runs for 60 minutes at specific times. I’ve seen them start and run but unsure how to check on the actual duration (nothing in traces). I have them disabled currently as we’ve had days of rain.

I just added a SWV this morn and can confirm that It turned off after 29min and 56 secs - maybe because there was no water going through it?

same here.

I’ve reported the issue to Sonoff Customer support, but they are not yet aware of the issue.

In my automation I have a time delay which is the programmatically caluclated watering time. I can see that the state switch is turning off before this delay has been completed.

I can also see that with some cooling misters I have set up that when i turn them on (just using the state switch) that it auto ‘turns off’ after 30 mins. HA reflects the state accuratelly so thats how I can see (+ i can see the misting stopping every 30 mins!)

I wondered about this also.

That functionality is fine for applications that use lots of water, but for those that dont, i.e. leaky pipe irrigation systems it’s totally useless!

When you set up the auto turn-off, did you do it through HA → automations, then created essentially a script to turn off if it has been on for a certain length of time?

I’m hoping to find a way to use cyclic_timed_irrigation.

Reason is - HA has to know to turn it off. I had one occasion where my computer running HA crashed while the SWV was on - needless to say, it did not turn off after the specified time, but kept flowing for a couple hours before I rememberd to check. Don’t want to repeat that circumstanca again.

Has anyone else had issues with leaking? I just got mine today and tried to hook it up to my sprinkler, but the swivel point on the upstream end of the device just sprays out water. Curious to know if anyone else saw this or if I got a dud.

Not yet, both of mine have been connected for two weeks and so far no leaks. Did the hose washer fall out (just checking the simple things first) or is it past that point where the swivel meets the body?

Turns out it was user error (surprise!). I had tightened the SWV as tightly as I could and water was leaking out where the swivel meets the body. I tested in a different spot and realized I needed to tighten further so I cleaned off the spigot I was using and was able to get it on tight enough.

There must be a washer or something that is compressed at the swivel point once tightened to a certain degree. Hopefully I don’t have any issues after this!

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This looks very similar to the GiEX zigbee watering valves - there seems to be a number of these rebranded. I’m guessing there is a duration that is set as a default, and it will automatically stop at that time (i.e. 30 minutes). The GiEX valves had this same behaviour, but you can set the duration/capacity to zero, which means it will run infinitely (picture is using z2m).

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