Sonoff US/AU T1 Mounting Fitting Loose

After a couple of weeks of bench testing all my light switches and other automation product I have everything configured and working.

I went to install the T1 Light switch but the mount is very loose and the connection to the wall is very sub standard.

Has anyone fitted one of these in Australia? if so did you get a good fit and how.



What does this have to do with homeassistant? This is not the sonoff hardware forum.

This is the hardware part of the forum. I believe this fits in those terms?

From the header of the forum:

The hardware category is for discussions about hardware devices. For example, you could talk here about whether WeMo switches are good,

Can you post a photo?

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Hard to show in pictures but this video show what I’m talking about. (Start at 5:15)

So from the video you knew it was a sketchy mount…

No found this after, unfortunately.

You’ll need to get something made or design something… maybe you can drill holes and use standard screws to the bracket - that would be secure I guess.

@benmprojects, I don’t have a T1, but I have watched the Youtube that you had linked.

I would recommend that you ask DrZzs. He normally has an open web cast at least once a week that you can join in on. He is also very good about answering emailed questions.

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Thanks mate, will do.

The problem comes with the 4 plastic clips that attach to the external screwed plate, they need more deep space. If the aperture in the plaster is just to fit the rear block then the panel won’t clip. What I did was just press through those holes with a small screwdriver to make more space for the clips, this is in case the material is plasterboard.

Also there is the panel gap( that shows the video) which is not so bad, but it would be better if it was completely touching the wall. I am still thinking to make a 3D printing frame to fill the gap.

Note these switches do not have Australian certification … Therefore not legal …

I have got it to work quit nicely and much safer. Ill send some pic through tomorrow.

Are you in Aus?

Yes I am. There is also the problem if you use the plaster clip metal brackets that hold the mount screws, the clips that hold into the plaster on the outside press against the sonoff mount bracket, sort of bending it. In one i carved the plastic mount, on another i carved the plasterboard.

Send some pictures to see your solution.

This is what the finished product looks like. Installed in my garage. I will get other photos uploaded soon

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Is it using the t1 mounting bracket ?

Grind off the outer lip on the clip then drill out front box for screw to go throught then glue the front to the back then clamp until dry

This is how they should have been designed from factory. Only thing left to do is pot the 240v board.