Sonoff zigbee wireless Bridge Mqtt help please

Hello. I have sonoff zigbee wireless Bridge. I use it with home Assistant with Tasmato flash. I connect and receive information with(websocket) Zha integration. But I want to get information of zigbee devices with Mqtt. I couldn’t find a guide on the web that shows the full path. With the partial docs I found, I think I’m doing the configurations wrong and I can’t connect. Can you please help?

My honest opinion is to bin the Sonoff ZBridge and buy a USB coordinator as the wireless communication will only cause you problems. I had one, flashed it in two stages was Tasmota, tried to use it, and eventually hit it with a hammer - not joking! :boom: :hammer:

The WLAN communications protocol is very unreliable, and WILL fail, requiring a hard reboot. Every. Single. Day. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

The best use for a ZBridge is to reflash it as a a Zigbee repeater.

Ironically, the ITead SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB is rather good with excellent range. It should work immediately as plug-and-play with HASSOS.

If this helps, :heart: this post!