Spotcast - custom component to start playback on an idle chromecast device

Whenever a custom component has an issue, it’s worth checking on Github to see if it’s been reported, and follow the discussion there:

It’s pointless just adding ‘me too’ posts to clutter up this thread. And if you do go on Github, please just give a thumbs up to bug report unless you have something substantial to add.

For what it’s worth, the creator of the component is aware of the issues, but has quite understandably stated that other commitments prevent him from addressing them currently.


This fixed my issue. There are other fixes I didn’t try.

Cut and paste over the existing files in the custom components folder:

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The creator is very absent here too i think, its been long since he replied here… no offence though
Private life is more important

You uninstalled fondbergs version then? and installed this one?
What exactly did you cut and paste?

No, I overwrote the files from the HACS install with the new files in this repository. There is one new one, and all the existing ones.

from the github beta issue:

fondberg commented 4 days ago

Hello everybody.

Open source is great and free which in the case of just one person going the work (me) can lead to situations where during periods of sick leave or pressing matters elsewhere (work) thiings piles up.

I would urge you to put efforts into trying to help out by fixing things through pull requests rather than say something is broken several times and come up with arbitrary non version controlled patches.

I too noticed this is broken and if no one chips in i will try and fix it when i have time


You copied the .vscode folder too?

Probalaly not the best way, but thisis how I do it:

I use the visual studio addon.

open the file in github using the browser, select raw mode, ctrl-a, ctrl-c, switch to HA VS studio, edit the file, ctrl-a, ctrl-v

for new files, right click the folder, create new file, and type in the filenamme. Repeat as above.

check configuration (should show clear) then restart server.

sorry, I’m not good at explaining.

only copy the custom_components/spotcast directory from github to your HA .config/custom_components/spotcast directory

Worked ! thx mate !

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If you had the issue a few days ago where you’d get the error " Failed to get device id from spotify"

The modifications from Raman didn’t take into account the hotfix made by Provinzio for that, so I have taken the liberty to add it back.

Solved the issue on my install.

This is to be pasted in the file in the custom_components/spotcast folder :

import asyncio
from datetime import datetime
from functools import wraps, partial
import logging
import random
import time

from pychromecast import Chromecast

import spotipy
import voluptuous as vol

from homeassistant.components import websocket_api
from homeassistant.components.cast.helpers import ChromeCastZeroconf
from homeassistant.core import callback
from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv
from homeassistant.helpers.entity_registry import async_get

from .helpers import get_spotcast_chromecasts

__VERSION__ = "3.4.7"
DOMAIN = "spotcast"

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CONF_SPOTIFY_DEVICE_ID = "spotify_device_id"
CONF_DEVICE_NAME = "device_name"
CONF_ENTITY_ID = "entity_id"
CONF_ACCOUNTS = "accounts"
CONF_FORCE_PLAYBACK = "force_playback"
CONF_RANDOM = "random_song"
CONF_REPEAT = "repeat"
CONF_SHUFFLE = "shuffle"
CONF_OFFSET = "offset"
CONF_SP_DC = "sp_dc"
CONF_SP_KEY = "sp_key"
CONF_START_VOL = "start_volume"

WS_TYPE_SPOTCAST_PLAYLISTS = "spotcast/playlists"

        vol.Required("type"): WS_TYPE_SPOTCAST_PLAYLISTS,
        vol.Required("playlist_type"): str,
        vol.Optional("limit"): int,
        vol.Optional("country_code"): str,
        vol.Optional("locale"): str,
        vol.Optional("account"): str,

WS_TYPE_SPOTCAST_DEVICES = "spotcast/devices"
    {vol.Required("type"): WS_TYPE_SPOTCAST_DEVICES, vol.Optional("account"): str,}

WS_TYPE_SPOTCAST_PLAYER = "spotcast/player"
    {vol.Required("type"): WS_TYPE_SPOTCAST_PLAYER, vol.Optional("account"): str,}

WS_TYPE_SPOTCAST_ACCOUNTS = "spotcast/accounts"
    {vol.Required("type"): WS_TYPE_SPOTCAST_ACCOUNTS,}

WS_TYPE_SPOTCAST_CASTDEVICES = "spotcast/castdevices"
    {vol.Required("type"): WS_TYPE_SPOTCAST_CASTDEVICES,}

        vol.Optional(CONF_DEVICE_NAME): cv.string,
        vol.Optional(CONF_SPOTIFY_DEVICE_ID): cv.string,
        vol.Optional(CONF_ENTITY_ID): cv.string,
        vol.Optional(CONF_SPOTIFY_URI): cv.string,
        vol.Optional(CONF_SPOTIFY_ACCOUNT): cv.string,
        vol.Optional(CONF_FORCE_PLAYBACK, default=False): cv.boolean,
        vol.Optional(CONF_RANDOM, default=False): cv.boolean,
        vol.Optional(CONF_REPEAT, default="off"): cv.string,
        vol.Optional(CONF_SHUFFLE, default=False): cv.boolean,
        vol.Optional(CONF_OFFSET, default=0): cv.string,
        vol.Optional(CONF_START_VOL, default=101): cv.positive_int,

    {vol.Required(CONF_SP_DC): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_SP_KEY): cv.string,}

CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema(
        DOMAIN: vol.Schema(
                vol.Required(CONF_SP_DC): cv.string,
                vol.Required(CONF_SP_KEY): cv.string,
                vol.Optional(CONF_ACCOUNTS): cv.schema_with_slug_keys(ACCOUNTS_SCHEMA),

# Async wrap sync function
def async_wrap(func):
    async def run(*args, loop=None, executor=None, **kwargs):
        if loop is None:
            loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        pfunc = partial(func, *args, **kwargs)
        return await loop.run_in_executor(executor, pfunc)

    return run

def setup(hass, config):
    """Setup the Spotcast service."""
    conf = config[DOMAIN]

    sp_dc = conf[CONF_SP_DC]
    sp_key = conf[CONF_SP_KEY]
    accounts = conf.get(CONF_ACCOUNTS)
    spotifyTokenInstances = {}

    def get_token_instance(account=None):
        """ Get token instance for account """
        if account is None or account == "default":
            account = "default"
            dc = sp_dc
            key = sp_key
            dc = accounts.get(account).get(CONF_SP_DC)
            key = accounts.get(account).get(CONF_SP_KEY)

        _LOGGER.debug("setting up with  account %s", account)
        if account not in spotifyTokenInstances:
            spotifyTokenInstances[account] = SpotifyToken(dc, key)
        return spotifyTokenInstances[account]

    def websocket_handle_playlists(hass, connection, msg):
        def get_playlist():
            """Handle to get playlist"""
            playlistType = msg.get("playlist_type")
            countryCode = msg.get("country_code")
            locale = msg.get("locale", "en")
            limit = msg.get("limit", 10)
            account = msg.get("account", None)

            _LOGGER.debug("websocket_handle_playlists msg: %s", msg)

            client = spotipy.Spotify(auth=get_token_instance(account).access_token)
            resp = {}

            if playlistType == "discover-weekly":
                resp = client._get(
                resp = resp.get("content")
            elif playlistType == "featured":
                resp = client.featured_playlists(
                    locale=locale, country=countryCode,'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), limit=limit, offset=0
                resp = resp.get("playlists")
                resp = client.current_user_playlists(limit=limit)

            connection.send_message(websocket_api.result_message(msg["id"], resp))


    def websocket_handle_devices(hass, connection, msg):
        def get_devices():
            """Handle to get devices"""
            account = msg.get("account", None)
            _LOGGER.debug("websocket_handle_devices msg: %s", msg)
            client = spotipy.Spotify(auth=get_token_instance(account).access_token)
            resp = client.devices()
            connection.send_message(websocket_api.result_message(msg["id"], resp))


    def websocket_handle_player(hass, connection, msg):
        def get_player():
            """Handle to get player"""
            account = msg.get("account", None)
            _LOGGER.debug("websocket_handle_player msg: %s", msg)
            client = spotipy.Spotify(auth=get_token_instance(account).access_token)
            resp = client._get("me/player")
            connection.send_message(websocket_api.result_message(msg["id"], resp))


    def websocket_handle_accounts(hass, connection, msg):
        """Handle to get accounts"""
        _LOGGER.debug("websocket_handle_accounts msg: %s", msg)
        resp = list(accounts.keys()) if accounts is not None else []
        connection.send_message(websocket_api.result_message(msg["id"], resp))

    def websocket_handle_castdevices(hass, connection, msg):
        """Handle to get cast devices for debug purposes"""
        _LOGGER.debug("websocket_handle_castdevices msg: %s", msg)
        resp = [
                "port": k.socket_client.port,
                "uuid": str(k.uuid),
                "model_name": k.model_name,
                "friendly_name": k.device.friendly_name,
            for k in get_spotcast_chromecasts(async_get(hass))

        connection.send_message(websocket_api.result_message(msg["id"], resp))

    def play(client, spotify_device_id, uri, random_song, repeat, shuffle, position):
            "Version: %s, playing URI: %s on device-id: %s", __VERSION__, uri, spotify_device_id
        if uri.find("track") > 0:
            _LOGGER.debug("Playing track using uris= for uri: %s", uri)
            client.start_playback(device_id=spotify_device_id, uris=[uri])
            if uri == "random":
                _LOGGER.debug("Cool, you found the easter egg with playing a random playlist")
                playlists = client.user_playlists("me", 50)
                no_playlists = len(playlists["items"])
                uri = playlists["items"][random.randint(0, no_playlists - 1)]["uri"]
            kwargs = {"device_id": spotify_device_id, "context_uri": uri}

            if random_song:
                if uri.find("album") > 0:
                    results = client.album_tracks(uri)
                    position = random.randint(0, results["total"] - 1)
                elif uri.find("playlist") > 0:
                    results = client.playlist_tracks(uri)
                    position = random.randint(0, results["total"] - 1)
                _LOGGER.debug("Start playback at random position: %s", position)
            if uri.find("artist") < 1:
                kwargs["offset"] = {"position": position}
                'Playing context uri using context_uri for uri: "%s" (random_song: %s)',

    def getSpotifyConnectDeviceId(client, device_name):
        devices_available = client.devices()
        for device in devices_available["devices"]:
            if device["name"] == device_name:
                return device["id"]
        return None

    def start_casting(call):
        """service called."""
        uri =
        random_song =, False)
        repeat =
        shuffle =
        start_volume =
        spotify_device_id =
        position =
        force_playback =
        account =

        # login as real browser to get powerful token
        access_token, expires = get_token_instance(account).get_spotify_token()

        # get the spotify web api client
        client = spotipy.Spotify(auth=access_token)

        # first, rely on spotify id given in config
        if not spotify_device_id:
            # if not present, check if there's a spotify connect device with that name
            spotify_device_id = getSpotifyConnectDeviceId(client,
        if not spotify_device_id:
            # if still no id available, check cast devices and launch the app on chromecast
            spotify_cast_device = SpotifyCastDevice(
            spotify_cast_device.startSpotifyController(access_token, expires)
            spotify_device_id = spotify_cast_device.getSpotifyDeviceId(client)

        if uri is None or uri.strip() == "":
            _LOGGER.debug("Transfering playback")
            current_playback = client.current_playback()
            if current_playback is not None:
                _LOGGER.debug("Current_playback from spotify: %s", current_playback)
                force_playback = True
            _LOGGER.debug("Force playback: %s", force_playback)
            client.transfer_playback(device_id=spotify_device_id, force_play=force_playback)
            play(client, spotify_device_id, uri, random_song, repeat, shuffle, position)
        if shuffle or repeat or start_volume <= 100:
            if start_volume <= 100:
                _LOGGER.debug("Setting volume to %d", start_volume)
                client.volume(volume_percent=start_volume, device_id=spotify_device_id)
            if shuffle:
                _LOGGER.debug("Turning shuffle on")
                client.shuffle(state=shuffle, device_id=spotify_device_id)
            if repeat:
                _LOGGER.debug("Turning repeat on")
                client.repeat(state=repeat, device_id=spotify_device_id)

    # Register websocket and service
        WS_TYPE_SPOTCAST_PLAYLISTS, websocket_handle_playlists, SCHEMA_PLAYLISTS
        WS_TYPE_SPOTCAST_DEVICES, websocket_handle_devices, SCHEMA_WS_DEVICES
        WS_TYPE_SPOTCAST_PLAYER, websocket_handle_player, SCHEMA_WS_PLAYER

        WS_TYPE_SPOTCAST_ACCOUNTS, websocket_handle_accounts, SCHEMA_WS_ACCOUNTS

        WS_TYPE_SPOTCAST_CASTDEVICES, websocket_handle_castdevices, SCHEMA_WS_CASTDEVICES
    ), "start", start_casting, schema=SERVICE_START_COMMAND_SCHEMA)

    return True

class SpotifyToken:
    """Represents a spotify token."""

    sp_dc = None
    sp_key = None
    _access_token = None
    _token_expires = 0

    def __init__(self, sp_dc, sp_key):
        self.sp_dc = sp_dc
        self.sp_key = sp_key

    def ensure_token_valid(self):
        if float(self._token_expires) > time.time():
            return True

    def access_token(self):
        _LOGGER.debug("expires: %s time: %s", self._token_expires, time.time())
        return self._access_token

    def get_spotify_token(self):
        import spotify_token as st

            self._access_token, self._token_expires = st.start_session(self.sp_dc, self.sp_key)
            expires = self._token_expires - int(time.time())
            return self._access_token, expires
            raise HomeAssistantError("Could not get spotify token")

class SpotifyCastDevice:
    """Represents a spotify device."""

    hass = None
    castDevice = None
    spotifyController = None

    def __init__(self, hass, call_device_name, call_entity_id):
        """Initialize a spotify cast device."""
        self.hass = hass

        # Get device name from either device_name or entity_id
        device_name = None
        if call_device_name is None:
            entity_id = call_entity_id
            if entity_id is None:
                raise HomeAssistantError("Either entity_id or device_name must be specified")
            entity_states = hass.states.get(entity_id)
            if entity_states is None:
                _LOGGER.error("Could not find entity_id: %s", entity_id)
                device_name = entity_states.attributes.get("friendly_name")
            device_name = call_device_name

        if device_name is None or device_name.strip() == "":
            raise HomeAssistantError("device_name is empty")

        # Find chromecast device
        self.castDevice: Chromecast = self.getChromecastDevice(device_name)
        _LOGGER.debug("Found cast device: %s", self.castDevice)

    def getChromecastDevice(self, device_name):
        import pychromecast

        devices, browser = pychromecast.get_listed_chromecasts(

        _LOGGER.debug("devices: %s", devices)

        if devices:
            return devices[0]
            "Could not find device %s from",

        raise HomeAssistantError("Could not find device with name {}".format(device_name))

    def startSpotifyController(self, access_token, expires):
        from pychromecast.controllers.spotify import SpotifyController

        sp = SpotifyController(access_token, expires)

        if not sp.is_launched and not sp.credential_error:
            raise HomeAssistantError("Failed to launch spotify controller due to timeout")
        if not sp.is_launched and sp.credential_error:
            raise HomeAssistantError("Failed to launch spotify controller due to credentials error")

        self.spotifyController = sp

    def getSpotifyDeviceId(self, client):
        # Look for device
        devices_available = client.devices()
        for device in devices_available["devices"]:
            if device["id"] == self.spotifyController.device:
                return device["id"]
        # Dirty Bugfix:
        # Due to an as of now unknown problem (plamere/spotipy#659, fondberg/spotcast#170),
        # `client.devices()` returns an empty list. In order for the program to work
        # anyway, it is simply assumed that the ID is correct.
        # Be aware of unknown side effects.
        if not devices_available["devices"] and self.spotifyController.device:
            return self.spotifyController.device

            'No device with id "{}" known by Spotify'.format(self.spotifyController.device)
        _LOGGER.error("Known devices: {}".format(devices_available["devices"]))
        raise HomeAssistantError("Failed to get device id from Spotify")```
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As fondberg stated a few days ago, you should clone the git repo, make the changes and then issue a pull request. Putting code blocks in public posts is NOT version control. The repo can be found here:


Can somebody please help me?

As i understand, i am able to start the spotify playing with this spotcast.

If i am correct then please help .

i am trying to add sp key and sp dc in my configuration file.
But i get this errer:
Component error: spotcast - cannot import name ‘KNOWN_CHROMECAST_INFO_KEY’ from ‘homeassistant.components.cast.media_player’ (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/cast/

anyone knows why?

It’s an unofficial fix while the original author makes the necessary changes. The hotfix wasn’t forked either. :wink:

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copy the new files but I don’t know it loads the list and home assistant is blocked, any solution?

yes : wait while the original author makes the necessary changes as @mxbssn said just before you ask

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you are geniuses

can somebody tell me where to post :slight_smile:

sp_dc: !secret sp_dc
sp_key: !secret sp_key
Il guess i am removing the sp_dc and adding my sp dc ? but do i keep the ! mark?

and this, what do i do with this ?

start playback on spotify connect device

	"spotify_device_id" : "Kök",
	"uri" : "spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1DX3yvAYDslnv8",
	"random_song": true

please help

Hello how I can fix problem on core-2021.4.3 ?

when will it work properly?