Spotify Lovelace Card

Hi all

Really enjoy using the card, thanks v much!

Would like to change layout to grid, however when I make the change the icons are stretched going down, See below:

Spotify Card Preview|351x500

Is there anyway to force it to show playlist as squares as have seen on other dashboards ?

Am having to config via YAML as not changes are saving in the visual editor.



Just posted the same lol !

Just seen works fine in chrome, am using safari 13.1 on osx, also not showing correctly in the IOS app.

Can you please check if it works in v2.2.2?


Can confirm it still is happening on 2.2.3 installed via HACS.


just want to say, great updates ! :slight_smile: loving it!

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And v2.2.2?

Same in 2.2.2

It’s a little bit hard to debug, as I don’t have a machine with Safari. But I released v2.2.4 which could fix this issue. Can you please check this?

Hi @FL550

Yeah this has fixed it for me on IOS app, will test safari when home and let you know if there’s any further issues.

Thanks so much for sorting :+1:t2:


Perfect! Works like a charm after updating, restarting HA and flushing safari’s cache.
Note: very important to flush the cache.

Thx @FL550

hello! Great work on this!

I’m trying to set 2 spotify accounts but I can’t seem to find any info how to fill in:

 sp_dc: !secret primary_sp_dc
 sp_key: !secret primary_sp_key

I do have both account’s sp_dc and sp_key

anyone knows?

This helped me when I had the same problem: (reed the tutorial in the end)

Now I am trying to figure out how to switch between the accounts inside of lovelace… anyone have a clue?

Multiple accounts can be setup as described here:

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If you open the settings of the card, there is a dropdown menu under ‘General’ where you can switch the accounts.

Yes, thanks, but I would like to change the account without entering the “configure ui” :slight_smile:

You van always have different cards. I think an options UI would clutter the card too much.

Thanks Niklas, I made that solution as well but thought that perhaps there were a integrated solution. Anyhow, thank you for a great card!!

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I’ve just installed this card and I love that I can pick my Sonos speakers to play via, as I cannot see them in the normal media player with my spotify account.

Is there anyway I can view the new media browser via your card please? As I would love to use it on my Sonos… Cheers

I am not sure if this is possible, as the media browser is intended for media players and the spotify-card is no media player.
Nevertheless there are currently no developer informations for the media browser, so implementing this to custom-cards is not possible without reverse engineering right now.