SRNE inverter integration help

Hi all,

I’m not good at coding. However, I managed to integrate my SRNE HF4850S80-H inverter with HA with ESP32 through ESPHome.

Below is the YAML file I have used.

  name: srne-inverter
  friendly_name: SRNE inverter

  board: esp32dev
    type: arduino

# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API
    key: "VrWjWZqXGOwge+/64MdWCGGY5hYxiG8SIAfNc0="

  password: "caf956755f8e4d789f9fb9093"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

 id: mod_bus
 tx_pin: 19
 rx_pin: 18
 baud_rate: 9600
 stop_bits: 1

 id: tdt1_modbus
 flow_control_pin: 4
 - id: srne1
   address: 0x01
   modbus_id: tdt1_modbus
   setup_priority: -10
   update_interval: 15000ms #data refresh rate


 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "SRNE Battery Voltage" #name for HA
   id: srne_pack_viltage #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0x0101 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: "V"
   accuracy_decimals: 2
   device_class: Voltage
   state_class: measurement
      - multiply: 0.1        
 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "SRNE PV Power" #name for HA
   id: srne_pv_power #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0x0109 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: "W"
   accuracy_decimals: 0
   device_class: power
   state_class: measurement  

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "SRNE PV Voltage" #name for HA
   id: srne_pv_voltage #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0x0107 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: "V"
   accuracy_decimals: 0
   device_class: Voltage
   state_class: measurement
      - multiply: 0.1         

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "SRNE Battery SOC" #name for HA
   id: srne_SOC #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0x0100 #register address (see modbus manual)
   state_class: measurement
   unit_of_measurement: "%"
   device_class: battery

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "SRNE PV Current" #name for HA
   id: srne_PV_Current #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0x0108 #register address (see modbus manual)
   state_class: measurement
   unit_of_measurement: A
   device_class: current


The problem I have is I’m not able to get the data like Power generation of the current day, Power consumption of the day, Cumulative power generation, Cumulative power consumption, Min / Max Battery voltage of the day etc… although MODBUS address are available for these values.

Can someone please help me to get them added to HA?

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I was busy searching for more information on SRNE inverters into HA and found this guy that made a ESPHome SRNE integration.
The video is in French - SRNE via ESPhome - YoutTube
The ESPHome file is in English - SRNE via ESPHome - yaml file

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What device is that that the esp32 is connecting too? Also what does it mean by remove r7? NM I was able to find the max485, but how do you remove r7?

Just remove the resister using pliers

Ahh I see, anyway to get this over ethernet instead of wifi?

Ok so I was able to get this working with your original yaml, but when i try the one linked, by the french dude, I just get a bunch of unknowns. Any ideas?

NM i saw what i did wrong, although that xml is for a MPPT solar charghe controller, but i am working on updating it for the Inverters!!

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Any progress with this? Honestly I’ve been looking for an easy way to integrate the SRNE inverter I have into HA.

The only thread that has a step by step guide requires getting the Waveshare converter adapter.

Could you drop a guide on how you achieved the above @Dimumal?

I’m not a tech guy. I’m not able to do step by step guide.

If you do the wiring as per the first post & upload the yaml file to the ESP32, it will start to stream data to HA. But you can not have your datalogger & this setup both connected to the inverter at the same time

Do you know a way to write data to the inverter through HA automation?

I need to change the UTI & SBU settings depending on the automation settings. E204 registry entry supports both R/W. But I don’t know how to write to it

Thanks, I’ll order the Waveshare converter adapter and see how it goes. I wish there was a way to collect the data from the data logger which can be seen on the SmartESS app and Dessmonitor’s website.

Hello @Dimumal, have you been able to get more data? Especially the ones you mentioned in the first post (Power generation of the current day, Power consumption of the day, Cumulative power generation, Cumulative power consumption, Min / Max Battery voltage of the day etc.)

Power generation of the current day, Power consumption of the day, Cumulative power generation and Cumulative power consumption can be received from the inverter.

But Min / Max Battery voltage of the day can not be received as there are no registry entries for that.

1 Like

This is wonderful then. I get my battery details currently from the BMS via the Bluetooth add-on. What’s left is to get the solar power related data from the inverter.

I plan to connect it through the ESPHome integration. I understand the diagram you shared but I’ll need more details.

I would appreciate if I could get a picture of the connection from the RS485 to TTL converter, to the ethernet wire. I understand the other part goes into the inverter. But I’m yet to picture how the other part is.

Thanks a lot. Also if you could share the yaml file too in advance. I’m guessing things have changed since the initial post.

Get one of the following and connect the cable from the inverter

Ethernet Connector

Then connect pins 2,7,8 using a jumper cable to RS485 to TTL converter

1 Like

Thanks but this would take time to arrive. I am expecting the RS485 to TTL converter this week. I can solder it to the ethernet cable and it should work I guess.

Hello @Dimumal it arrived and I made the connection. My logs look like this below, and I want to know if it’s normal.

Also, I would like to know what your current configuration yaml file looks like so I can get more data from my inverter(“Power generation of the current day, Power consumption of the day, Cumulative power generation and Cumulative power consumption can be received from the inverter.”).

I’ll have to confirm by morning if it works because it’s currently night here. Thanks so far.


I started the setup afresh with new materials and I am happy it works. I look forward to you sharing your current yaml file and dashboard so I can replicate it with more data. Thanks.

  name: srne
  friendly_name: SRNE

  board: esp32dev
    type: arduino

# Enable logging
   level: very_verbose

# Enable Home Assistant API
    key: "+EMWnue33wLGXOUUcZdBgtEcWOJjQIPoN7E3WbVj2UA="

  password: "27a70d64573b33d2dc248577739abfa5"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
    # Set this to the IP of the ESP
    # Set this to the IP address of the router. Often ends with .1
    # The subnet of the network. works for most home networks.

 id: mod_bus
 tx_pin: 19
 rx_pin: 18
 baud_rate: 9600
 stop_bits: 1
 id: tdt1_modbus
 flow_control_pin: 4
 - id: srne1
   address: 0x01
   modbus_id: tdt1_modbus
   setup_priority: -10
   update_interval: 15000ms #data refresh rate

# Power sensors with W

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Current Load Power" #name for HA
   id: srne_current_load_Power #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0x021B #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: "W"
   accuracy_decimals: 0
   device_class: power
   state_class: measurement  
 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "charger Power (Main + PV)" #name for HA
   id: srne_charger_Power #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0x010E #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: "W"
   accuracy_decimals: 0
   device_class: power
   state_class: measurement  

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "PV Power" #name for HA
   id: srne_pv_power #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0x0109 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: "W"
   accuracy_decimals: 0
   device_class: power
   state_class: measurement  

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Battery SOC" #name for HA
   id: srne_SOC #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0x0100 #register address (see modbus manual)
   state_class: measurement
   unit_of_measurement: "%"
   device_class: battery

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Charger Status" #name for HA
   id: srne_Charger_Status #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0x010B #register address (see modbus manual)
 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "PV Current" #name for HA
   id: srne_PV_Current #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0x0108 #register address (see modbus manual)
   state_class: measurement
   unit_of_measurement: A
   device_class: current
      - multiply: 0.1 

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Battery Current" #name for HA
   id: srne_Battery_Current #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0x0102 #register address (see modbus manual)
   state_class: measurement
   unit_of_measurement: A
   device_class: current
      - multiply: 0.1        

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Fault Code" #name for HA
   id: srne_fault_code #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0x0204 #register address (see modbus manual)

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Fault Code 2" #name for HA
   id: srne_fault_code2 #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0x0205 #register address (see modbus manual)

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Grid Frequency" #name for HA
   id: srne_grid_freq #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0x0215 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: Hz
      - multiply: 0.01
 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Inverter Frequency" #name for HA
   id: srne_inverter_freq #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0x0218 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: Hz 
      - multiply: 0.01  

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Output Priority" #name for HA
   id: srne_output_priority #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xE204 #register address (see modbus manual)     

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Charger Priority" #name for HA
   id: srne_charger_priority #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xE20F #register address (see modbus manual)  

# Energy sensors with kWh

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Power Generation of the day" #name for HA
   id: srne_power_generation_of_the_day #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xF02F #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: kWh
   accuracy_decimals: 1
   device_class: Energy
   state_class: total_increasing
      - multiply: 0.1   

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Load Power Consumption of the day" #name for HA
   id: srne_load_power_consumption_of_the_day #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xF030 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: kWh
   accuracy_decimals: 1
   device_class: Energy
   state_class: total_increasing
      - multiply: 0.1      

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Accumulated Solar generation" #name for HA
   id: srne_aaccumulated_solar_generation #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xF038 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: kWh
   accuracy_decimals: 1
   device_class: Energy
   state_class: total_increasing
      - multiply: 0.1 

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Accumulated power consumption of load" #name for HA
   id: srne_accumulated_power_consumption_of_load #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xF03A #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: kWh
   accuracy_decimals: 1
   device_class: Energy
   state_class: total_increasing
      - multiply: 0.1   

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Accumulated power consumption by load from mains" #name for HA
   id: srne_accumulated_power_consumption_by_load_from_mains #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xF048 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: kWh
   accuracy_decimals: 1
   device_class: Energy
   state_class: total_increasing
      - multiply: 0.1  
 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Accumulated charge from mains" #name for HA
   id: srne_accumulated_charge_from_mains #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xF046 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: kWh
   accuracy_decimals: 1
   device_class: Energy
   state_class: total_increasing
      - multiply: 0.1       

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Current state of the machine" #name for HA
   id: srne_current_state_of_machine #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0x0210 #register address (see modbus manual)     

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Accumulated working hours of bypass" #name for HA
   id: srne_accumulated_working_hours_of_bypasss #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xF04B #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: hours
   accuracy_decimals: 1
   state_class: measurement

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Grid Voltage" #name for HA
   id: srne_grid_voltage #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0x0213 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: "V"
   accuracy_decimals: 1
   device_class: Voltage
   state_class: measurement
      - multiply: 0.1

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Inverter Voltage" #name for HA
   id: srne_inverter_voltage #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0x0216 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: "V"
   accuracy_decimals: 1
   device_class: Voltage
   state_class: measurement
      - multiply: 0.1  

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Battery Voltage" #name for HA
   id: srne_pack_voltage #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0x0101 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: "V"
   accuracy_decimals: 2
   device_class: Voltage
   state_class: measurement
      - multiply: 0.1       
 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Main Switching Voltage" #name for HA
   id: srne_main_switching_voltage #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xE01B #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: "V"
   accuracy_decimals: 2
   device_class: Voltage
   state_class: measurement
      - multiply: 0.4      
 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Inverter Switching Voltage" #name for HA
   id: srne_inverter_switching_voltage #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xE022 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: "V"
   accuracy_decimals: 2
   device_class: Voltage
   state_class: measurement
      - multiply: 0.4 

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Over Discharge Return Voltage" #name for HA
   id: srne_over_discharge_return_voltage #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xE00B #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: "V"
   accuracy_decimals: 2
   device_class: Voltage
   state_class: measurement
      - multiply: 0.4        

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Over Discharge Voltage" #name for HA
   id: srne_over_discharge_voltage #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xE00D #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: "V"
   accuracy_decimals: 2
   device_class: Voltage
   state_class: measurement
      - multiply: 0.4   

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "PV Voltage" #name for HA
   id: srne_pv_voltage #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0x0107 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: "V"
   accuracy_decimals: 0
   device_class: Voltage
   state_class: measurement
      - multiply: 0.1         

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "History Solar generation" #name for HA
   id: srne_history_solar_generation #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xF01D #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: kWh
   accuracy_decimals: 1
   device_class: Energy
   state_class: total_increasing
      - multiply: 0.1 

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "History Solar generation2" #name for HA
   id: srne_history_solar_generation2 #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xF01E #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: kWh
   accuracy_decimals: 1
   device_class: Energy
   state_class: total_increasing
      - multiply: 0.1       

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Overcharge voltage" #name for HA
   id: srne_overcharge_voltage #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xE008 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: "V"
   accuracy_decimals: 2
   device_class: Voltage
   state_class: measurement
      - multiply: 0.4        

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Over Charge Return Voltage" #name for HA
   id: srne_overcharge_return_charge #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xE009 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: "V"
   accuracy_decimals: 2
   device_class: Voltage
   state_class: measurement
      - multiply: 0.4     

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Machine type code" #name for HA
   id: srne_machine_type_code #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0x000B #register address (see modbus manual)       

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Grid Current" #name for HA
   id: srne_grid_current #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0x0214 #register address (see modbus manual)
   state_class: measurement
   unit_of_measurement: A
   device_class: current
      - multiply: 0.1 

        #################### Historical Data ##################

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Historical data of power consumption by load 1 day ago" #name for HA
   id: srne_historical_power_consumption_by_load_1_day_ago #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xF01C #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: kWh
   accuracy_decimals: 1
   device_class: Energy
   state_class: total_increasing
   - multiply: 0.1 

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Historical data of power consumption by load 2 days ago" #name for HA
   id: srne_historical_power_consumption_by_load_2_days_ago #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xF01D #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: kWh
   accuracy_decimals: 1
   device_class: Energy
   state_class: total_increasing
   - multiply: 0.1  

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Historical data of power consumption by load 3 days ago" #name for HA
   id: srne_historical_power_consumption_by_load_3_days_ago #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xF01E #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: kWh
   accuracy_decimals: 1
   device_class: Energy
   state_class: total_increasing  
   - multiply: 0.1

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Historical data of power consumption by load 4 days ago" #name for HA
   id: srne_historical_power_consumption_by_load_4_day_ago #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xF01F #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: kWh
   accuracy_decimals: 1
   device_class: Energy
   state_class: total_increasing 
   - multiply: 0.1 

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Historical data of power consumption by load 5 days ago" #name for HA
   id: srne_historical_power_consumption_by_load_5_days_ago #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xF020 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: kWh
   accuracy_decimals: 1
   device_class: Energy
   state_class: total_increasing 
   - multiply: 0.1 

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Historical data of power consumption by load 6 days ago" #name for HA
   id: srne_historical_power_consumption_by_load_6_days_ago #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xF021 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: kWh
   accuracy_decimals: 1
   device_class: Energy
   state_class: total_increasing  
   - multiply: 0.1
 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Historical data of power consumption by load 7 days ago" #name for HA
   id: srne_historical_power_consumption_by_load_7_days_ago #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xF022 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: kWh
   accuracy_decimals: 1
   device_class: Energy
   state_class: total_increasing 
   - multiply: 0.1

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "historical data of PV power generation 1 day ago" #name for HA
   id: srne_historical_pv_power_generation_1_day_ago #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xF000 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: kWh
   accuracy_decimals: 1
   device_class: Energy
   state_class: total_increasing
   - multiply: 0.1

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "historical data of PV power generation 2 days ago" #name for HA
   id: srne_historical_pv_power_generation_2_days_ago #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xF001 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: kWh
   accuracy_decimals: 1
   device_class: Energy
   state_class: total_increasing  
   - multiply: 0.1

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "historical data of PV power generation 3 days ago" #name for HA
   id: srne_historical_pv_power_generation_3_days_ago #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xF002 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: kWh
   accuracy_decimals: 1
   device_class: Energy
   state_class: total_increasing  
   - multiply: 0.1

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "historical data of PV power generation 4 days ago" #name for HA
   id: srne_historical_pv_power_generation_4_day_ago #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xF003 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: kWh
   accuracy_decimals: 1
   device_class: Energy
   state_class: total_increasing  
   - multiply: 0.1

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "historical data of PV power generation 5 days ago" #name for HA
   id: srne_historical_pv_power_generation_5_days_ago #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xF004 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: kWh
   accuracy_decimals: 1
   device_class: Energy
   state_class: total_increasing  
   - multiply: 0.1

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "historical data of PV power generation 6 days ago" #name for HA
   id: srne_historical_pv_power_generation_6_days_ago #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xF005 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: kWh
   accuracy_decimals: 1
   device_class: Energy
   state_class: total_increasing  
   - multiply: 0.1

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "historical data of PV power generation 7 days ago" #name for HA
   id: srne_historical_pv_power_generation_7_days_ago #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xF006 #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: kWh
   accuracy_decimals: 1
   device_class: Energy
   state_class: total_increasing      
   - multiply: 0.1   

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Current date year" #name for HA
   id: srne_current_date_year #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0x020C #register address (see modbus manual)  
   bitmask: 0xFF00 #(Bits 15-8)

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Current date month" #name for HA
   id: srne_current_date_month #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0x020C #register address (see modbus manual)  
   bitmask: 0x00FF #(Bits 15-8) 

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Main Switching Voltage1" #name for HA
   id: srne_main_switching_voltage1 #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xE01B #register address (see modbus manual)
   unit_of_measurement: "V"
   accuracy_decimals: 2
   device_class: Voltage
   state_class: measurement     

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Charge cut-off SOC" #name for HA
   id: srne_cutoff #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xE00F #register address (see modbus manual)          

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Nominal battery capacity" #name for HA
   id: srne_bat_capacity #id for HA
   register_type: holding
   address: 0xE002 #register address (see modbus manual)   

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Output Prority2" #name for HA
   id: srne_output_priority2 #id for HA
   address: 0xE204
   value_type: U_WORD
   icon: mdi:power
      “SOL”: 0
      “UTI”: 1
      “SBU”: 2

 - platform: modbus_controller
   modbus_controller_id: srne1
   name: "Overcharge2" #name for HA
   id: srne_overcharge_voltage2 #id for HA
   address: 0xE008
   value_type: U_WORD
   icon: mdi:power
      “56.4”: 141
      “56.0”: 140
      “55.6”: 139      

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Thanks so much, can I have a look at your dashboard?

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