is it possible to use a SSD1306 oled in an automation, meaning can i send a text message, written in automations, to this screen when a event happens? Or can you not set it up this way?
I know it works with mqqt, but just wondering if homeassistant would see it as a screen too.
I think i asked the wrong question, with automation i mean the one you set up in Homeassistant, not on the espnode itself. My desired result is to have a Espnode with a oled attached to it, that can receive text messages send by Homeassistant. So i need to set up the oled on the espnode as a “receiver”.
Maybe im not understading it correctly, but will this still work with the native api?
It works! Thank you very much for your help as this is exactly what i needed.
Is there a way to refresh the screen/make it remove the text after a certain time period?
Great that you got it to work.
I haven’t found any direct way to trigger redraw of an display.
But there are something called display pages.
So you could pre configure several pages the by trigger change in between them.
So in your case one page with an “empty” and one with the information.
Then switch in between them to toggle between them. To switch the pages are exposed as an signal for automations in esphome.
i got them to rotate but that is not really what i am looking for.
In the automation part I tried to send a 2e empty message after a 5 second delay, but the value can not be empty so it will keep displaying the first message.