Statistics graph card: seems that statistics cannot be displayed for a long period

Assume that you got a sensor with “state_class: measurement” since August 15.
Also, this sensor have some “scan_interval” like “60 sec”.
Question: can I see a statistical data on a graph for the last 1.5 months?

Answer is “Depends”.
Consider this example:

type: vertical-stack
  - type: statistics-graph
    chart_type: line
    period: hour
    days_to_show: 180
    entities: &ref_entities
      - sensor.iiyama_ohm_ssd_corsair_temperature
    stat_types: &ref_stat_types
      - mean
      - min
      - max
  - type: statistics-graph
    chart_type: line
    period: 5minute
    days_to_show: 180
    entities: *ref_entities
    stat_types: *ref_stat_types

Same card, with different “period”.
And see a difference:

Why I cannot see a whole data for “5minute”?

Created an issue:

Some person found out that the statistics is stored as “short term statistics” - which is SHORT.
Why this is not mentioned in any docs?
Moreover, why statistical data is kept in SHORT TERM?

Docs related to statistics seem to be poor and unclear.
Earlier I asked about clarifications for statistics:

Have a look at the InfluxDB and Grafana add-ons if you want to graph long-term statistics.

Thank you - but NO.
The stock functionality which was intended to be used for LONG TERM - must be LONG TERM.

Again - thanks a lot for a suggestion!

Starting from 2022.10, the “period: 5minutes” graph is displayed for 7 days only.
Even my Recorder’s settings is “purge_keep_days: 10”.
Strange things.

I saw a couple of other threads where people were complaining of missing history data - maybe it’s a new bug?