Stream Camera into TV: how?

hello, I have been trying to set the streaming of one wifi camera into my living room tv, but no luck :frowning:

camera settings:

   - platform: generic 
     name: Baby Video stream_source: rtsp://rtsp:......

service to call:

service: camera.play_stream
data: media_player: media_player.living_room_tv 
target: entity_id: camera.baby_video


failed to call service: camera.play_stream

what am I doing wrong?

thank you

You should use the correct indentation and layout I think (see documentation):

  service: camera.play_stream
    entity_id: camera.yourcamera
    media_player: media_player.chromecast

sorry, the copy and paste did not worked… but it is correctly formatted:

service: camera.play_stream
  media_player: media_player.living_room_tv
  entity_id: camera.baby_video

Still the same error:

failed to call service: camera.play_stream

can you access the camera as an entity on your Lovelace dashboard?

yes, camera is visible in lovelace dashboard…

I struggled with getting camera.play_stream to work for days…I actually gave up until the new Play Media Action was rolled out on this release. This method works GREAT for me, I don’t see why you couldn’t implement it as well: Play Camera Stream when someone is at the door | Play Media Action - YouTube

I have a similar issue, the camera is visible as the generic camera on lovelace dashboard but when I try to play camera using new media action I only see chromecast logo on tv. Even though, I can play any media and web radio/TV channel from the same action without any issue.

tried this but still nothing is playing on TV :frowning:

my automation is the following:

alias: Play Baby Monitor on Samsung TV
description: ''
  - platform: device
    domain: mqtt
    device_id: 00071fab1dc818xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    type: action
    subtype: single
    discovery_id: 0x0015xxxxxxxxxxxxxx action_single
condition: []
  - service: media_player.play_media
      entity_id: media_player.living_room_tv
      media_content_id: media-source://camera/camera.baby_video
      media_content_type: application/
      title: Baby Video
      thumbnail: /api/camera_proxy/camera.baby_video
      media_class: video
      children_media_class: null
        - {}
        - media_content_type: app
          media_content_id: media-source://camera
mode: single

any suggestion?

When manually trying to play the camera on tv, I see this Chromecast logo only.

@FiNaR have you tried playing it manually?

Hmmmm…Let me look at my automation when I get home and I’ll compare for you…Seems like it’s trying?! Perhaps we are getting close?

how do you do it manually? in my case I don’t see the “chromecast logo”…simply nothing happen…

thank will be very useful :slight_smile:

Media… camera.

yes, here it works :slight_smile:

any other suggestion?

I mean when you click on the camera, does it show up on your TV?

no, it shows on the PC… how do I make it show in the TV?

Click on video and select your tv

OK, I have found where I have to “click”, but no luck… no paying on TV, same error:

failed to call service: media_player/play_media

try playing any small size mp4 video 5mb or so

hello everybody…

I still have the same problem, but I got a bit more info on the issue:


Media → Camera → Baby Video → Play on Living Room TV

I get the following error:

failed to call service media_player/play_media Unable to determine Home Assistant url to send to device. configure internal and external url in general setting

but if I go to General setting I have:

Local Network: Automatic

and I have a warning message that says:

You have configured an HTTPS certificate in Home Assistant. This means that your internal URL needs to be set to a domain covered by the certificate.

keep in mind that I have configured duck DNS add-on in order to internet face my Home Assistant…

any suggestion? please