I’m pleased to share today a project that I’m working on for few weeks : Streamline Card!
For a long time, I was using decluttering-card in my configuration, but unfortunately, the project looks unmaintained anymore.
Even if I’m willing to contribute to some projects, like I did with Bubble-Card, and with the questions left without answer, I decided to make my own version of this, with few other goodies:
A template system to ease the reusability of your components (like decluttering-card)
The support of the visibility option (new)
The support of the new section layout (new)
The support of javascript templates (new)
An UI editor! (new)
The project is still a pre-release version, so there might be some bugs left, but if you are willing to help and test, please provide me any feedback you could have.
just leaving a comment here to bump it up and giving it a bit more traction, have just replaced all my decluttering-templates with streamline-templates… which was ridiculously easy, just replace all “decluttering” with “streamline” lol