I just upgraded HA supervisor and after that upgrade i get invalid configuration….
Home Assistant 2023.8.3
Supervisor 2023.08.1
Frontend 20230802.1 - latest
Check and Restart
A basic validation of the configuration is automatically done before restarting. The basic validation ensures the YAML configuration doesn't have errors which will prevent Home Assistant or any integration from starting. It's also possible to only do the basic validation check without restarting.
Configuration invalid!
Invalid config for [modbus]: Error in sensor BDC rated power swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][19]. Got {'name': 'BDC rated power', 'unique_id': 'sg_bdc_rated_power', 'slave': 1, 'address': 5627, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'unit_of_measurement': 'W', 'device_class': 'power', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'scale': 100, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor BMS max. charging current swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][20]. Got {'name': 'BMS max. charging current', 'unique_id': 'sg_bms_max_charging_current', 'slave': 1, 'address': 5634, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 0, 'unit_of_measurement': 'A', 'device_class': 'Current', 'scale': 1, 'scan_interval': 60}
Error in sensor BMS max. discharging current swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][21]. Got {'name': 'BMS max. discharging current', 'unique_id': 'sg_bms_max_discharging_current', 'slave': 1, 'address': 5635, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 0, 'unit_of_measurement': 'A', 'device_class': 'Current', 'scale': 1, 'scan_interval': 60}
Error in sensor Backup phase A power swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][23]. Got {'name': 'Backup phase A power', 'unique_id': 'sg_backup_phase_a_power', 'slave': 1, 'address': 5722, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'int16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 0, 'unit_of_measurement': 'W', 'device_class': 'power', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'scale': 1, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Backup phase B power swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][24]. Got {'name': 'Backup phase B power', 'unique_id': 'sg_backup_phase_b_power', 'slave': 1, 'address': 5723, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'int16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 0, 'unit_of_measurement': 'W', 'device_class': 'power', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'scale': 1, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Backup phase C power swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][25]. Got {'name': 'Backup phase C power', 'unique_id': 'sg_backup_phase_c_power', 'slave': 1, 'address': 5724, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'int16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 0, 'unit_of_measurement': 'W', 'device_class': 'power', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'scale': 1, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Battery capacity swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][112]. Got {'name': 'Battery capacity', 'unique_id': 'sg_battery_capacity', 'slave': 1, 'address': 33048, 'input_type': 'holding', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'scale': 0.01, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Battery charging start power swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][113]. Got {'name': 'Battery charging start power', 'unique_id': 'sg_battery_charging_start_power', 'slave': 1, 'address': 33148, 'input_type': 'holding', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 0, 'unit_of_measurement': 'W', 'device_class': 'power', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'scale': 10, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Battery current swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][84]. Got {'name': 'Battery current', 'unique_id': 'sg_battery_current', 'slave': 1, 'address': 13020, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'A', 'device_class': 'Current', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Battery discharging start power swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][114]. Got {'name': 'Battery discharging start power', 'unique_id': 'sg_battery_discharging_start_power', 'slave': 1, 'address': 33149, 'input_type': 'holding', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 0, 'unit_of_measurement': 'W', 'device_class': 'power', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'scale': 10, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Battery forced charge discharge cmd raw swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][103]. Got {'name': 'Battery forced charge discharge cmd raw', 'unique_id': 'sg_battery_forced_charge_discharge_cmd_raw', 'slave': 1, 'address': 13050, 'input_type': 'holding', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 0, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Battery forced charge discharge power swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][104]. Got {'name': 'Battery forced charge discharge power', 'unique_id': 'sg_battery_forced_charge_discharge_power', 'slave': 1, 'address': 13051, 'input_type': 'holding', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 0, 'unit_of_measurement': 'W', 'device_class': 'power', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Battery level swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][86]. Got {'name': 'Battery level', 'unique_id': 'sg_battery_level', 'slave': 1, 'address': 13022, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': '%', 'device_class': 'battery', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 60}
Error in sensor Battery max charge power swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][110]. Got {'name': 'Battery max charge power', 'unique_id': 'sg_battery_max_charge_power', 'slave': 1, 'address': 33046, 'input_type': 'holding', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 0, 'unit_of_measurement': 'W', 'device_class': 'power', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'scale': 10, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Battery max discharge power swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][111]. Got {'name': 'Battery max discharge power', 'unique_id': 'sg_battery_max_discharge_power', 'slave': 1, 'address': 33047, 'input_type': 'holding', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 0, 'unit_of_measurement': 'W', 'device_class': 'power', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'scale': 10, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Battery power raw swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][85]. Got {'name': 'Battery power raw', 'unique_id': 'sg_battery_power_raw', 'slave': 1, 'address': 13021, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 0, 'unit_of_measurement': 'W', 'device_class': 'power', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'scale': 1, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Battery state of health swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][87]. Got {'name': 'Battery state of health', 'unique_id': 'sg_battery_state_of_health', 'slave': 1, 'address': 13023, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 0, 'unit_of_measurement': '%', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Battery voltage swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][83]. Got {'name': 'Battery voltage', 'unique_id': 'sg_battery_voltage', 'slave': 1, 'address': 13019, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 0, 'unit_of_measurement': 'V', 'device_class': 'Voltage', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Daily PV generation & battery discharge swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][1]. Got {'name': 'Daily PV generation & battery discharge', 'unique_id': 'sg_daily_pv_gen_battery_discharge', 'slave': 1, 'address': 5002, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Daily PV generation swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][73]. Got {'name': 'Daily PV generation', 'unique_id': 'sg_daily_pv_generation', 'slave': 1, 'address': 13001, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Daily battery charge from PV swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][79]. Got {'name': 'Daily battery charge from PV', 'unique_id': 'sg_daily_battery_charge_from_pv', 'slave': 1, 'address': 13011, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Daily battery charge swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][97]. Got {'name': 'Daily battery charge', 'unique_id': 'sg_daily_battery_charge', 'slave': 1, 'address': 13039, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Daily battery discharge swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][89]. Got {'name': 'Daily battery discharge', 'unique_id': 'sg_daily_battery_discharge', 'slave': 1, 'address': 13025, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Daily direct energy consumption swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][81]. Got {'name': 'Daily direct energy consumption', 'unique_id': 'sg_daily_direct_energy_consumption', 'slave': 1, 'address': 13016, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Daily exported energy from PV swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][75]. Got {'name': 'Daily exported energy from PV', 'unique_id': 'sg_daily_exported_energy_from_PV', 'slave': 1, 'address': 13004, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Daily exported energy swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][99]. Got {'name': 'Daily exported energy', 'unique_id': 'sg_daily_exported_energy', 'slave': 1, 'address': 13044, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Daily imported energy swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][95]. Got {'name': 'Daily imported energy', 'unique_id': 'sg_daily_imported_energy', 'slave': 1, 'address': 13035, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor EMS mode selection raw swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][102]. Got {'name': 'EMS mode selection raw', 'unique_id': 'sg_ems_mode_selection_raw', 'slave': 1, 'address': 13049, 'input_type': 'holding', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Export power limit mode raw swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][108]. Got {'name': 'Export power limit mode raw', 'unique_id': 'sg_export_power_limit_mode_raw', 'slave': 1, 'address': 13086, 'input_type': 'holding', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 0, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Export power limit swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][107]. Got {'name': 'Export power limit', 'unique_id': 'sg_export_power_limit', 'slave': 1, 'address': 13073, 'input_type': 'holding', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 0, 'unit_of_measurement': 'W', 'device_class': 'power', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'scale': 1, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Grid frequency swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][12]. Got {'name': 'Grid frequency', 'unique_id': 'sg_grid_frequency', 'slave': 1, 'address': 5035, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 2, 'unit_of_measurement': 'Hz', 'device_class': 'frequency', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Inverter start stop swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][101]. Got {'name': 'Inverter start stop', 'unique_id': 'sg_inverter_start_stop', 'slave': 1, 'address': 12999, 'input_type': 'holding', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 0, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor MPPT1 current swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][5]. Got {'name': 'MPPT1 current', 'unique_id': 'sg_mppt1_current', 'slave': 1, 'address': 5011, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 2, 'unit_of_measurement': 'A', 'device_class': 'Current', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor MPPT1 voltage swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][4]. Got {'name': 'MPPT1 voltage', 'unique_id': 'sg_mppt1_voltage', 'slave': 1, 'address': 5010, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'V', 'device_class': 'Voltage', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor MPPT2 current swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][7]. Got {'name': 'MPPT2 current', 'unique_id': 'sg_mppt2_current', 'slave': 1, 'address': 5013, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 2, 'unit_of_measurement': 'A', 'device_class': 'Current', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor MPPT2 voltage swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][6]. Got {'name': 'MPPT2 voltage', 'unique_id': 'sg_mppt2_voltage', 'slave': 1, 'address': 5012, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'V', 'device_class': 'Voltage', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Max SoC swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][105]. Got {'name': 'Max SoC', 'unique_id': 'sg_max_soc', 'slave': 1, 'address': 13057, 'input_type': 'holding', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': '%', 'device_class': 'battery', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Min SoC swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][106]. Got {'name': 'Min SoC', 'unique_id': 'sg_min_soc', 'slave': 1, 'address': 13058, 'input_type': 'holding', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': '%', 'device_class': 'battery', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Monthly PV generation (01 January) swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][26]. Got {'name': 'Monthly PV generation (01 January)', 'unique_id': 'sg_monthly_pv_generation_01_january', 'slave': 1, 'address': 6226, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Monthly PV generation (02 February) swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][27]. Got {'name': 'Monthly PV generation (02 February)', 'unique_id': 'sg_monthly_pv_generation_02_february', 'slave': 1, 'address': 6227, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Monthly PV generation (03 March) swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][28]. Got {'name': 'Monthly PV generation (03 March)', 'unique_id': 'sg_monthly_pv_generation_03_march', 'slave': 1, 'address': 6228, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Monthly PV generation (04 April) swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][29]. Got {'name': 'Monthly PV generation (04 April)', 'unique_id': 'sg_monthly_pv_generation_04_april', 'slave': 1, 'address': 6229, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Monthly PV generation (05 May) swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][30]. Got {'name': 'Monthly PV generation (05 May)', 'unique_id': 'sg_monthly_pv_generation_05_may', 'slave': 1, 'address': 6230, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Monthly PV generation (06 June) swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][31]. Got {'name': 'Monthly PV generation (06 June)', 'unique_id': 'sg_monthly_pv_generation_06_june', 'slave': 1, 'address': 6231, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Monthly PV generation (07 July) swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][32]. Got {'name': 'Monthly PV generation (07 July)', 'unique_id': 'sg_monthly_pv_generation_07_july', 'slave': 1, 'address': 6232, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Monthly PV generation (08 August) swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][33]. Got {'name': 'Monthly PV generation (08 August)', 'unique_id': 'sg_monthly_pv_generation_08_august', 'slave': 1, 'address': 6233, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Monthly PV generation (09 September) swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][34]. Got {'name': 'Monthly PV generation (09 September)', 'unique_id': 'sg_monthly_pv_generation_09_september', 'slave': 1, 'address': 6234, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Monthly PV generation (10 October) swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][35]. Got {'name': 'Monthly PV generation (10 October)', 'unique_id': 'sg_monthly_pv_generation_10_october', 'slave': 1, 'address': 6235, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Monthly PV generation (11 November) swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][36]. Got {'name': 'Monthly PV generation (11 November)', 'unique_id': 'sg_monthly_pv_generation_11_november', 'slave': 1, 'address': 6236, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Monthly PV generation (12 December) swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][37]. Got {'name': 'Monthly PV generation (12 December)', 'unique_id': 'sg_monthly_pv_generation_12_december', 'slave': 1, 'address': 6237, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Monthly export (01 January) swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][49]. Got {'name': 'Monthly export (01 January)', 'unique_id': 'sg_monthly_export_01_january', 'slave': 1, 'address': 6595, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Monthly export (02 February) swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][50]. Got {'name': 'Monthly export (02 February)', 'unique_id': 'sg_monthly_export_02_february', 'slave': 1, 'address': 6596, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Monthly export (03 March) swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][51]. Got {'name': 'Monthly export (03 March)', 'unique_id': 'sg_monthly_export_03_march', 'slave': 1, 'address': 6597, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Monthly export (04 April) swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][52]. Got {'name': 'Monthly export (04 April)', 'unique_id': 'sg_monthly_export_04_april', 'slave': 1, 'address': 6598, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Monthly export (05 May) swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][53]. Got {'name': 'Monthly export (05 May)', 'unique_id': 'sg_monthly_export_05_may', 'slave': 1, 'address': 6599, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Monthly export (06 June) swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][54]. Got {'name': 'Monthly export (06 June)', 'unique_id': 'sg_monthly_export_06_june', 'slave': 1, 'address': 6600, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Monthly export (07 July) swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][55]. Got {'name': 'Monthly export (07 July)', 'unique_id': 'sg_monthly_export_07_july', 'slave': 1, 'address': 6601, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Monthly export (08 August) swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][56]. Got {'name': 'Monthly export (08 August)', 'unique_id': 'sg_monthly_export_08_august', 'slave': 1, 'address': 6602, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Monthly export (09 September) swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][57]. Got {'name': 'Monthly export (09 September)', 'unique_id': 'sg_monthly_export_09_september', 'slave': 1, 'address': 6603, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Monthly export (10 October) swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][58]. Got {'name': 'Monthly export (10 October)', 'unique_id': 'sg_monthly_export_10_october', 'slave': 1, 'address': 6604, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Monthly export (11 November) swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][59]. Got {'name': 'Monthly export (11 November)', 'unique_id': 'sg_monthly_export_11_november', 'slave': 1, 'address': 6605, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Monthly export (12 December) swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][60]. Got {'name': 'Monthly export (12 December)', 'unique_id': 'sg_monthly_export_12_december', 'slave': 1, 'address': 6606, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'device_class': 'energy', 'state_class': 'total_increasing', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor Phase A current swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][91]. Got {'name': 'Phase A current', 'unique_id': 'sg_phase_a_current', 'slave': 1, 'address': 13030, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'int16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'A', 'device_class': 'current', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Phase A voltage swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][9]. Got {'name': 'Phase A voltage', 'unique_id': 'sg_phase_a_voltage', 'slave': 1, 'address': 5018, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'V', 'device_class': 'Voltage', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Phase B current swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][92]. Got {'name': 'Phase B current', 'unique_id': 'sg_phase_b_current', 'slave': 1, 'address': 13031, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'int16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'A', 'device_class': 'current', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Phase B voltage swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][10]. Got {'name': 'Phase B voltage', 'unique_id': 'sg_phase_b_voltage', 'slave': 1, 'address': 5019, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'V', 'device_class': 'Voltage', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Phase C current swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][93]. Got {'name': 'Phase C current', 'unique_id': 'sg_phase_c_current', 'slave': 1, 'address': 13032, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'int16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'A', 'device_class': 'current', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Phase C voltage swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][11]. Got {'name': 'Phase C voltage', 'unique_id': 'sg_phase_c_voltage', 'slave': 1, 'address': 5020, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 1, 'unit_of_measurement': 'V', 'device_class': 'Voltage', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'scale': 0.1, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Power factor swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][14]. Got {'name': 'Power factor', 'unique_id': 'sg_power_factor', 'slave': 1, 'address': 5034, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'int16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 3, 'unit_of_measurement': '%', 'device_class': 'power_factor', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'scale': 0.001, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Reserved SoC for backup swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][109]. Got {'name': 'Reserved SoC for backup', 'unique_id': 'sg_reserved_soc_for_backup', 'slave': 1, 'address': 13099, 'input_type': 'holding', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'unit_of_measurement': '%', 'device_class': 'battery', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'scale': 1, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Running state swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][72]. Got {'name': 'Running state', 'unique_id': 'sg_running_state', 'slave': 1, 'address': 13000, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 0, 'scale': 1, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Sungrow device type code swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][0]. Got {'name': 'Sungrow device type code', 'unique_id': 'sg_dev_code', 'slave': 1, 'address': 4999, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'scan_interval': 600}
Error in sensor System state swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][71]. Got {'name': 'System state', 'unique_id': 'sg_system_state', 'slave': 1, 'address': 12999, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 0, 'scale': 1, 'scan_interval': 10}
Error in sensor Total backup power swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][22]. Got {'name': 'Total backup power', 'slave': 1, 'unique_id': 'sg_total_backup_power', 'address': 5725, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'int16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 0, 'unit_of_measurement': 'W', 'device_class': 'power', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'scale': 1, 'scan_interval': 10}. (See ?, line ?).