Sungrow Modbus Integration does not work since the last core update


Sungrow SH10.RT Modbus integration

this integration does not work since the last core update.
I can´t restart HA too. Te Inverter is running correct because the EVCC Addon can read the data.
I copy past the first lines I think its for all of the sensors the same Bug.
Invalid config for [modbus]: Error in sensor BDC rated power swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][19]. Got {'name': 'BDC rated power', 'unique_id': 'sg_bdc_rated_power', 'slave': 1, 'address': 5627, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'unit_of_measurement': 'W', 'device_class': 'power', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'scale': 100, 'scan_interval': 600} Error in sensor BMS max. charging current swap(word) not possible due to the registers count: 1, needed: 2 @ data['modbus'][0]['sensors'][20]. Got {'name': 'BMS max. charging current', 'unique_id': 'sg_bms_max_charging_current', 'slave': 1, 'address': 5634, 'input_type': 'input', 'count': 1, 'data_type': 'uint16', 'swap': 'word', 'precision': 0, 'unit_of_measurement': 'A', 'device_class': 'Current', 'scale': 1, 'scan_interval': 60}
Has anyone the same Problem?

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Same Problem, same Inverter.

Same problem here. :confused: Any idea?

Same problem here :frowning:
There is an open issue on github:

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Other inverters are also affected. Seems to be an modbus issue.

Should be fixed with 2023.8.4, see here: