SunRun Solar support

I have a SunRun system here in the SW US, and I’d love to see or learn how to make an integration for it! One of the things I loved about the HA platform was visuals, but a seeing that data was something I’d love to have!

First step would probably be to contact the SunRun firm and ask if there is a cloud or local interface and API.
If there is then it will make everything much easier and the firm might also wish to have a HA integration, since that would make their product more valuable.

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I personally have found that Sunrun does not want to share anything with me that allows me to pull data off their system. I asked for my password to the powerwall and they wont give it to me. My argument has been that it sits on my network and I hold the authority to ask for it. But I guess there solar as a service program is locked up tight. I would just like to be able to see the data and use some of it to kill things I do not need running. I am going to attempt to do some of that with my SPAN panel instead I guess.