Sunsa Blinds Wands Integration

Sunsa Smart Blinds Integration

Monitor and control your Sunsa blinds wands from Home Assistant.

  • Control the position of the blinds.
  • Monitor the wands battery level.
  • Monitor other wand sensors.
  • See wands diagnostic info.

The missing integration with Sunsa smart wands was a low-hanging fruit like what I’ve been sniping for a while in order to get my hands into putting together an integration. After realizing that no one had tackled such a fan project even with a REST API publicly available I wasted no time to get on it.


The easiest installation method is through HACS so that you can add the integration repository. For other methods and more info see the README.

Credit must be given to Sunsa for making themselves so accessible and helpful during the development of the integration.

Hope you find it useful!


This is wonderful, thank you so much!

After installing this yesterday everything was working great. This morning, the blinds did not open automatically - I found that the authentication with UID and APIkey to Sunsa failed. Re-entering these keys via the config failed as being invalid.

So I then tried to login to Sunsa’s website via my email account - and it too failed. Requested a password reset email and 10 minutes later, it has not shown up.

Anyone else having this problem?

Last night at 6:00 am UTC the integration asked me to reauthenticate. I simply reloaded it and it’s been fine since. Checking the logs, polling the cloud first timed out and then the API returned 401. Looks like a glitch on the Sunsa side.

Thanks for confirming there was indeed an issue on Sunsa’s end. I just now re-entered the UID/key and this time, it accepted it. So all good for now.

Meanwhile, I’m working with Sunsa support on why website auth is failing - but that’s really not relevant now to this issue.

EDIT: The credentials for the Sunsa mobile app are unique to it and have no relevance to the sunsawands website. So that explains why the website auth was failing. Next time there is a glitch like this, I need to verify if the Sunsa mobile app can connect or not. I haven’t actually used that app in well over a year and had forgotten about it too!

Thanks @odwide for building this! It’s great to finally have my Sunsa wands in HA!

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