Supervisor tab missing with HAOS

THANK YOU! Just started with HA this week.

I’m completely green to Raspberry Pis, Python, yaml, etc. It’s so rare to find straight forward solutions in this community, especially with so many resources citing older versions of HA (pre-UI overhaul). Would love to see more of this in the community and much less gate-keeping/elitism against those who are learning from scratch. You are awesome!

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Hi All,
I too am just getting started with HA and have no supervisor tab or option. I have HA loaded on a Virtual Machine.

Home Assistant 2023.1.4
Supervisor 2022.12.1
Operating System 9.4
Frontend 20230110.0 - latest

Please help - Thanks

Hi William

Look here and add to your configuration.yaml.

Remember, you can create any shortcut tab using the panel_custom:
System backups is a good one hassio/backups

Thank you however I tried to follow this and get lost at the “Create custom Panel”
This is all I see when I use that URL. I do not see any other options…


That’s what you want to see… You need to edit your configuration file using yaml to enable the custom_panel. (Create your shortcuts for that URL)

Install ‘File editor’ from the add-on store (easiest way), then find your configuration.yaml file and add the lines…

  - name: ha_system
    sidebar_title: System Info
    sidebar_icon: mdi:information-variant
    js_url: /api/hassio/app/entrypoint.js
    url_path: "hassio/system/info"
    embed_iframe: true
    require_admin: true
      ingress: core_configurator


Ok so Im with you so far thanks for that. In my configuration file, are the lines added to the end of the current lines?
HA configuration

That’s it. add a couple of spaces first. :+1:

SO it should look something like this

HA configuration updated

Perfect. All looks in line. Reboot HA and you’ll see a new tab labelled - System Info.

edit…sorry, forgot to mention, do a.l check yaml first, before reboot…just incase. Good practice!

edit…sorry, forgot to mention, do a.l check yaml first, before reboot…just incase. Good practice!

ok did that. appears to have the outcome you described. :+1: Sorry I am new to this system and it is a learning curve. So used to HomeSeer for many years. My end goal was to install HACS and all tutorials I have seen always referenced going into the supervisor settings however, I still don’t see where there are settings for supervisor. Perhaps I am confused or the version I run may be different.
Below is a screen shot from a video tutorial I was following.

LoL. At least you’ve learnt some steps today. :slight_smile:

If you’ve installed the OS version of HA you have everything!

Are you following these steps for HacS?..

Thanks. I was able to use my 10 thumbs and got HACS installed. All looks to be working now. Lets see how long I can go before I break it. LOL


You got this far, you’ll be fine. Remember to do backups after changes. Do complete backups initially.

If you are a Google (drive) user, install Google Drive auto backups via Add-ons, it’s great for automating backups.

I have the same issue. And to be honest now that I pay attention it’s written in here Installation - Home Assistant ( that not all the installation have supervisor. I have used the core on proxmox and I guess that’s why I don’t see it. Same if I go to Settings- add-ons-store I only have the official add-ons and the one I have manually added via repository.
Furthermore logs saying
23-02-03 17:58:03 INFO (MainThread) [] Loading add-ons from store: 72 all - 0 new - 0 remove
23-02-03 17:58:03 INFO (MainThread) [] Loading add-ons from store: 72 all - 0 new - 0 remove

I guess this is the reason why. But please do correct if I am wrong I have started playing with it less than a week ago

I don’t have configuration but settings. What’s different? I hope just a renaming

New to HA. Just installed today on rpi4 with ssd. i was also struggling with the lack of Supervisor in the left panel until I found this snippet. logged in via ssh and added to config yaml. not only do i have a shortcut to system info, but now File Editor and SSH & Web Terminal will start. it’s weird, neither File Editor nor SSH & Web Terminal would start until i customized the config yaml even though it was a clean HA install. it’s almost like something was not loading/reloading correctly.

anyway, thanks for the code snippet.

many searches and many failures later…

click the gear icon. (settings)

click addons

click add-o-store (bottom right)

in searchbar type file editor

click install.

im a newby too! lots of a22 h0les with no advice to give thinking they are experts, trying to pull the new guys down. im learning this the hardway. everytime i get stuck im trying to add it to the threads im searching.

the panel_custom code that TeaMan has listed needs to go into the configuration.yaml file.

Like so:

# Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.

# Load frontend themes from the themes folder
  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - name: ha_system
    sidebar_title: System Info
    sidebar_icon: mdi:information-variant
    js_url: /api/hassio/app/entrypoint.js
    url_path: "hassio/system/info"
    embed_iframe: true
    require_admin: true
      ingress: core_configurator

Just paste his code at the bottom of the configuration.yaml file and then reboot the Core from the Supervisor page. If you can’t find the configuration.yaml file, then you need to go get the File Editor Add-on first… add it to the sidebar. From there, you should be able to open the yaml file and paste the code there.

When rebooted, you should see the “System Info” on the left bar.

As for my 2 cents, I agree, it is very very frustrating and it should not be this hard for newbs like us.

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Hi Everyone,

Complete novice HA user here and I’ve read through this thread as much as I could yet I find myself unable to follow.

I’ve recently upgraded my NAS to a Synology DS423+, allowing me to run both Docker and Home Assistant now. I’ve basically downloaded/installed the “Home Assistant Core” package through the Synology Package Center and that’s it…

The latter seems to run fine but I’d like to add “KlikAanKlikUit” integration. This requires something referred to as the Supervisor tab yet for the life of me, I cannot find it anywhere.

This is a screenshot of my “about” section, perhaps that will help someone to assist me in my quest???

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.