Supervisor tab missing with HAOS

Thanks. I had the same question and have been confused with all the online guides and documentation that refer to past interfaces. Your answer was super helpful.

I was also looking for the System Information / System Health page that I have seen screenshots for and had difficulty finding. For others looking it is at: Settings > System > Repairs > [Upper right corner 3 dot menu] > System Information.


Thanks for the Supervisor panel addition code. Woks like a charm!!

I must be dense. Just installed HA, cannot find “Configuration” (now Settings?) and cannot find what anyone is talking about here. Just… where is the “Add-Ons” section. Screenshot? Anything? I have the latest HA via a Docker installation.

Things move so fast that any tutorial on YouTube becomes obsolete in pair months.
Is my wife responsible for this? At home, she is always moving the place of things…


You can use the search bar to find menu options that have been moved.
From the settings menu, click the search icon.
Then type what you’re looking for.
For a server restart, type “restart”
For Hardware information, type “hardware” (or a partial string)

Thanks! Been looking for this

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Thank you for this! It seems my wife is after all not guilty!

Thank you so much for this! I had spent 2-3 hours trying to solve a problem which this only part of.

I have no clue even now how to access this page via the GUI navigation :upside_down_face:

YOU’RE WELCOME!! :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks - at last. Just need to add ‘click on the host device’ (I saw a picture of raspberry Pi and thought how useless. But press the image and WAIT several seconds and you get the options to Power off device etc.

Very confusing whaen things move. Looks like in V5 ‘Supervisor’ moved to ‘Configuration’ but by version 9.3 there is no ‘Configuration’ either. It may be broken up too; I was after an ‘add-on’ that is now directly under ‘Settings’.
A simple re-map table would help to validate all those old YouTubes and independant tutorials.

+1, completely this. I’m so confused.

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Where is Configuration???

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Joining in with a n00b question: Where do I configure repositories in the WebUI?
I’m trying to configure my ewelink modules so HA can turn the power to a tablet on and off, to keep the battery healthy, like the post on reddit (not allowed to post the link because I’m a n00b)
The official docs tell me to create it in the Supervisor panel:

A user can add a repository by going to the Supervisor panel in Home Assistant, clicking on the store icon in the top right, copy/paste the URL of your repository into the repository textarea and click on Save.


  • Searching for repositories in Settings yields nothing
  • I can’t find it by simply clicking around
  • Opening the /hassio/system/info URL in my server yields 404: Not Found

I’m running a docker instance on a Linux server so I could simply dump the files from the repo in there, but I want to do it the clean way, so HA can update the module itself, if needed.

Docker/container install doesn’t include supervisor or addons.

Settings > About


Settings > system > repairs > 3dots(top right) > system info

Should list a supervisor version if you using supervisor.

If you have
Settings > Addons

Then you would go to
Settings > addons > addon store > 3dots >add repository.

If you don’t have supervisor.
There may be a standalone ewelink container you can setup…

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Ahaaa, that explains a thing or 2…

Version core-2022.12.0
Installation Type Home Assistant Container
Development false
Supervisor false
Docker true
User root
Virtual Environment false
Python Version 3.10.7
Operating System Family Linux
Operating System Version 5.19.16-100.fc35.x86_64
CPU Architecture x86_64
Timezone Europe/Amsterdam
Configuration Directory /config

I got the docker image because I have a (small) server and I would prefer to keep any special requirements localized to the Docker.
This one, to be precise: image: ""
Are there better docker images available?
Should I just install HA native?
(I hope I can import at least bits of the configuration, I just set up 99 Ikea devices in HA…)

Native install would take over your server, and you aren’t supposed to run other stuff on the native install.

If you can find containers for the equivalent addons, container install will be ok.

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After an evening trying to figure out port-forwards on KVM, I ended up sacrificing a NUC I was using as a media player.
It works like a charm: Solar, Tuya, Ikea, eWelink and A/C all configured in one evening, with HACS and custom repo’s and all! :slight_smile:

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I have read through this thread and still for the life of me cannot work out how to get Supervisor enabled on my HA that is loaded on a NUC.

This seems to be absolutely crazy as it appears to me without it HA is as useless as tits on a bull.

How the hell to I get it on my HA?


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Find and install via the integration menu…?!

You may have to enable using the configuration.yaml.

I’m running the OS, so all so easy for me. :slight_smile:

Did you manage to get it to work?
Did you load HA onto your NUC by formatting the drive with the HA image?
(that should include the supervisor)