Supervisor Won't Start

yes, is there a way to mark Night’s solution as THE solution? Worked for me too and saved me so much time.

Is there anyone who knows how to run the update if I can’t remember my Ubuntu username anymore?
Or knows how to find my username on a headless Ubuntu 18.04. Running Hassio on headless Ubuntu server and nothing starts anymore but since I don’t know my username I am just stuck…
And somehow posting here gave me a brainwave. Remembered my login and with the help of this great community was able to fix the problem.
Updated and running again!

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@mostlychris, would you consider editing your original post to point to the thorough solution in the comment from @night? Thanks!

@night fixed it

I run @night command as root but get no response back other than the cursor…

You need to describe the situation in more detail if we’re going to be able to help you.

What platform are you running on? Raspberry pi, Linux server (Ubuntu for instance).
What exactly did you try? Did you run the command on the host or inside a docker container? Try to recreate your steps and describe it here.

I’ve just installed Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi in a venv. I noticed that Supervisor isn’t showing up in the interface. How can I fix that?

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Same here. Followed instructions to the T.

Comment Removed.

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Thanks… This wasn’t clear to me (new user) from the website!

If I have installed Hassio in a RPI3+ and receives the following error:
Unable to load the panel source: /api/hassio/app/entrypoint.js.

I do not use docker, I simply took the image, used Balenaetcher and burned the image to the SD-card and updated Hassio and now I receive this error message. Im afraid that if I reboot my raspberry pi , it wont boot up in the GUI anymore. Any solution?

I do have SSH Access and GUI access from browser.

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Did this just happen again? I’m getting the same entrypoint.js error. However, supervisor appears to be running.

Just as a fyi. The afore mentioned link is now down (got a error 404). The new command should now be:

curl -sL | bash -s

(as mentioned at the github supervised installer page
It worked for me. (I’m at Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS)

After this I had multiple errors showing that HA was unable to update stuff. This had to do with the dns needed updating. For this I followed these instructions.


I gotta say, I’m about 6 weeks in with this and every single aspect of it has been a struggle. I have close to 30 years of experience in IT, both professionally and as a hobby/passion/bad habit. So it’s not like this is my first time around the block. After getting hit with this problem tonight, I’m ready to throw in the towel. I have no SSH access, no supervisor, a headless RPi4, and a family that doesn’t permit that time it’s going to take tomorrow to clown around with this. Considering this issue was first brought up a month ago, one would think that an ounce of caution would be in order.


Happening on an rpi4 running raspbian lite (so using docker) and still producing same errors even after update.

Well I certainly found one major incentive for the nabu cloud subscription - I could get into supervisor through a remote session, create a full snapshot, turn on SSH. The missing ingredient was how to fix the issue on an Alpine Linux platform. Never did figure that out. Instead I imaged the 64GB eMMC of an ODROID N2. For the life of me, I wasn’t able to locate any documentation re the access to a USB drive. So I just copied the snapshot file to the N2 via samba share and restored from there. Finally, I had something to be impressed with here. After the restore finished I powered down both the N2 and the RPi4, moved my Zooz Z-wave adapter from the RPi4 to the N2, powered up the N2 and I was nearly 100%back in action. I had to reassociate Ecobee, but everything else, including Hue and Nabu cloud thing, didn’t miss a beat. Now I’m just keeping my fingers crossed this doesn’t happen again.

Any ideas to fix or workaround this issue on Hassos? Thanks

This didn’t work for me :frowning:

I’m going to have to start from scratch…

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Agreed! This is a PIA. Almost 2 years into trying to automate the home and it’s like have a drug addict in your house. Every day is a new adventure! Unreliable devices, software and what not. I spend more time googling fixes than building out advanced automations. Now this! Because some dumb ass whats to force a f’ing update out to our hardware. Same crap that is causing me to find a migration path AWAY from Microsoft.

Listen, I get this is an open source, freeware product. It’s no knock on the complexity of building a system like this, with all the different variable and people involved. It really is a massive undertaking. Add in my honest opinion, at this stage of the technology game, it shouldn’t be necessary. Look how close IFTTT came to presenting an easy to use, non-techy, platform to integrate devices. Although it was basic, simple and lacking, it was really really close to delivering a product advanced users could sink their teeth into. But that turned to crap, and Tuya pulled out and the rest is history.

Since migrating to HA, I have issues with LED strips not waiting to turn off. They ignore the ‘off’ command, even with me sending it 6 times in a row with a 10 second delay. All other commands work fine. The off works perfectly from the native app. Go figure!

I have issues with Kasa bulbs not changing the colors assigned from within a scene or an automation. Tried all the variations of how to send the colors. Sometimes it works, but mostly it doesn’t. Bulbs will turn on and be in the state they were when turned off. Again, why are certain commands ignored? Why can’t HA check the status of a device to see if the command was applied? And if not, bang on the freaking door until the device applies the settings.

I’ve had issues with the conbee dongle forgetting all of it’s devices. Why? After googling, many seem to report the same problem. Conbee ghosts out and doesn’t appear to respond to end users requests for assistant.

I have issues with door sensors becoming utterly retarded and no longer being reliable. Native app finds them again, adds them again and all works well for like 10 minutes and then the device stops communicating again. Is it cheap hardware? Probably… So why can’t we get decent door/window sensors at this stage of the game?

All of these items, all from various manufacturers, all with independent apps… And as we all know, a techy nightmare when something fails. Maybe HA gets blamed because it’s the foundation all this crap sits on now. Maybe it is at fault. Who knows…

But it really sucks the life out of you when you want to build and you spend your time fixing. It really freaking sucks!

I don’t know - and we may never know - but I hear you! Many times I wanted to hurl all this crap into the bin and go back to lighting candles…

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I’m not sure why you withdrew the post, but I’m having similar issues. How did you fix it? systemd is not starting hassio-supervisor, but I can start it manually.