Support for Aeotec Siren 6

The only sensor I can find for the siren is binary_sensor.siren6_power_management_replace_battery_soon. Did you have to create a sensor for that yourself somehow?

I have a lot of sensors, mostly battery sensor related. But I can see there is no binary sensors at all anymore, meaning my automation is broken, again :man_facepalming: I can try fixing it during this weekend, should be possible to listen to an event or value change.

Haha I should off have searched up this siren before purchasing it.
There is indeed a value change. I see lots of “sensor.” but only one binary sensor. However they are all useless as they all say 0 for example. In Z-Wave JS UI I can see the value change from 0 to 1 but I haven’t managed to find how I can translate this to a sensor in home assistant to change it’s state.

2021-05-14 22:40:38.291 INFO ZWAVE: Node 2: value updated: 121-3-toneId 0 => 1
2021-05-14 22:40:38.400 INFO ZWAVE: Node 2: value updated: 113-3-Siren-Siren status 0 => 1

It would be really nice if you can share it with me if you manage to get this to work.

After all its quite simple to create a switch.

- platform: mqtt
  name: "alarm test"
  state_topic: "zwavejs2mqtt/24/121/1/toneId"
  command_topic: "zwavejs2mqtt/24/121/1/toneId/set"
  optimistic: false
  qos: 0
  retain: true
  payload_on: '{"value":4,"time":1621447016666}'
  payload_off: '{"value":0,"time":1621447016666}'
  state_on: "4"
  state_off: "0"

Were number 4 is the sound of your choice.
And in the topic is 24 my zwave device.


Thank you for your reply!
That shows me a button in my dashboard.
But when I press the doorbell this doesn’t change state.
(The doorbell volume was set to 0 for testing. But should not effect this I think.)
This is the result from the zwavejs2mqtt/logs when I press the button: 2021-05-22 19:19:14.243 INFO ZWAVE: Node 2: value updated: 121-3-toneId 0 => 0
My mqtt prefix set in the addon is: “zwave”
Can you explain a but more what each value in your code means? And if possible provide a working example with the details I provided above.

Hmm i think this should do the trick for you:

- platform: mqtt
  name: "alarm test"
  state_topic: "zwave/2/121/3/toneId"
  command_topic: "zwave/2/121/3/toneId/set"
  optimistic: false
  qos: 0
  retain: true
  payload_on: '{"value":4,"time":1621447016666}'
  payload_off: '{"value":0,"time":1621447016666}'
  state_on: "4"
  state_off: "0"

This is with latest home assistant (2021.5) and latest zwavejs2mqtt (4.3.0), both docker containers. For what its worth

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Hey thanks again.

- platform: mqtt
  name: "Deurbel test2"
  state_topic: "zwave/Algemeen/Siren6/121/3/toneId"
  command_topic: "zwave/Algemeen/Siren6/121/3/toneId/set"
  optimistic: false
  qos: 0
  retain: true
  payload_on: '{"value":1,"time":1621447016666}'
  payload_off: '{"value":0,"time":1621447016666}'
  state_on: "1"
  state_off: "0"

Looking at your code, I found that this works for me. It acts as a switch I can switch on and it will auto switch back off and it plays the doorbell sound.
This is very useful too for me. However I am more looking for the opposite way. When the doorbell is pressed, it plays that sound on the doorbell. And when that happens, I want to make an automation. And this switch does not change if I press the doorbell button. Would that be possible?

Hello, created the home-red integration and worked fine. now i changed the volume and redeployed but stopped working , now i see that the entity id changed to _2 . so need to change all my automations , how can i get this back ? and how can i avoid this ? also the toggles (switch don’t come back (stays on)

thanks for the help

With the 8.0 release this week the Aeotech Siren 6 works directly from zwave-js. you can set volumes and tones for the 8 siren sensors it detects. no need for nodered and mqtt.

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Indeed, using the siren integration I can now trigger my Aeotec Siren 6 from the siren.turn_on service. But I must be missing something because none of this service’s parameters, most needed volume_level, have any effect. From the service, I can’t even change the tone by selecting a different entity, like siren.indoor_siren_6_3, like I can by simply switching on one of these entities. Since I want to use this device to politely announce various events using different tones, not to wake the dead to warn of a catastrophe, I need a way to reduce the volume.


Same issue.

Oh this is interesting to hear the new integration works to turn on the siren. I will try to test this out today and see how it works. What sound it plays etc.
Currently I use noderes for playing the sounds. My siren sound I have set to a fixed volume. My doorbell sound however, I change to 0 at night or when no one is home. I do this thru an automation calling a script.

This is my script for changing the volume.

alias: Deurbel aan
  - service: zwave_js.set_value
      device_id: 0e9a3db797e4fb438b0f74d9e1f84a27
      command_class: '121'
      property: defaultVolume
      endpoint: '3'
      value: '0'
  - service: zwave_js.set_value
      device_id: 0e9a3db797e4fb438b0f74d9e1f84a27
      command_class: '121'
      property: defaultVolume
      endpoint: '3'
      value: '60'
  - service: input_boolean.turn_on
      entity_id: input_boolean.deurbel_aan_uit_helper
mode: single
icon: mdi:doorbell

You need to find what exact id this new siren integration triggers. If you just want a static volume. You can also just set this volume as the default volume in zwave js to mqtt for the triggered id.

I hope this makes somewhat sense. It’s been a while ago I have set this up. I’il go test this out myself soon and I’il post here how I set it up.

I received this siren today, and I can trigger and change parameters from ZWave JS To MQTT control panel, and I have the latest version, so I thought everything should be working. But I have a big problem: I have some smoke detektors that I was going to group with the siren, so that when any of them are triggered the siren is triggered too. And I just can’t get it working! I have tried both from the siren and from the smoke detektor. On the siren there are several endpoints, but I have chosen 8, since that’s emergency (I tried 7 too, but that didn’t help any). This is what it looks like when I try to save it:

But nothing takes. I have tried Targed Endpoint 0 as well (the only other option), but no way. Is it impossible to do this with ZWave JS to MQTT, so I have to put in one of my old images with OZW, do the grouping there and then fire up the ZWave JS to MQTT afterwords?

I use a Sonoff Wi-Fi switch that I wired into an extension cord. I then purchased a siren (90dB at 3 meters) that is powered by a power adapter. I plugged the power adapter into the extension cord and turn the switch on using an automation that is triggered if the alarm panel entity’s state is set to “triggered”. Another automation turns off the sirens once the alarm panel entity’s state is set to “disarmed”.

I have two of these setup in different parts of the house. Each setup cost about $30 each and it works perfectly. I plug one into my UPS (along with my router and my HA RPi3) so it works even if the power is out.

SD 15W-ULF - DSC 15-Watt Dual Tone Alarm Siren - $13.11 on Amazon
AC to DC 12V 2A Power Supply Adapter - $9.87 on Amazon
Sonoff Wifi Switch 3-Pack - $19.98 for 3 switches on Amazon - $6.66 each
Any extension cord you may have laying around

Total cost w\o extension cord - ~$30

Pro Tip: Use earplugs when testing the sirens to see if you have wired them correctly!


I have a Siren 6 which I configured separately before the new integration was released. I have setup so that it goes off when my smoke/CO2 in the basement goes off. I used native ZWave functionality for this.

From a volume standpoint, it required me to make two calls to play a noise, the first set the volume and the second triggered the tone. The volume would stay at the same level in perpetuity and was associated with the endpoint and so each endpoint could have a different volume.

I have downloaded a test version of HomeSeer, so I’m going to use that to make the associations, which would be saved in the Z-Stick, and then I’ll put it back in the Pi with Hass. I’m pretty sure that will work. :grinning:

Returned my Siren 6 and went this route. Good stuff – thank you, sir!

Sometimes when someone ring, the light never stop to flash after.
Is there a way to stop that ?

Same issue here

Hi I have zwave js it finds 48 entities but I need to know how to turn of the tampering alarm could someone help me how to do that ?
i also tryed zwavejs2mqtt but that does crash and make the home assistant unresponsive after a minute.