Support for cozytouch (smart heating gateway) Sauter heatings

Hello… If you have “platform Cozytouch” not found, you have to download the corresponding custom component (climate, switch, sensor and/or binary_sensor) from biker91620 (… and save it in the corresponding directory under custom_components in your HA home directory…

By the way, I am interested to test this COZYTOUCH platform as well… I understand it is still “work in progress”… Nevertheless, I have installed the different components but I have the following error when HA starts:

Thank you for your work and contribution on this.


Hello. I installed the cozytouch package for home assistant (running HA 0.89.1 and Python 3.7.2 on raspberry pi 3b+ (in a virtual environment))… Installation of COZYTOUCH went without any error (I downloaded the last version released a few hours ago). Everything is discovered: switches, climates, sensors and binary sensors… but when I try to update one of the radiators (change state or temperature), sometimes nothing happens or I am asking to change state to “off” and it’s moving to “frostprotection” … Any idea why ? Maybe because for my radiators (Thermor Equateur 3) because the only states I have in Cozytouch are: “Off, Basic (seems to correspond to frostprotection), Prog (seems to correspond to comfort) and Auto”… The only error messages I have are warnings saying “the update is taking more than 10 seconds” in home-assistant.log… Last: the radiators I am trying to pilot are connected on internet and at 900 km from my raspberry Pi… This is maybe another problem… Thank you for your help.

facing the same “issue” … the explored modes are not compliant to the excetuted modes … I connected a IO box to the cozytouch and things like boost or off won’t work. Just nothing happens.

It seem that you are using a version of python less than 3.6 that does not support variable annotations.

Do you use generic_thermostat ?

I am using Python 3.7.2 in my HA environment with the latest version of HA (0.89.1)… I don’t know what you mean by “Am I using generic_thermostat ?”. I installed Cozytouch components and it discovered everything automatically… but maybe you are speaking how I am displaying those equipments in UI-lovelace ? Il this is the case, I used “entity” and “thermostat” cards and same issue… I am sure I am missing something somewhere…

Update. For the time being, I am using this COZYTOUCH component to include the information updates from these equipments in HA… I have regularly warning messages that the update is taking longer than 10 seconds… but information displayed is correct.

Hi guys, I encountered a really weird problem with my heaters. I don’t know if it’s because of HA, but the thing is, I never had any problem with them for months, then I set the custom component up, had it work, and a few days later 2 of my Thermor Equateur 3 heaters (I have 4, those two are linked and on “Auto” mode) were stuck on “Frost protection 7° - Priority Order”. It was impossible to change the temperature, even by changing the mode. I uninstalled everything from HA and restarted the server, I turned off and on the bridge, tried to reset it, even cut the power for the heaters for one minute, with no effect. The only thing that worked was to enter the Expert mode (“Menu” + “Up”) on both heaters, and do a factory reset. My wife wasn’t really happy about the heaters not working “because of my geek stuff”, so I won’t try to install the component for a while :smile:

Error Log pleas

I opened an issue after upgrading to latest cozypy and cozytouch I also get error messages


I’m having issues installing your component.
I’m running version 193 / 0.103.6.
I have Malicio 2 water heaters working with Cozytouch.

I’ve tried installing your component in custom components and in regular components, none have worked. The regular one was indicated in one of this git’s previous issues.

The custom one returns errors for each approach (switch, climate, etc).
I never manage to obtain the component.

Here is the error:

_Error while setting up platform cozytouch
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/”, line 150, in async_setup_platform
await asyncio.wait_for(asyncio.shield(task), SLOW_SETUP_MAX_WAIT)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/asyncio/”, line 442, in wait_for
return fut.result()
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/concurrent/futures/”, line 57, in run
*result = self.fn(*self.args, *self.kwargs)
File “/config/custom_components/cozytouch/”, line 35, in setup_platform
from cozypy.constant import DeviceType
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘cozypy’

Thanks for your help,

You must install HACS, after this you go to Intégrations, you install the Cozytouch components and then restart Home Assistant.
When you have restart HA you go to configuration, intégrations and the Cozytouch intégration is here. If you don’t find it you must write in the Configuration file:
username: [email protected]
password: cozytouch

Hi Locodice,

Thanks, that’s what I did following a parallel thread (Integrate CozyTouch).

I now have issues obtaining the correct commands/operation modes (the ones included in

I checked with the different commands available and will try changing these commands as they are based on Netatmo according to the comments.
For example, for the thermor, for enabling the boost, it seems it’s setBoostMode and in it’s set_boost_mode.

I’ll update the post as soon as I’ll try after changing all the deltas.


okok no probleme

Hello biker91620
All this post IS now ils
I really need help to integrate cozytouch
Could help me please ?
(I m french, i think you are too?)

What do you need? What system are u rinning ? hassio … there’s an addon for this . PLease provide your setup infrmation and i’ll help you out :slight_smile:

Hello and thank you very much

M’y configuration

Home Assistant 0.107.7

Acrh armv7l
dev false
docker true
hassio true
os_name Linux
os_version 4.19.106-v7l
python_version 3.7.7
timezone Europe/Paris
version 0.107.7
virtualenv false

I integrated cozytouch with hacs
I havn t any entities, no sensor, no température,no climat
I have juste tow services
I want to command a central pump heater ans water heater,
This one :

I m using on Smart phone this app: Thermor cozytouch


Smartphones application

That’s funny…I never used cozytouch service… it also should have created climate entities.can you check this for me please