Support for Loqed Lock

Works like a charm!

Just installed my lock and afterwards installed the integration. I now can lock and unlock with HA. But can’t seem to understand how to open. Any thoughts? n/m found it, just through automations.

I constantly get a new device found. Anyone else this issue? When configuring the found device it says its already configured.

I have the same. I read on the forum somewhere (or Reddit) that this supposedly will be solved by the integration which is waiting to be approved

So I figured out how to add the integration via Hacs.
And got it working, it is very responsive to and works really well.

Only now I have one button to lock and unlock, but i would like to add a button to open the door.
This so I can add it to Homekit and open the door in the live camera view.

Yes, that’s something you need to create yourself. Probably you can create a button helper and a automation which executes

Als ik de link ingeef in hacs krijg ik meteen een fout melding en zit meteen vast :grimacing:

Hi stefano,

heb je de pure link gebruikt? GitHub - cpolhout/loqed_custom_component: Custom component for Home Asssistant, use HACS to install.

vergeet ook niet de cashback code te gebruiken!

Can you share the details of how, please? I can’t get my head around HA automations. The linked GitHub integration via HACS works for me now incl. status and device details. I used to have the webhook implement in the past but would love to have this better option running fully.

And what exactly do you want to achieve? Because it’s just calling a service inside the automation. So let’s say for example you want to open the door after pressing a button the trigger is the button and action would be open the lock.

Thanks, I seem to have it figured out with a new button card within HA. I ultimately want to control the lock from HomeKit, and here I can’t add another button. The lock therefore only locks and unlocks but doesn’t open. My previous manual webhook solution worked to open, but didn’t give me status info. I’ll try to call the service from an iOS shortcut instead.

you could create a helper button / switch which by automation opens the lock. You could then add this to homeKit.

I managed to get it to work better for me, I’m now calling directly from an iOS shortcut, bypassing HomeKit.


Any chance it will be possible to set the pin code to a predefined pin with an automation? I’m trying to create a ‘fairly’ safe way to unlock the front door based on facial recognition. Now I don’t just want to open the door when a face has been detected, but maybe I could set the pin to a predefined one.

ps. the official integration is getting nowhere :frowning:

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easy fix: Home assistant Loqed integratie fix - HomeHacker just try it!


easy fix: Home assistant Loqed integratie fix - HomeHacker

love this! Thanks

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Your welcome!

I’m not sure whether this is related to the ‘easy fix’ (to prevent detecting the lock as a new lock even though it has already been configured) mentioned above but:
My lock disappeared from HA and after reverting the ‘easy fix’ it is detected again. I cannot add it again however, because the integration reports is has already been added. I do not see any entity in the ‘developer-tools’ entity list in HA.
I also tried removing the plugin (this one cpolhout/loqed_custom_component: Custom component for Home Asssistant, use HACS to install. ( ) from HACS. But I did not dare to do this yet because HACS reports the integration is still active and should not be removed this way (first remove device and then remove plugin).
Is there a way to fix this / completely remove the loqed integration and everything related and to start over?

The plugin itself was working perfectly for me