Support for Nest Protect

Just managed to get this working for the first time. I’m on raspberry pi / hassios, and had a couple of workarounds needed to get the cookies thing going as mentioned above.

The main one is that @imick seems to be suggesting everyone install @nicoinch 's fork, which gives you the cookies fields to paste into when you set it up.

its here: GitHub - nicoinch/ha-nest-protect: Nest Protect integration for Home Assistant. This will allow you to integrate your smoke, heat, co and occupancy status real-time in HA.

Also I had to manually install the fork as HACS wouldnt let me install nico’s one via the UI. That involved installing an FTP plugin so i could transfer the files to the HACS custom_components folder.

Also also FWIW I can’t see the integration in the hacs/integrations display (where I could see mick’s one installed via the UI). Hope this is useful for anyone else struggling - corrections welcome.

The first beta release, with the work of @Cruguah and @nicoinch has been added to the Nest Protect integration.

Release v0.4.0b1 · iMicknl/ha-nest-protect (

You can install it via GitHub or download via HACS:

Please share your feedback on GitHub. When there are no remaining issues, we can merge in main and everyone can easily use the new cookie method.

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This is great @imick, thanks!

For those of us running the @nicoinch brach, what would the best or actual procedure to switch without loosing devices / data?


Posted this on the Home Assistant Community Forum. I have an issue with the Nest Protect. It stopped working after the install of 20230503.1.

I have tried to re-authorize using the cookie and issue token but it doesn’t want to budge. Any ideas?
Thank you

This is the error log:
This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: homeassistant.config_entries
Source: custom_components/nest_protect/
Integration: Nest Protect (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 09:14:59 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 09:14:59

Error setting up entry Nest Protect for nest_protect

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 387, in async_setup
    result = await component.async_setup_entry(hass, self)
  File "/config/custom_components/nest_protect/", line 126, in async_setup_entry
    hass.config_entries.async_setup_platforms(entry, PLATFORMS)
AttributeError: 'ConfigEntries' object has no attribute 'async_setup_platforms'

See After HA update to 2023.5.0 , Nest-protect integration no longer works · Issue #224 · iMicknl/ha-nest-protect ( You probably use a fork or didn’t update to the latest update.

Hi All,

Yesterday we had a small fire in kitchen. Nest Protect speak out this issue so we were in time to get in action. After we settled down and everything was over I checked my HA. (I have automation that triggers a notification alarm) but this didn’t fired… No state change on the specific Nest protect was registered.

So my question will be: Is this add-on really working?

I have not tested the fire but presence sensors work flawlessly, though maybe with a slight delay

Funny, I don’t have presence sensors at all…

I have a hard-wired one

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Here battery

Would be great if you can create an issue on GitHub and we can investigate, when you have time. I have to say that other people did also notice this in the past, but we haven’t been able to gather any good logs. In my case it did work…

This morning I started work on trying to migrate my Nest Protects to Google so I can start using your custom component. I ran into an issue with Google - apparently you can’t migrate Nest Protects to Google G-Suite accounts. Totally rediculous since all my other Google products are tied to my G-Suite acount (Google Home, Mini’s, etc).

My question is if I create a separate account (gmail) for the Nest units, would this still work? I already have Google minis in HA using my G-Suite account, so not sure if this can use a different account just for the Nest units. Thanks!

The authentication method of Google Accounts is not ideal anymore as well. You would need to use the beta version of the Nest Protect component, and extract manually your session / cookies. This method has also still quite some issues on our GitHub.
TLDR: the Nest Protect component does not work super super reliable at the moment due to changes on the Google side

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Thanks! I was able to locate the beta version and extract the session / cookie - and everything is working! Hopefully Google doesn’t further limit things. Honestly, your custom component provides more information and is much better than I had with the original Nest API in HA.

Just in case someone else ends up going around in circles like I did:

  • Have to install beta version in HACS (v0.4.0b1 as of today)
  • Need to use beta instructions from here to get the issue_token and cookies for setup

Obviously you worked this out and got it working - but I also got stung - my entire ecosystem is based on a very old G-Suite account, so had to setup a new vanilla account to get things going.

So far so good, but what a PITA! I’ve only linked them to HA so far - haven’t bothered trying to link into my existing Google Home setup yet.

Is there any way to expose the Protect sensors to HomeKit in HA?

Thanks for this! I recently noticed my Nest Protect integration said it needed to be “Reconfigured”. It prompted me for an access token which I couldn’t find. Came here, scrolled to the latest entries and found yours.

Downloaded v0.4.0b2 as of today and followed the beta instructions you linked and got the needed info. The only thing that was weird is the prompt in HA to configure it has two textfield entries, which I assumed were for the issue_token and cookies info. But they aren’t labeled. I just once again assumed the first one was for issue_token and the second for cookies. That did the trick, and then it recognized all of my devices.



@1Gunn That’t great to read. Could you please share a screen capture of all the integrations’ entities, its showing. Appreciated.

I got my 2 Nest Protects up-and-running again using my old cookie credentials.

This integration (v0.4.0b2) is working for me also. I first tried with my old, free Google Workspace account but as expected this did not worked. After that I used my Gmail account with succes. This is working without problems. Thanks to everybody for all the efforts.