Support for New Switchbot Roller Shades

I just received the brand new Switchbot Roller Shades and would very much like support for this in the Switchbot Bluetooth Integration.

I am no coder, but I assume given that Switchbot is popular for similar products that makes shades go up and down, open and closed, that it should be relatively easy to add support for this device in the integration.

Currently my Home Assistant bluetooth devices (an ESP32) doesn’t detect it at all.

I recently got the new roller shades as well. ESP32 does not detect them.

Got a roller shade a few weeks ago, while there is some functionality with the matter integration I can’t get the roller to stop with cover.stop, it does stop and closes, I need this to be able to program a remote. Also the Bluetooth integration might be welcome as it is usually quicker than the switchbot matter implementation