Sureflap Connect - Pet Door

When I first started to play with HA, I am sure I created a Person for both my cats. I gave both their person accounts a picture of them both.

I am sure I was able to get the picture to dim when they were out and be active when home. I cant for the life of me remember how I did it now.

This is exactly what i am looking for. Sorry I am a new to HA. how do I set this up?

got it working.

I see i needed to install the component from the link below. This is now working for me. Thanks for idea.

Anyone want to take up the charge to add the ability to see which pet door the pet came though? Mine have to go through two doors to get outside, but once the go through the first it shows them as outside.

I see they record this data in the app, so I’m hoping it can be ported to this integration.

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Updating the integration probably would have been easier, but I don’t know how to do that. So I put together some Node-Red code that goes out to the site to query which pet door the cat came through. So I trigger this anytime a cat’s status changes in HA.


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If anyone was interested I have just finished refactoring the PetHubLocal “Local Cloud” version I was working on last year and had quite a few months off for personal reasons. Works for me now.


So, is the proprietary hub actually needed in addition to Sureflap Connect Door. Or, is just the door enough for integration in Home Assistant?

Read the documentation and still unsure.

Yes you need the hub. The devices talk a modified Zigbee protocol they only Mark has built a basic client using the MRF radio.
I had my ESP32 code I build with the MRF as well but it never got to the state it was robust enough.
It’s my experience it is just far easier using the hub than trying to build something to replace it.

Alright, thanks much! Honestly, it isn’t worth the $300 for me. I’ll buy a basic pet door for $30 and forget about Home Assistant integration. Thanks for the confirmation. Much appreciated.

Hello! Is there a way to create sensors for each pet to track (and store) how much have they drinked daily, weekly and monthly? Like how the APP does so I can have some statistics via HA.

This are the Felaqua attributes:

id: 742764
parent_device_id: 413464
product_id: 8
household_id: 106052
name: Bebedero
serial_number: XXXXXXXXXXX
mac_address: XXXXXXXXXXX
index: 1
version: MzAzNA==
created_at: 2021-04-12T14:55:59+00:00
updated_at: 2022-09-24T12:31:22+00:00
pairing_at: 2022-01-07T10:57:11+00:00
fast_polling: true
learn_mode: false
tare: 0

id: 413464
product_id: 1
product_firmware_id: 188
household_id: 106052
serial_number: XXXXXXXXXXX
mac_address: XXXXXXXXXXX
version: NTc4OQ==
created_at: '2019-09-20T11:00:48+00:00'
updated_at: '2022-09-27T15:24:08+00:00'

    hardware: 1
    firmware: 213
battery: 5.702
learn_mode: null
online: false
  device_rssi: -90
  hub_rssi: -90

- id: 241429
  index: 3
  profile: 2
  version: MQ==
  created_at: '2022-01-07T11:08:19+00:00'
  updated_at: '2022-01-07T11:08:27+00:00'
- id: 243613
  index: 1
  profile: 2
  version: MA==
  created_at: '2022-01-07T11:02:42+00:00'
  updated_at: '2022-01-07T11:02:42+00:00'
- id: 244300
  index: 0
  profile: 2
  version: MA==
  created_at: '2022-01-07T10:58:05+00:00'
  updated_at: '2022-01-07T10:58:05+00:00'
- id: 246928
  index: 2
  profile: 2
  version: MA==
  created_at: '2022-01-07T11:05:22+00:00'
  updated_at: '2022-01-07T11:05:22+00:00'

from: '2022-09-20T13:22:28+00:00'
to: '2022-09-20T13:24:22+00:00'
duration: 114
context: 1
device_id: 742764
  - index: 0
    weight: 434.89
    change: -25.45
    multi: false
actual_weight: -1044.12

friendly_name: Felaqua Bebedero

By default, HA only keeps data for 10 days. What you could do is send the Felaqua data to something like InfluxDB for long term storage. Then you use Grafana to make some pretty graphs.

That’s about all I know at a high level. I think all that should work and give you a place to start.

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Thanks for the advice, I will try this!

Yes, mixing the two wrecked the entire thing. It’s really hard to know who is talking about what.

I have a Dual Scan Sure door, no hub, is there anyway to get it working or do I definitely need to buy the hub? Just seems so dumb I’d have to buy that since I have HA running pretty well on dedicated hardware.

This is awesome!

Yep. You’re gonna need a hub.

I did start building a complete Hub replacement using an ESP32 and Zigbee MRF24j Zigbee radio and had a shield fabricated for it. Which I semi got working but the code was never completed:

Mike also created a version on a Pi using a BeeClick

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Is anyone else’s door showing as “unavailable” on and off in the last 24hours? Every few minutes it’s alternating between unlocked & unavailable.
Battery level is fine (have changed batteries to ensure this), but nothing else is changing.

Rest of HA is rock solid, net is solid, and when using the app, when it’s in the periods of “unavailable”, the Surepet app displays normally with lock status being shown and no errors. (ears on the hub haven’t been flashing or anything)

Not sure if it’s a SP server issue, or something else?

Attached screenshot, you can see it was solid up until last night, then became flakey regardless of the lock status (curfew in this case). - grey is unavailable times.
Screenshot_20221025-095044_Home Assistant|264x500

But why would you even need to build that? Seems like you should be able to do everything on the HA machine. I will try to look at your code when I have some time and see if it would be feasible. The HA instance should be the hub, like it is for everything else.

They’re sold out everywhere. I don’t see why I should need it though anyway. Going to look more into it, thanks.

That’s not really how things work. There’s no way for HA to communicate directly with the door. They don’t speak the same languages.