Swipe control smart phone to do actions

Could it be possible to achieve this idea?

I made a remote for my TV. It’s working quite good, but I thought that it might be much comfortable to do swipes for the arrows, instead of having to press in each arrow button.

So the idea would be just that when there’s a swipe up, some code makes it possible to do an action (in my case that would be a broadlink.send, with the code for the "up arrow).

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Looking for a swipe action to mimic Spotify whereas swiping left/right calls a script to move to the next/previous song. Is this possible?

Bump. Almost exactly a year, and from myself no less.

Would LOVE to be able to swipe left and right on album art to go back and forth in Spotify playlists like in the Spotify app. Would be so awesome to have this capability.

I created this card a few years ago and just now decided to make it public! Sorry for being 4 years too late haha.
As for album art, I could try looking into adding functionality to support adding dynamic images to the card if this is still wanted.