Switching from Zwave 1.4 (Deprecated) to Zwave JS

Well, there is a way to gather some more information to overcome what I mentioned earlier. This template will gather the instance id as well for each entity:

{%- for node, zstates in states | selectattr('attributes.node_id', 'in', range(1000)) | groupby('attributes.node_id') %}
{{ node }}:
  {%- for s in zstates %}
  - {{ s.name }}
    {{ s.entity_id }}
    {{ s.attributes.value_instance}}
  {% endfor %}
{%- endfor %}

and for those who may want to take this directy to Excel via CSV, here it goes:

"node ID", "name", "entity ID", "instance ID"
{%- for node, zstates in states | selectattr('attributes.node_id', 'in', range(1000)) | groupby('attributes.node_id') %}
  {%- for s in zstates %}
"{{ node }}","{{ s.name }}","{{ s.entity_id }}", "{{ s.attributes.value_instance}}"
  {%- endfor %}
{%- endfor %}

I agree with all of that. Which is why I typically stay away from the GUI editors.

That said, since the “target user” has been shifted toward non-tech savvy users a generic “it’s better to edit the json files directly than thru the UI” is not a good recommendation. At least without a lot of caveats.


Thanks for the guide, it was pretty straightforward.

Where is the best place to report hardware issues?
I have a fan switch (supported according to the DB)that is showing up as a light switch so I can’t properly control the speed; the other issue is my garage door controller appears to not work (also listed as supported) nothing changes when I open it, and I can no longer control it (open or close it) from the app

I followed this guide thank you - however I have many devices which make it difficult and impossible for me to go around and wake each device up so that they would still be awake by the time I would restart HA / Z-Wave to pick up the details.

So I now have all my mains wired devices all reporting in OK, for the most part.

But my battery devices are basically all showing as Node Status: Unknown and Node Ready: No.
Is there any way I can force a re-discovery so it picks up all the available entities / data from each device one at a time?

FYI I migrated from 1.4 to the standard Node JS, not MQTT or anything just yet.

You have to wait for the devices to wake up or force a wake up. You can attempt rediscovery but that won’t solve the problem because the devices aren’t awake. When they aren’t awake, they don’t respond to commands. This is the nature of zwave. Your only option is to wake them, reinclude them (which requires you to do the same actions as waking them up typically), or wait for them to naturally wake up (which is typically a device configuration).


Which of the options is the best place to migrate to for what the future will eventually be? zwaveJS or some flavor of zwavejs2mqtt?

Thank you.

For now ZwaveJS2MQTT. It’ll give you the closes abilities to Zwave 1.4 or OpenZwave (beta). Over time, Zwave JS integration will add abilities to it that will make the Zwave JS Addon more appealing. However, I wouldn’t expect an interface in the Zwave JS Addon. It will be in the Zwave JS Integration.

Personally, I’m using the ZwaveJS2MQTT and I probably won’t switch. The good news is, switching between the 2 is very simple if you have access to the cache files.

Thank you for the reply. I am running zwavejs2mqtt right now and it is REALLY slow. I was thinking zwavejs might be faster. (I’m running on a Pi4…)

I did not have slowness on 1.4… (You know, just all the other issues…) :slight_smile:


Have you looked at your logs? I know you’ve mentioned slowness, but you’re the only person with this issue. Did you have polling set up in 1.4? Have you looked at the logs to see the response time? Is there anything else in the logs that are flooding it?

Working through my devices and stuck on the first one. Fibaro Motion sensor.
I’ve opened up the back, tapped 3 times and woken the device up.
Gone to Z-Wave JS, Add Note, it tells me it will run a wizard and I click on Start Inclusion, and then it does nothing AFAIK. Going back to look at the device and nothing has changed on it. Am I missing something?

You don’t need to include it, just wake it up. Waking up is different on every device. You’ll probably have to consult the devices manual. Then it’ll find the hardware info. Make sure to watch the logs as it should indicate that it was able to get the information after it woke up.

To clarify, I’m referring to the zwave js logs, not the home assistant logs.

Also, if you’re having this much trouble, you may want to use ZwaveJS2MQTT addon instead of the Zwave JS addon. It’s a little more user friendly for the time being.

Thanks, will look at MQTT.
I’ve tried waking and including but the device still doesn’t update on HA with any entities.

I’m a recent divorcee from Indigo where to rediscover all of the attributes / entities you would have to wake the device but then also force a re-sync within the GUI, but with HA there looks to be no way to force a resync other than re-include?

Also not seeing where to get the JS Logs, other than the download all device info button within the settings on the integration?

You don’t need to re-include or refresh the node. After it wakes up for the first time, it knows how to handle it. But you may need to restart the server and even HA for the device to appear with the correct attributes.

The logs are in the addon under the logs tab for zwave_js. However at this point I do recommend uninstalling the integration, uninstalling the zwave_JS addon and then using the zwaveJS2MQTT addon. It’ll give you a clearer picture of what’s happening on the server if you’re not used to digging through text logs.

Once all your devices appear properly in zwavejs2mqtt, then install the zwavejs integration.

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I do have to comment on this… Although I don’t have Fibaro Sensors, on all 3 of my combo Motion/Temp/Humidity sensors, just waking them up didn’t work, there were all kinds of errors in the logs. I had to remove them and re-join them in order for things to start working.

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Good to know. It worked for my fibaro door sensor, I assumed it works for all their devcies.

yea, I don’t recall what the errors were, I felt it would just be easier to remove/re-add the sensors as opposed to troubleshoot.

Side question, anything I need to do if I want to switch between Zwave JS and the ZwaveJS2MQTT so I don’t lose anything and have to rename everything again? I want to test if switching will resolve the issues I have with my Garage Door Opener.

All you need is the cache files, finding them can be a challenge though. They’ll be named .json, .values.json, and 1 other one. ALl you need to do is move them between the containers and you’ll be good to go.

I doubt it. What issues are you having?

No states change when I open the door manually, and there is no longer an option to open/close it from Home Assistant

Does the device appear in the logs? You may want to delete the device and restart HA so that it can attempt to grab the information. If that doesn’t help then you should try ZwaveJS2MQTT so you can at least see what the node is seen as.