Switching from Zwave 1.4 (Deprecated) to Zwave JS

I’ve tried removing it and re-adding it several times. It comes up as an unknown node if I do a regular add, but it appears to be correctly detected when I do a Secure Add.

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It might require secure adding. Not sure, I don’t have that device. My zwave garage door opener is ‘home-made’.

That is after secure adding. No option to open/close and there is no state change when the door is opened

I inadvertently updated to 0.1.6 (I had it working yesterday). Once the update completed it wanted me to enter the device path again. I will not let me enter my device path (/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_HubZ_Smart_Home_Controller_81300A0E-if00-port0). It only allows a drop down of /dev/ttyS0, S1, S2, or S3.

I can not revert back to my original ZwaveJS config because I failed to make a snapshot after the install, only before.

How do I add my config path if I can’t freeform. It will not let me use /dev/ttyUSB0 either.

Thank you, this was very successful for me. I’d like to suggest that you put into Step 9, that you may have to wait for 10-15 minutes while the network probes and all the devices wake up and connects to the network. For me, the majority of my devices are battery operated, and it took quite some time for all of them to be discovered (almost an hour). Thanks again for the write-up.

For all of the members making suggestions for updating the guide…

As an FYI this section of the forum is considered a “wiki” and, as such, the first post in the thread is editable by everyone.

If you see something that needs changed feel free to make the change yourself.

Petro shouldn’t need to be the only one making changes.

In the configuration tab for the addon click the 3 dots in the upper right and select edit in YAML. Enter the device there – it won’t show if you change back to “Edit in UI” but in my case, it still stuck.

I’ve tried that but it will not save. It only pops up with an error. I can’t even exit that yaml pop up screen until I clear the entry.

Failed to set Z-Wave JS add-on config: not a valid value for dictionary value @ data['options']. Got {'device': '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_HubZ_Smart_Home_Controller_81300A0E-if00-port0', 'network_key': ''}

Regarding step 10 (the most time consuming) - In the example there are 55 devices and 227 entities. Is it potentially necessary to rename all 282 elements or just the 55 devices?

yes, potentially all 282 entities. If you didn’t use all 282, just rename what you used. That’s all I did. I essentially only had to rename about 70 entities, basically all the devices I use in the UI and automations.

Thanks Petro. I suspect I’ll have to rename about 70 also. Will it be easier or automated in an upcoming release?

It could be, but you’ll still have to correlate the devices yourself. The backend is completely different and the entities that were created by the old backend do not match whats created by the new backend. Somethings will be easy to detect, others won’t. It’ll be hit or miss.

Yes. Quite understandable. Is it possible that a future release might necessitate reviewing the devices and entities again?

Probably not, but we said that about openzwave (beta) and the dev jumped ship… so :man_shrugging:

Not yet, it will be someday but Z-Wave JS is still in development and does not yet have all the controls built in yet. If your system is working fine you can leave it alone.

@petro it probably makes sense in the “install the addon” section to tell people to rewrite their key to the 1A23BC format. There are a few places where the “old” format is not accepted.

Also it mentions the “.storeage” folder, i think you meant .storage

I have four of twenty nodes that remain undefined after twelve hours. I would wait longer, but the log of the addon log indicates that it tried five times to interview and has given up. I’ve attempted to wake the devices without luck. Is it time to exclude the nodes and add them again?

Hi All, I upgraded to Zwave JS and it went pretty smooth. Except for one thing… my Kwikset Obsidian 954 by Spectrum Brands Zwave lock doesn’t update to “unlocked” or “locked” when it’s either locked/unlocked by using the code or manually by toggling the deadbolt. I had this problem initially with Zwave 1.4 but made a modification noted here Kwikset smartcode 916 status and updates

I’m wondering if something needs added to Zwave JS to recognize these device states to get the lock status to reflect when a person physically interacts with the lock.

Thank you in advance for any assistance.

If you think the guide needs updated then you should do that.

It’s a community wiki so anyone can edit it, not just petro.

Thanks for that! I didn’t see the edit button before, must have just not looked in the right spot.
I’ve made my edits!

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