Switching to Satel-Integra Home alarm, any advice?

Thanks for the reply. So I’d like to be able to do both (in different scenarios) - to briefly blast the alarm as a ‘warning’ but also to be able to trigger the alarm as in tell the satel that a zone has been ‘breached’
However, AFAIU, in order to do that, I need to have the output for the siren and for the ‘alarm triggered’ set as a ‘switchable outputs’ within the Satel itself and not just the HA, is that correct?
For now I don’t have it configured in Satel as such and I’m unable to trigger/blast the siren by adding my output as a ‘switchable output’ (nothing happens when I try to trigger it that way).

Installed this module, integration with ‘hass.io’ looks O.K. I do not see any errors…
However I can not ‘arm’ the system from the panel.
Should be something more configured? Is that any ‘trick’ to arm my Integra 32 system ?

Sorry @dariusz , I’ve missed your post somehow.

Did you manage to make it work in the end? It should work just fine.

Yes, not it is O.K.

What was the issue?

I do not know… I just deleted this integration, restarted hass.io and installed it carefully again.

What’s your configuration on the satel side of the output ? I’m not able to use switchable output.

What about the config example in the docs? Does it not work for you?

I was asking about the satel config, not on the HA.

  host: XX
  code: XX

      name: 'Syrena'
#      type: 'safety'

That’s my HA config but it doesn’t work. And not sure where the problem is.

OK, I understand your issue.

I don’t have my config with me, but I have some suggestions:

  1. I think you’re trying to set output that’s not settable (output type is not allowing that)
  2. Try to switch unassigned output from Home Assistant, and then if that works, set your siren output as logical OR of “alarm” output and this unassigned, HA-modifiable output.

This is the way I have it set up, with some editable outputs.
Let me know if it helps.

Thanks for your support. You were right. I had to use one of the not assigned outputs and make an output of siren as a SUM of output controlled from HA and alarm.

Glad it worked out OK!

how this integration work with Satel Versa? Should it work ? Thanks

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Hey @c-soft, hope you are OK!
coming back for some help.

I noticed these entries in the logs (ssh: hassio ha logs) while startup:

2020-03-18 15:31:10 INFO (MainThread) [satel_integra.satel_integra] Ignoring message: 0xee
2020-03-18 15:31:16 INFO (MainThread) [satel_integra.satel_integra] Calling handler for id: 0x00
2020-03-18 15:31:18 INFO (MainThread) [satel_integra.satel_integra] Calling handler for id: 0x00
2020-03-18 15:31:21 INFO (MainThread) [satel_integra.satel_integra] Calling handler for id: 0x00
2020-03-18 15:31:23 INFO (MainThread) [satel_integra.satel_integra] Calling handler for id: 0x00
2020-03-18 15:31:30 INFO (MainThread) [satel_integra.satel_integra] Ignoring message: 0xee
2020-03-18 15:31:50 INFO (MainThread) [satel_integra.satel_integra] Ignoring message: 0xee

Any idea what it is about?

Hello. I am trying to set up switchable outputs in my configuration. But I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. I have a garage door which can be opened/closed using a keyfob and also can be opened via the Integra app under “outputs”. I’d like to configure this as a switchable output in Home Assistant. Can someone point me to exactly where in DLOADX I can find the number of the output/zone? I have found multiple locations where the garage door is listed which is confusing. And I’ve tried several configurations without success (HA loads just fine but nothing happens when I toggle the switch that is created). Thank you.


I was able to figure out which zone numbers to use through some trial & error. For future reference for anyone else looking to configure this, you should use the numbers coming out of Data ==> Outputs on the DLOADX software.

I have this working now. But it does not work as I had anticipated. When I open/close the garage door using the Satel app, the switchable output rotates from off to on for 1.0-1.5 seconds and then back to off. But when I flip the switch in Home Assistant, nothing happens. I assumed that I’d be able to open/close the garage door using this switch. Have I misunderstood the functionality of a switchable output? I’m a bit of a noob when it comes to home assistant. So, apologies if these are stupid questions. Thank you.


My memory is hazy here, but it’s one of 2 things:

  1. Your switchable output is being on just for couple of seconds within Satel Integra alarm, and then goes back to off - and that behavior is reflected by the switch in HA. Then you should configure it the way so it stays on after you switch it (using DLOADX software).
  2. … if not then it’s possibly a status reporting bug :slight_smile:

Hi. Thanks a lot for the reply. And also, thank you for authoring this excellent integration for Satel.

I can modify the behavior of the output in DLOADX. But would that impact the behavior of the switchable output in HA? My end goal is to be able to open/close the garage door based on an automation using the switchable output in HA. Right now, when I manually flip the switch in HA representing the switchable output, nothing happens. Thanks again.


Hi @breevesdc,

i want to do exactly the same thing as you, did you manage to solve this?

Hello. Unfortunately, no. I have never been able to figure out how to use a switchable output to open/close my garage door. I can do so in the Integra app. I also have a keyfob for the Satel system that can do the same. But not from Home Assistant. There are some partial examples of how to set up and use switchable outputs using this integration in this forum. But no full examples of a working solution (that I can find). And I have not been able to figure out how to get it working myself. If you have success, I’d appreciate it if you could post your solution to this thread. Thanks and good luck!
