Synchronize Ring Alarm Keypad v2 with Alarmo

Another thing I noticed… I setup Alarmo to require a pin for arming as well. Looks like you have only set this up to pass the code for disarming.

Sorry for all the posts, but I also noticed another item. It would be good if you could arm to away mode if the alarmo state is armed_home. As it is the way you have it setup, you can only arm to either home or away if alarmo is disarmed.

Okay, updated to pass an arming code if one is provided, and to allow arming away from armed home.

Note that it looks like Alarmo doesn’t give you an exit delay if you arm to away from home, which probably isn’t want you want. That one you’ll have to take up with the Alarmo developers.

Thanks for putting this together! I was just working to convert my ring keypad over from smartthings last night and was stuck on a few items, so this helps immensely.

I don’t use a passcode with the Alamro keypad, just the ring keypad. Just a use case to consider. I’ll have to figure out how to modify so I can verify the ring input against a variable code.

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Thanks. Looks good!

I have 3 keypads. I noticed only one of them exposes a motion sensor. I see that it is running firmware 1.18, while the other two without the motion sensor are on firmware 1.8. Looks like firmware can only be updated through the Ring app through a base station. Can anyone confirm this?

I noticed on HA restarts, Alarmo must change its state and this causes the keypad to make arm/disarm announcements on restart. Can you think of a clean way to avoid this? Perhaps an option for an input boolean that be set on at HA start which prevents the announcements from running?

I haven’t noticed that in my setup. Maybe the most straightforward way to handle this would be to disable this automation on home assistant stop, and re-enable it at some point after startup? Something like:

  - name: "Disable alarm keypad sync on shutdown"
      platform: homeassistant
      event: shutdown
      service: automation.turn_off
      entity_id: automation.ring_keypad_automations
    mode: single
  - name: "Enable keypad sync after startup"
      platform: homeassistant
      event: start
        - delay: 30
        - service: automation.turn_on
          entity_id: automation.ring_keypad_automations
    mode: single

Or, actually, another thought: is the alarm_control_panel state showing as “unknown” on startup for you? We could condition the whole automation on the trigger not being a state transition from unknown.

Yes it is “Unknown” during my nightly restart for backups. Here’s a snapshot.

Okay, updated to include what I think should be the right condition. Sorry, this case I can’t test - let me know if it doesn’t stop it. It at least doesn’t break normal operation.

Thanks. I’ll test it tonight.

You should also consider adding a source URL to the blueprint code. This will likely be what HA requires in a future update to automatically update blueprints.

So… dumb question, but where is that documented? I don’t see that option in the blueprint schema.

@ImSorryButWho Thanks so much for this! I’ve been struggling with how to get this all setup as well and this should definitely help the WAF!

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First off this blueprint is great! Thanks so much for the work.

I noticed the three mode buttons do not light up when first changing modes, here is an example

When arming home the status light will be turned off until the keypad goes to sleep and wakes up again it will then be red (or blue). This happens with all modes; disarmed, armed home, and armed away. You can cover the motion sensor after a mode change, wait for keypad to sleep then uncover and it will be the correct status color.

Never used the Ring keypad before integrating with Home Assistant, not sure if this is by design or not.

Thank you!

That’s a really great question, and thinking about it led me to figure out what the parameter to the multi-level indicator does. Turns out, at least for the mode indicators that’s setting the brightness of the button. I’ve updated the blueprint to set it to full brightness.


That did the trick! Thank you. I ended up having to re-import the Blueprint, wasn’t updating after reloading automation.

Yeah, my understanding is that auto updating blueprints are on the roadmap, but not implemented yet.

Oh, thought I had read some others on the community it was working. Thanks for the info! Not hard to re-import :slight_smile: