Synchronize Ring Alarm Keypad v2 with Alarmo

Sorry for causing this :blush:. Version 1.9.1 of Alarmo should restore the functionality.


No worries! Thank you for being so responsive, and in general for Alarmo. Itā€™s a fantastic piece of work.

I have same problem heren with v2 no sounds online if i press nummer.

any idea on how to make the keypad make a windchime sound for 3 or 5 seconds? basically i want to make a noise so that whenever my door sensor (non Ring brand) go ON, i would hear it. i tried this but it does not work

service: zwave_js.set_value
  command_class: '135'
  endpoint: '0'
  property: '98'
  property_key: '7'
  value: 5
  entity_id: sensor.keypad_v2_battery_level

First of all thank you very much for such great blueprint and automation!

I wanted to bring to your attention that after implementing the blue print with alarmo integration, I have noticed that when you arm / disarm with a user pin code via the alarmo panel, HASSIO logbook records the actual user who initiated the action.

However when this is done via Ring Keypad with a valid user pin code associated with an existing user defined in alarmo panel all you get in the logbook is [ Alarm Panel changed to disarm triggered by automation ā€œRing Keypad Automationsā€ triggered by event ā€˜zwave_js_notificationā€™ ] message with no indication of which user initiated the action from the keypad.

I am no expert with HASSIO, for that I would appreciate if you can advise if I have missed something during configuration ?

Once, again thank you so very much for your work.



Youā€™re not doing anything wrong ā€“ this is a limitation of how Home Assistant attributes events to users. To the best of my knowledge, the only way that happens is if the event occurs because someone clicked a button in the UI, in which case itā€™s attributed to the logged-in user. Youā€™ll note that no matter which code you use to disarm the alarm, itā€™s always attributed to the same user in the logbook if the same user is logged in to the UI.

If this is something you want, it would have to be added to Alarmo. It already logs the actual user that changed the state to the Home Assistant Log (not the logbook), if the log level for Alarmo allows info-level logs.

The only thing we can do from this automation is log the actual code used, which you definitely donā€™t want.

For anyone using this blueprint: how does the keypad react when you try to arm the alarm and one of the sensors is still open? Is there a way to bypass/ignore these sensors via the keypad?

The keypad will say ā€œsensors require bypass.ā€ If you press the arming button again within 5 seconds, it will force arm the system.


Ah! I tried to enter the code again, which obviously didnā€™t work :sweat_smile:

Thanks for the blueprints, alarm part work like a charm on my side.
On the other side, the police, medical and fire buttons are not working.
Looking at zwave events via developer tools, it looks like ring keypad doesnā€™t send any events for the 3 buttons. It does send event for the other buttonsā€¦

If you have any clue, let me knowā€¦

You have to hold those buttons down for 3 seconds before they trigger a zwave event - Try that and see if it works. It works on my Ring v2.


Thanks ! I was not aware 3 seconds are required !

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thanks for this blueprint @ImSorryButWho , works great. even with zwavejs since it supports S2 now.
maybe you could edit that part of the first post, as i was trying to get it work with zwave2mqtt first.
but the official zwavejs addon works better for me.

only thing iā€™m missing with integrating Ring to HA is to change the language.
would that be possible aswell ? or do i need the official gateway+app to change it first?

i found this, but donā€™t know how (or if itā€™s possible) to use these commands


Just set configuration parameter 18 (for version 2) or 22 (for version 1) to the value for the language you want in the ZwaveJS2MQTT configuration pane for the device, or on the ā€œConfigure Deviceā€ page in the Home Assistant UI.

Note that at least the v2 keypads I have access to (in the US market) only support 0 (English), 2 (French) and 5 (Spanish).

thank you very much!
mine (eu-version) worked for german as well.

is it possible to use the arm buttons for long-presses as well?
so long-press home becomes night-mode and long-press away becomes vacation?

I just integrated the keypad and it works like a charm, I was wondering if it is possible to add a second keypad as I have two entry ways to my house? They should both control the same Alarmo area in my case, but others may want keypads for different areas like a garage etc.

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Absolutely. I have two by two different doors in my house. Just instantiate the blueprint twice, and set the keypad device appropriately for each one.

Great, will get a second one right away, thanks