System Monitoring - How does yours look?

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ahh, superb, thank you! @tom_l

Mine’s very simple by comparison to most of the dashboards shown here, but this is mine:

The only custom UI element in use here is the Compact Custom Header.
And in case anyone’s interested in how this is layed out and configured:

  - badges: []
      - type: 'custom:compact-custom-header'
        voice: hide
      - cards:
          - entities: []
            show_header_toggle: false
            title: "\U0001F5A5 Debian System Status"
            type: entities
          - cards:
              - entity: sensor.processor_use
                name: CPU Usage
                  green: 0
                  red: 90
                  yellow: 65
                title: Processor
                type: gauge
                unit_of_measurement: '%'
              - entity: sensor.memory_use_percent
                name: Memory Usage
                  green: 0
                  red: 90
                  yellow: 65
                title: Memory
                type: gauge
                unit_of_measurement: '%'
            type: horizontal-stack
          - cards:
              - Name: Disk Usage
                entity: sensor.disk_use_percent
                name: Disk Usage
                  green: 0
                  red: 90
                  yellow: 65
                title: Disk
                type: gauge
                unit_of_measurement: '%'
              - entity: sensor.cpu_temp
                max: 105
                name: CPU Temp
                  green: 0
                  red: 90
                  yellow: 70
                title: CPU Temp
                type: gauge
                unit_of_measurement: °C
            type: horizontal-stack
        type: vertical-stack
      - cards:
          - entities: []
            show_header_toggle: false
            title: "\U0001F5A5 Synology Status"
            type: entities
          - cards:
              - entity: sensor.cpu_load_total
                name: CPU Usage
                  green: 0
                  red: 90
                  yellow: 65
                title: Processor
                type: gauge
                unit_of_measurement: '%'
              - entity: sensor.memory_usage_real
                name: Memory Usage
                  green: 0
                  red: 90
                  yellow: 65
                title: Memory
                type: gauge
                unit_of_measurement: '%'
            type: horizontal-stack
          - cards:
              - entity: sensor.volume_used_volume_1
                name: Volume Usage
                  green: 0
                  red: 90
                  yellow: 65
                title: Disk
                type: gauge
                unit_of_measurement: '%'
              - entity: sensor.temperature_sda
                max: 105
                name: Disk Temp
                  green: 0
                  red: 90
                  yellow: 65
                type: gauge
                unit_of_measurement: °C
            type: horizontal-stack
        type: vertical-stack
      - cards:
          - entities: []
            show_header_toggle: false
            title: "\U0001F5A5 USG Status"
            type: entities
          - cards:
              - entity: sensor.unifi_gateway_wan_cpu
                name: CPU Usage
                  green: 0
                  red: 90
                  yellow: 65
                title: Processor
                type: gauge
                unit_of_measurement: '%'
              - entity: sensor.unifi_gateway_wan_mem
                name: Memory Usage
                  green: 0
                  red: 90
                  yellow: 65
                title: Memory
                type: gauge
                unit_of_measurement: '%'
            type: horizontal-stack
          - cards:
              - entity: sensor.unifi_gateway_firmware_upgradable
                name: Updates
                type: sensor
              - entity: sensor.unifi_gateway_alerts
                name: Alerts
                type: sensor
                unit_of_measurement: °C
            type: horizontal-stack
        type: vertical-stack
      - entities:
          - entity: sensor.plex
          - entity: sensor.nginx_service_status
          - entity: sensor.plex_service_status
        show_name: true
        show_state: true
        type: glance
      - entities:
          - entity: sensor.ssl_certificate_expiry
        type: entities
      - entities:
          - entity: sensor.status_smart_sda
          - entity: sensor.status_smart_sdb
          - entity: sensor.status_smart_sdc
          - entity: sensor.status_smart_sdd
        show_header_toggle: false
        title: Disk Health
        type: entities
    icon: 'mdi:server-network'
    id: Settings
    title: Network and Monitoring

Simple is good. You can see what you need to at a glance.

How did you get the usg cpu , memory data and update data? Can you share? Thanks

Always happy to share! :slight_smile:

I used the custom Unifi Gateway component and added the templates for the USG hardware stats as per gohassgo’s helpful post here.

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I got my usage stats from system monitor, not glances. Didn’t even know about glances. Learn something new every day.


although I just noticed that my uptime is wrong, that’s hassio uptime, not system uptime. Gotta fix that.


looks great, would you mind share the code?

Looks great except your temperature is in the wrong format :wink:

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It’s really annoying that you can’t have ºF and ºC. I like my outside temp in ºF and device temps in ºC. Oh well. I’m ok with this though.

Why not using a sensor template to convert from F to C or vice versa? That should be quite easy, I guess

HA automatically takes any temperature and converts it to your system temperature units. I have my system units set as ºF. I suppose I could remove the conversion in a template, keep it with ºF in the graphs and just change the display on the card. But that’s not worth the effort IMO.

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I thought that with a template sensor, HA won’t know that you are reading are really a temperature sensor

If you don’t add units yes that will happen. But if you want to track the information and you want it treated as a number so it will graph, you need to add a unit. As soon as you add a temperature unit, it will convert the result into your system units. You could add fake units so the history graph will show, but then you’d still need to change the units on the display using a custom card and overwriting the builtin units.

Kind of late to the party but I this inspired me to make a better system monitoring page that is actually useful! Here is it:

Mostly the basics, but the washer/dryer charts are only a short term thing to fine tune my automations for when the notifications send. Since they are pretty old units their energy usage tends to spike when idle for seemingly no reason. Also my NAS is just another RasPi 3 running OMV and I was wondering if anyone had any experience pull more data from there. Currently I just have HA pinging the IP to check if its still online but I would like to pull more info on if all the file shares are up and which ones are actively being used.


How did you create those min/max cards with the graph at the bottom? I would love to use those in my setup.

There are some examples here: Day and Night


You can also get them to show different colors for different ranges of value which I like as well! I have them turn red when the washer/dryer are in use. But I also use one for a barometer that turns yellow when its approaching higher pressure or falling from higher pressure. image


That’s cool… I’ll have to implement that!

Had to go for round two after seeing some great ideas in here. The netdata component is now one of my favs and I managed to get multiple plex users listed nicely now with the entity attributes card.

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