System Monitoring - How does yours look?

I’m also wondering how you guys measure your router output and how frequent? I have setted it up once with snmp but it almost blew my database. And when you disable it in history and/or recorder, you can’t graph it of course.
So please, enlighten me!

Do you mean router upload/download? I have an Asus router so it’s built-in fortunately.

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UPnP/IGD via the Integrations


I have dumped my raw config for lovelace here: IT is a bit messy and not 3rd party friendly, but hopefully you can figure it out…

My Control panel (system monitor) can be found from line 1133

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If you’re using Hassbian, you need to expand the file system to use the whole disk. This may be your problem if indeed your disk is full.

Got a bit inspired by @VirtualL ´s awesome Lovelace UI…:+1::smiley:


Mine is still a work in progress need to sort out some of the NAS resource monitoring and work out where I can squeeze in room for some more devices.


That looks great. I really want to apply transparency to my card backgrounds but it does not play nice with the vertical-stack-in-card.

Also sorry @Yoinkz, I missed this:

I use this sensor for MariaDB:

- platform: sql
  db_url: !secret mariadb_url
  - name: Database Size
    query: 'SELECT table_schema "database", Round(Sum(data_length + index_length) / 1048576, 2) "value" FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema="homeassistant" GROUP BY table_schema'
    column: 'value'
    unit_of_measurement: MB

Can’t take credit for it but also can’t remember where it came from.

If you’re using the SQL database this sensor is what you want: File Size - Home Assistant (with exact example you need).


Thanks @tom_l, really this whole page is made using the vertical-stack-in-card.

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It’s the mini graph cards that stuff it up. They dont’ get the transparency applied to their background, it all gets transparent. Also the cumulative effect of two 25% transparencies mismatches with other cards.

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Yeah I had Noticed that so I took the graphs out. You could use card modder to supersede the cards transparency?

how do you handle mqtt topics, do you need to restart each topic when your homeassistant reboots or do they retain their position and keep sending topics?

All of my topics are retained, however restarting HA doesn’t effect them as my MQTT Server is hosted on another machine.

Even using the Hassio Mosquitto addon this should not matter, if the topics are retained. The MQTT broker is in it’s own Docker container restarting HA does not affect the broker. Only restarting the host system would do that.

Wow - that really looks nice!



Looks really nice as well.

Can you share your lovelace config?
I want to see how you have made the NUC Part where you have both the Diagrams and Bar Charts in the same Stack.

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I’m interested in the NUC CPU temperature sensor.

      - type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
          - type: entities
            title: NUC
            show_header_toggle: false
              - entity: sensor.last_boot
                name: Last boot
                icon: mdi:clock
              - entity: binary_sensor.internet
          - type: horizontal-stack
              - type: custom:mini-graph-card
                  - entity: sensor.processor_use
                    name: CPU
                icon: mdi:memory
                  - value: 0
                    color: '#40bf40'
                  - value: 10
                    color: '#ffde00'
                  - value: 50
                    color: '#bf4040'
              - type: custom:mini-graph-card
                  - entity: sensor.cpu_temperature
                    name: CPU Temperature
                decimals: 0
                  - value: 0
                    color: '#cccccc'
                  - value: 60
                    color: '#ffde00'
                  - value: 60
                    color: '#bf4040'
          - type: custom:bar-card
              - entity: sensor.disk_use_percent
                icon: mdi:harddisk
                title: HDD
                - value: 50
                  color: '#40bf40'
                - value: 80
                  color: '#ffde00'
                - value: 100
                  color: '#bf4040'
              - entity: sensor.memory_use_percent
                icon: mdi:memory
                title: RAM
                - value: 20
                  color: '#40bf40'
                - value: 50
                  color: 'var(--primary-color)'
                - value: 100
                  color: '#bf4040'
            height: 40px
            columns: 1
            entity_config: true
            show_icon: true
            title_position: inside
            # title_position: 'off'
            align: split
            rounding: 5px
            padding: 5px
              background: "#000"
              opacity: 0.05
              height: 34px
              width: 34px
              filter: "none"
              text-shadow: "none"
              font-size: "18px"
              font-weight: "normal"
              color: "var(--primary-text-color)"
              text-shadow: "none"
              color: "var(--primary-text-color)"
              # color: "#fff"
              font-weight: "normal"