System Monitoring - How does yours look?

How did you get all the NUC sensors available on Home Assistant. I’m trying to find my ipv4_address argument. I’m using a NUC with Proxmox and Home Assistant.


I’m using command line sensors, like this:

#                                                  #
#                Sensor - Intel NUC                #
#                                                  #
  - platform: command_line
    name: "NUC CPU Temperature"
    command: "cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/temp"
    unit_of_measurement: "°C"
    value_template: '{{ (value | multiply(0.001)) | round(0) }}'

  - platform: command_line
    name: NUC CPU Frequency 0
    command: "cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_cur_freq"
    value_template: '{{ value | multiply(0.000001) | round(2) }}'
    unit_of_measurement: 'GHz'

  - platform: command_line
    name: NUC CPU Frequency 1
    command: "cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy1/scaling_cur_freq"
    value_template: '{{ value | multiply(0.000001) | round(2) }}'
    unit_of_measurement: 'GHz'

  - platform: command_line
    name: Linux versjon
    command: "cat /proc/version"
    value_template: '{{ value[99:106] }}'

  - platform: command_line
    name: NUC CPU Governor
    command: "cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor"
  - platform: command_line
    name: NUC CPU min. frequency
    command: "cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq"
    value_template: '{{ value | multiply(0.001) | round(2) }}'
    unit_of_measurement: 'MHz - Min Freq'

  - platform: command_line
    name: NUC CPU max. frequency
    command: "cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq"
    value_template: '{{ value | multiply(0.001) | round(2) }}'
    unit_of_measurement: 'MHz - Max Freq'

  - platform: command_line
    name: NUC BIOS
    command: "cat /sys/class/dmi/id/bios_vendor"

  - platform: command_line
    name: NUC System
    command: "cat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_name"
    value_template: '{{value|truncate(45,True)}}'

  - platform: command_line
    name: CPU online
    command: "cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/online"
    value_template: '{{value|truncate(45,True)}}'

  - platform: command_line
    name: CPU offline
    command: "cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/offline"
    value_template: '{{value|truncate(45,True)}}'

  - platform: command_line
    name: NUC Bios versjon
    command: "cat /sys/class/dmi/id/bios_version"
    value_template: '{{ value[0:17] }}'

  - platform: command_line
    name: NUC Hovedkort
    command: "cat /sys/class/dmi/id/board_name"

Thanks, I really appreciate that. I will be able to figure out my sensors now.

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@thundergreen: I would like to know which card you’ve used i.e. for CPU Load.
Afaik the minigraph card does not display the value in the midle and graph using the whole card size.

This is made with home-panel add-on

What a pitty. Would love to have a card like that in lovelace…

Sure you can build one with certain Lovelace plugins


you can. Here’s @RomRider’s post and he has something almost similar using custom:button-card.

I used your very nice lovelace example to create mine but I’m struggling to push the bar-card to go below the 2 mini-graph cards. Any ideas how to get this done?

Yes, I have seen that, but the graph covers only a small part of the card. Those above seems to use the whole card space. And the axis from my point of view also have some room for improvement - like more rounded values for automatic from and to - i.e. 30 to 75 for the example shown below.


Looks really great what you have done.
How you get the WiFi quality sensors working?


Hi @ValJr,
I have also a NUC with Proxmox.
Have the CPU Temperature sensor?
I’m trying to configure it, but without success.
Can you help me with this?
Thanks in advance.

I didn’t solve the problem yet but I found this explanation and possible solution. Maybe I will do this week. He goes the link.

Please keep me posted, maybe if we join forces we will be able to help others as well.

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They’re just mini-graph cards in vertical and horizontal stacks. Looks nothing like that now. I had to split my system monitoring page up to get all the info in:

Thanks for sharing this information. Maybe I’ll try this.
For sure I’ll keep you posted.

I did my RSSI with the bar card saves screen space:

It’s a nice compact option but I prefer to be able to see the history at a glance.

You might want to adjust your severity colour levels though. All of those are good. I’ll get the recommended levels for you in a sec.

EDIT: here you go:


Thanks! I was looking for something like that, but couldn’t really find a decent chart.

Nice thx.

And the sensor is out of your router integration. Mine just makes sensors for total in/out and actual in/out


The look like ESPhome devices ESPhome can report back to you the RSSI of it’s connection.