
I have added a system health tab on my raspbian with the use of the systemmonitor all is working like a charm, I am finally getting the hang of yaml and all its pros and cons :smile: however, there is no information on the sysmonitor page that tells me how often these sensors are refreshing. So basically I look at values like the cpu load, but I have no idea how old it is. Is there any way I can manipulate how often they update?

    ### system monitor ###
  - platform: systemmonitor
    - type: disk_use_percent
    - type: disk_free
    - type: memory_use_percent
    - type: network_in
      arg: eth0
    - type: network_out
      arg: eth0
    - type: ipv4_address
      arg: eth0
    - type: ipv4_address
      arg: wlan0
    - type: last_boot
    - type: processor_use

Will a simple scan interval like this work ?

     - platform: systemmonitor
       scan_interval: some value

Kind regards

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scan_interval is not listed as a valid option in the documentation.

I looked through the source code and discovered it uses the psutil library.

However, I canā€™t find anything in the componentā€™s code referring to polling so I donā€™t how it refreshes its data.

I also read how to use psutil to get cpu_percent. It says if you use interval=None it will report ā€œsystem CPU times elapsed since last call or module import, returning immediatelyā€. If you check the code, thatā€™s precisely how the component gets cpu_percent.

The mystery to me is what constitutes the last call? The last time you looked at the value in the UI?? It remains unclear to me how often it performs ā€˜callsā€™ to update itself.

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I agree, Iā€™m not fully sure how the insides of Home-Assistant work yet, but I donā€™t see anything in the componentā€™s code that would update its data.

In that case, would it fall back to the default 30 second scan interval from homeassistant/components/sensor/ ?

That makes sense.

Only thing is my Python-fu isnā€™t strong enough to figure out whatā€™s using SCAN_INTERVAL. Thereā€™s precious little code in sensor/

Yeah, it was a stab in the dark since I assume that there has to be some sort of defaultā€¦

It is. All platforms which are polling can overwrite it. But you should know what you are doing.

The general issue is that we wonā€™t want people to fine tune the polling interval on a large scale. This leads to performance issues on low-powered hardware, often just doesnā€™t make sense to get a measurement every second and is filling the database.

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Thanks! I didnā€™t realize there was a documentation base class that platform docs inherit from! :wink:

Iā€™ve always considered the component/platformā€™s documentation as its master reference and didnā€™t know about that specific doc page which defines two, broadly applicable, options (entity_namespace and scan_interval).

I guess this solves the mystery of the systemmonitorā€™s default polling period (30 seconds).

BTW, the doc page you mentioned contains the following note:

These options are being phased out and are only available for single platform integrations.

Is that still true?

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I tried setting the scan_interval on the systemmonitor after trawling through code but it didnā€™t appear to have any effect :frowning:

According to my tests, the default scan_interval is 15 sec - at least for the processor_use sensor.
May be for other sensors the frequency is different.
Am I right?
What are values/value of frequency for sensors?

I donā€™t know; that post was made 3 years ago. If your results differ then those must be what it is today.

This is a card I used to estimate the scan_interval value:

type: vertical-stack
title: sysmon::scan_interval
  - type: entities
      - entity: sensor.processor_use
        secondary_info: last-changed
  - type: history-graph
    hours_to_show: 1
    refresh_interval: 0
      - entity: sensor.processor_use
  - type: custom:mini-graph-card
    <<: &ref_settings
      hours_to_show: 1
      update_interval: 0
      aggregate_func: last
      smoothing: false
      lower_bound: ~0
      line_width: 1
        - entity: sensor.processor_use
    points_per_hour: 120
  - type: custom:mini-graph-card
    <<: *ref_settings
    points_per_hour: 240

The history-graph card shows data ā€œas isā€ - every sensorā€™s update.
The mini-graph-card splits the whole time period (hours_to_show) to small intervals; number of intervals (points_per_hour) defines accuracy.

The 2nd mini-graph-card has a smaller points_per_hour value = 240 (freq 15 sec):

  • the graph has more curves;
  • the graphā€™s curves are NOT changing - just new curves are added.

The 1st mini-graph-card has a smaller points_per_hour value = 120 (freq 30 sec):

  • the graph has less curves;
  • the graphā€™s curves ARE changing - old curves are changing every 30 sec.

So I concluded that at least for the processor_use sensor the scan_interval = 15 sec.

Also I found that for network_in, network_out the scan_interval = 30 sec.
Surely I could make mistakes; that is why I need some confirmationā€¦

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This line in systemmonitorā€™s code:

references this line:

Seems to be a default value for ALL integrations - unless it is not specified explicitly equal to some other value in some integration?