Tablet/Phone Control Panel

I posted this on Reddit and someone mentioned I should post it here too. Please let me know if I’ve posted in the wrong place, I’m a long time lurker, but this is my first post.

For the past few weeks I’ve been working on a Control Panel interface for Home Assistant. It’s intended for use on tablets and mobile devices that are mounted on a wall. I started using Hadashboard, which seems awesomely powerful, but maybe a little overly complicated for what I wanted. So as a front-end dev myself, I thought I could maybe come up with something that was simpler to integrate, and after a few weeks graft, I’ve finally got something to distribute and test.

Whilst I’ve been working closely with a fellow Redditor to get some teething issues out of the way, I’m expecting quite a few bugs to show up. I have it working relatively stable on my setup, but as everyone’s is different - there’s going to be situations where it doesn’t work as intended. So, if you’re up for trying something new, and would like to help me with bug finding, I’d really appreciated it!

It’s been designed to be simple to use, so even if you’re not that technical - please give it a go and report back. I’ve written a full setup and troubleshooting guide below to help everyone get going.

Full details can be found here:

Any feedback is greatly appreciated - good and bad :slight_smile:


Looks very good! I’ve noticed following two issues so far:

  1. It didn’t like my password which contains “;” and “+” symbols (perhaps they need to be escaped properly in JS)
  2. In my setup I have groups of groups:

It would obviously show views and groups correctly but would probably never work with my configuration.

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Thanks for this @L33-the-3rd

However I cannot connect to it as it doesn’t like https. I connect to my front end via

Any idea?

Thank you very much. This is really nice.

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However I cannot connect to it as it doesn’t like https. I connect to my front end via …

Yeah, you should be able to use the https control panel - Either that, or download it and host it locally - all details on how to do that are in the documentation, but please let me know if you have any more problems.

I’ve always wanted to know how to do groups of groups :smiley: I’ll set some up on my install and check it out - see how the control panel handles it.

And thanks for the password info - not something I’ve run into yet, so I’ll defo check it out - thanks!

I connect with https and locally.


I’m just getting the loading screen with both local and hosted.

Very Nice. works well on 0.66.1

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Anyone having issues, I do have a list of things to try in the troubleshooting section of the documentation.

However, I do want to know if people are still having trouble getting it working after going through those steps. I’m currently investigating an issue where no entities show - so if you’re only seeing the date on the page, open your browser error console and check through the logs. There’s 3 stages to the setup - and after each stage should be some data. If the data is blank at any of these stages, I’d love to know which :slight_smile:

For what is not light or switch. When I long press it display the setting page as a light as you can see from second picture.

Yeah, at the minute it will show the light setting page for any light or group, regardless - I will be adding better logic in there to only show the correct settings pretty soon

Thank you very much in advance. ^^

tried with different browsers with both local and hosted and it doesn’t appear to connect. Trying to access remotely using my address. No weird symbols in my password either.

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Do you get any errors in the browser error console? There should be 3 stages listed - numbered 1 to 3 - do you have any of those? If so where does it get up to, and have you tested in another browser? Someone did mention issues with Firefox, however I’ve not looked into that yet.

Firstly thank you for sharing and i have to say great job to you. As far s the installation; it was very easy i was able to get mine up and running in less than 3mns. I’ve got it working with google chrome.

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is there away to get it to only pull a specific group or only a couple groups… my group breakdown for my regular HA install has items that would never be relevant on a tablet interface but are needed in my regular use/troubleshooting automations and monitoring ha server etc.

This is beautiful BTW… thank you so much as i never wanted to bother with HADashboard as it seemed to have way more capabilities than i needed to do a couple lights and thermostats. Now if only we didn’t just sell that extra iPad on eBay :frowning:

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Awesome, thanks for sharing. this was just the thing i needed for my wink relays. If there could be a way to select wich groups to display would be more awesome.

My setup is in groups so does not really work for me. Looks awesome though, Hopefully you can implement groups a bit differently as I have a tablet on the fridge that would work perfectly for this.

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the next update will include this - I’m working on it :slight_smile:

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