Tablet/Phone Control Panel

Need to work on this too - I’m going to add nested groups to my setup to test, so hopefully should be quite a simple fix.


Wow, this is really great!

Just installed it using auto detect which works flawlessly :grinning:

Some points I noticed using Chrome:

  1. The text from the dropdowns is not shown unless you hover over it.
  2. When pressing Play on the media player for my Sonos, the symbol doesn’t change to pause unless I refresh the page.
  3. The text of some sensors is grey which makes it hard to read.

Keep up the good work!




Very interesting and promising. Can’t use it right now since there is no way to configure what to show and what to not show. But maybe with your next releaser where we can select what groups to use.
Any ETA?

Great job so far!

Thanks for the hard work on the control panel! The two most important changes I am looking for to make it easier for me to use would be the acceptance of special characters in the password and a way to configure the groups independent of the yaml file

This is AWESOME! this is exactly something that i was looking for due to the simplicity of setup.

I was able to start tinkering. I have a couple locks that don’t seem to have functionally in this. Is that a feature or is something off in my setup? I was hoping to see if a lock is unlocked or locked and the ability to lock it from the control panel.

I only had 20 min to setup and tinker though but I was able to get this downloaded and setup. Really awesome work on this. Thank you!!!

I’m having an issue using the embedded configuration, I can access the HACP through and also through just fine. When I try and load it within the iframe of my hassio installation it just goes to a loading box with the blue background.

iframe config in configuration.yaml is -

title: Control Panel
icon: mdi:tablet-ipad

HTTP config is configuration.yaml is -

api_password: !secret http_password
ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

When I try and browse directly to it throws up a box saying ‘Unable to connect to Home Assistant. Please check the Server URL is accessible from this device or change the URL below:’ and I have tried all number of URL’s that do work on their own but on this page they fail. It also gives me a -

Login attempt failed

Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from (my external IP)

Any ideas?

I’ve just tried it in a private browser window and it seems to load up OK, seems like the wrong password is cached in my normal browser, is there any way to reset it back so I can get back to the config page again?

It’s working now. Must have just stored the wrong password for a while and then reset itself. Tried on my phone/ipad etc and all connected fine, just got confused in Firefox on my laptop. Thanks for a great addon, loving it so far!

Thanks for the brilliant work! Would be awesome to combinate it with custom Ui tiles!

Could the weather letter size can be reduced?

Is there a way to share the settings to all devices instead of creating from scratch the configuration on each ?


Anyway to password protect the dashboard from the world?

Really nice work, best UI for a HASS dashboard I´ve seen so far.
Is there a roadmap over functionality?

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Do you take donations? I like to throw a little $$$ into projects that I appreciate.

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Excellent work, thanks for the share!

I’m not expecting donations at this stage but if you’d like to support the development, I’d very much appreciate it :slight_smile: Can’t say no to that!

I have a PayPal link here:

I have a small list of plans on the documentation page - but that’s about it at this stage. If you have any ideas, send em my way.

Great, I´ll check that out.

I´m having issues to get my cameras to show full screen or at least bigger.
Should it be possible?

Cameras do show as entities but they don’t really work currently - the image doesn’t update basically. I’ve managed to add a camera feed directly to the interface, which works a little better, so that might be the route I go down.

So the plan at the minute is to have the camera entity as a regular sized button and long press to view full screen.

Really promising thanks. Waiting for feature where I can show which groups it shows.
Thanks for efforts

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It would be great!

I like your theme can you share the colors please

There is basically just one :slight_smile:

primary-color: "#557790"
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