Tablet/Phone Control Panel

This looks billion times better than hadashboard… You should help them redesign !

Anyway, great work !

It seems like the new Auth System isn’t yet supported by Control Panel. Is there any plan to do so?

I guess its all deprecated :frowning: no idea why, cause this is the best looking one.

I also have been working friends to get rid of the bug. I’m was expecting quite a few bugs. Iwe have worked relatively stable on my setup, but as everyone’s is different - there’s going to be situations where it doesn’t work as intended. Canon Customer Service, if anyone trying some new share it.

I discovered the Control Panel today and have been working to get it set up, only to realise that it doesn’t seem to support the last version of HA. Activity from the developer both here and on twitter ceased a few months ago, so it doesn’t look hopeful.

It’s a tremendous shame as this looks amazing - Lee did some fantastic work.

It looks like there’s a (temporary) work-around to get this going again -

I can get it working using this, but I’m still seeing Console errors and warnings around CORB.

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Hey WhimsySpoon- I was just considering setting this up.

What do you mean by ‘seeing console errors’? Is that on the HA end, or on the control panel end?

Apologies, Ruthalas, that was ambiguous. I was referring to the Chrome console.

I have since discovered and set that up instead. It looks similar to this, and is wildly configurable.

It’s being actively supported whereas this project appears (unfortunately) to be dead.


Thanks WhimseySpoon!

(I got it working, but the lack of ability to limit what was shown was a problem.)

I got HADashboard set up instead, but I’ll give TileBoard a spin as well.

No worries. I did take a look at HADashboard, but it wasn’t sufficiently customisable, nor did it look as pretty as TileBoard.

I’ve been playing with the latter for about a week now and I have it looking like I want it, but I’m still nowhere near complete with it. It’s not without its minor annoyances, and you need a good understanding of Javascript (and a little CSS), but it’s definitely worth the effort!

I’m glad to hear it, thanks for the comparison.

Had I seen TileBoard prior to trying out HADashboard I’d proably have gone with it.

It does look far nicer. :smiley:

Hi Resoi,

I like you design. Question, how do you do the climate lines ? Where you have Standby and currently ?

Thanks !


This is simply a climate component, KNX in my case.

Just as an update to this project, as I realise I’ve been a little lacking with the updates. In it’s current state, it has been deprecated. I’ve moved my personal setup away from HA to Deconz, which I find to be way more stable. I have however, been actively working on a new control panel which is a little more flexible - basically something that is more modular and could work with HA, Deconz, OpenHAB etc. It addresses a number of issues with HACP and will be open source too :slight_smile:

So yeah, HACP is dead. Long live HACP.

Keen to stay close to this project. Looking forward to updates

Does it support climate control? I tried it out but didn’t see an option to adjust the thermostat.

would be nice if this was localized, i have enough services connecting to the “cloud” plus i dont want another party having access to my home-assistant platform