Tado integration responding weirdely to scenes


I’ve created a blueprint that takes a “snapshot” of the climate entity when a window is opened using service: scene.create. It then turns off the climate entity with service: climate.turn_off. When the window is closed, the blueprint restores the “snapshot” with service: scene.turn_on.

This setup works fine for my Rika stove. However, I’ve noticed an issue with Tado devices. When the Tado device is initially set to “auto”, it correctly turns off as intended. But upon closing the window and activating the scene, it briefly switches to “auto” before immediately transitioning to “heat”.

Has anyone experienced this behavior with Tado devices or knows a solution?

this is the blueprint : 🪟 Turn off your heater when the window is open 🌡️
This is the trace i get when using the stove

And i have this when using the Tado

I both cases the climate was set to auto before the automation ran

Sadly I do not have an answer but I’m getting exactly the same behaviour with Scenes and my Tado device. I have tried dynamically creating a Scene through then scene.create service and manually through the UI but both have the same result, as you have experienced.

Thx for taking the time reproducing the bug. It seems to be a tado thing. I have a Rika stove and the blueprint work. I will investigate with an heat pup controlled via esp home.