TADO valves without using TADO server?

Thanks, I managed to pair everything. This is SSOOO cool!! Lots of other devices that require web services are now connected for local polling via Home-Kit.

However, I still cannot get to the heating levels of the Tado thermostats. The heating level is the degree to which the valve is open. I need the heating level because I have a circulating pump that gets turned on or off depending on whether there is sufficient heat load. I sum all the heating levels and if they are above a certain threshold I turn on the pump, and if the sum is below the threshold I turn off the pump. The issue is that using the Tado web integration, which is only updated every 10 min, the total heating level drops to 0, but, because of the 10 min update frequency, HA doesn’t detect this and keeps the pump on, causing cavitation.

This is what I see when I use the Tado integration.

This is what I see in the HomeKit integration for the same device. I don’t see all the other sensors, particularly Heating.

Just fyi these are exactly the same sensors I see from the tado thermostats in my HomeKit integration. I know this does not help, but just to confirm that there’s probalbly nothing “wrong” with your setup.

As for the other sensors, my understanding is that some of them are facilitated by tado cloud algorithms, hence will not be available in the local-only setup. Obviously that should not be the case for the heating level sensor you are looking for…

As far as I see. Only status (heating/off), temperature current, humidity and target temperature are pushed towards HomeKit which is pity. Till they push some more data we have to leave with only that.

I think you are correct @Henry28 .

I’m still trying to work out if in fact the sensors operate in local polling mode on HomeKit, or they are still on the 5 min webservice update of the Tado integration.

Can someone confirm this for me?


Update every 1 minute or 0.2 degrees

HomeKit and Tado


The solution provided works perfect, thank you.
Did anyone one find a solution to se a offset for the valves? The service “climate.set_current_temperature” or “climate.set_offset” is missing and i don’t have an idea, how to implement the offset temperature or the temperature of another sensor in the room.

Nevermind, this post seems do deliver a working solution:

I am rebuilding my HA, and i have Tado, I am interested in moving Tado to the home kit controller to do away with the cloud requirements. Keeping track of battery levels is pretty key in our place as we have well over 100 batter devices from sensors etc. I see someone asking about battery levels. Is there any change on that? are the visible now?

No, if you use only homekit controller you will not have battery levels in HA. What I did is to create automation if Thermostat goes to target temp 5 C or it’s in heating state for more then 2 hours then I send notification that that thermostat is probably dead. I know it’s not what you want but they will not expose battery levels to Homkit as far as I read in Tado forum.

If you do not block Tado bridge from access to internet(Tado will send all the data to their cloud) then you will anyhow receive email about low batteries.

Thanks for the update. Yes thats pants they wont expose that. I dont really have any requirement to block the bridge and happy to leave it connected. But saying that i like all notifications to come from the same place.

Might have to think about this one some more. I mean the API does work but i want something more real time and if thats the trade off to not getting battery details…

I wonder if someone cleaver out there who knows how this works could use a script or something that does use the API to just pull the battery levels in to separate entities or helpers. At least that way the battery levels could be retrieved

What you can do is setup Tado official integration and also Homekit controller in HA. Then control thermostats via Homekit and through Tado official integration you will get battery levels on HA so you can use them in dashboards, automations.

Oh right. I thought i had read somewhere that Official and Homekit could not work side by side and if you had the official installed you had to uninstall it. So thats not the case then?

No, Offical and Homekit works together without issues.

Brilliant. Thank you.

Hi. So i dont have the official integration installed yet. I have paired the Tado with HomeKit bridge and i can see my Tado devices. How do i get these to show up in home assistant?

I have just reverted my VMware snapshot and did it again and the process was different, more dynamic and found my tado bridge automatically

If you added Homekit integration to HA and you dont see it try restart HA. But notice Homekit integration is not the same like Homkit controller integration.

Homekit controller integration is HA Homekit bridge so in your case I think you need to use Homekit integration and not controller

oh right. yes maybe i have installed the wrong thing then. I selected the one in Integrations / Apple / Home kit bridge. No drama i can revert my VM

Hi , so i think i have done both now and i am not sure what the difference is.

Home Kit Integration seems to show the Tado in the Home Kit iOS application where as Home Kit Controller does not. I really dont care of need to use the iOS application if i dont have to.

So which one am i supposed to be using? both seem to be turning my heating on and off so i am a bit confused

I am using the controller set up at the moment and everything seems good. I pulled my internet connection and for the first time in 5 years i have been able to turn the heating on and off. This is such a massive win. I mean we dont have internet issues here but we have had a couple of instances in the winter and no heating control was painful. I got the all important wife approval.

someone can tell me how the Sensor Heizung works ? what does mean 7,0 %
is there a way to get the “Heizbetrieb zum Ziel 24 ,5” ?