Tahoma Integration Refactored

yes with everything

i have created 3 scene for every cover:

but they won’t work (sometimes they do but i can’t put my finger on it when they don’t.)
As soon as i edit the scene the cover will assume the right position. But if run the scene it doesn’t.

(5 minutes later): now they suddenly work???

  • id: ‘1592740544581’
    name: Rolluik zitkamer open
    current_position: 100
    device_class: shutter
    friendly_name: Rolluik zithoek
    rssi_level: 36
    state: open
    supported_features: 15
    type: io:RollerShutterGenericIOComponent
    uiclass: RollerShutter
    widget: PositionableRollerShutter
  • id: ‘1592740553048’
    name: Rolluik zitkamer dicht
    current_position: 0
    device_class: shutter
    friendly_name: Rolluik zithoek
    rssi_level: 36
    state: open
    supported_features: 15
    type: io:RollerShutterGenericIOComponent
    uiclass: RollerShutter
    widget: PositionableRollerShutter
  • id: ‘1592740564399’
    name: Rolluik zitkamer ventilatie
    current_position: 25
    device_class: shutter
    friendly_name: Rolluik zithoek
    rssi_level: 36
    state: open
    supported_features: 15
    type: io:RollerShutterGenericIOComponent
    uiclass: RollerShutter
    widget: PositionableRollerShutter

Hi Mick,
I noticed that you solved the tilt issue. :+1:
It is working for me with the buttons in lovelace and the slider when I select the device.
But the slider provided through custom:slider-entity-row is not working.
The same slider is working for sinilus covers.
Can you take a look at this to?

This is not related to the Tahoma component probably. custom:slider-entity-row needs to support set_tilt_position. For the slats of your pergola, I implemented it as tilt_position instead of position.

You should be able to set the attribute to tilt, afterwards it should work. GitHub - thomasloven/lovelace-slider-entity-row: 🔹 Add sliders to entity cards

Thanks, indeed solved with attribute “tilt”

I am on 1.3.

My electricity meters are discovered but they don’t report any measurement. Just “Unknown”.

uiclass: ElectricitySensor
widget: CumulativeElectricPowerConsumptionSensor
type: 'io:TotalElectricalEnergyConsumptionIOSystemSensor'
unit_of_measurement: W
friendly_name: Compteur
device_class: power

@lseufer could you create a new issue on Github? https://github.com/iMicknl/ha-tahoma/issues/new/choose. We should be able to solve this if we receive a few more details.

Is this still an issue, @hans80? If so, could you create an issue on Github and include your automations and devices there?

Hi all,
Large update in version 1.4! Lots of your reports and improvements are included.
Please let us know if this works as expected, and continue reporting any issue or feature missing!

Tahoma integration is no longer working for me - not sure if it is because of the Somfy Tahoma update yesterday or the update of the integration to 1.4. I noticed that after a restart of HA the devices were all offline. In HACS I was offered to update the Somfy Tahoma integration to 1.4 which I did. After a reboot the devices were still offline. I deleted the Tahoma integration from Configuration and tried to add it again, but now I get an error when the credentials are validated:

ValueError: Active state 'core:NameState' has not been defined: {"creationTime": 1593523120000, "lastUpdateTime": 1593523120000, "label": "OGP KNX Bridge", "deviceURL": "ogp://1227-5319-5336/00000BE8", "shortcut": false, "controllableName": "ogp:Bridge", "definition": {"commands": [{"commandName": "sendPrivate", "nparams": 1}], "states": [{"type": "DataState", "qualifiedName": "core:Private10State"}, {"type": "DataState", "qualifiedName": "core:Private1State"}, {"type": "DataState", "qualifiedName": "core:Private2State"}, {"type": "DataState", "qualifiedName": "core:Private3State"}, {"type": "DataState", "qualifiedName": "core:Private4State"}, {"type": "DataState", "qualifiedName": "core:Private5State"}, {"type": "DataState", "qualifiedName": "core:Private6State"}, {"type": "DataState", "qualifiedName": "core:Private7State"}, {"type": "DataState", "qualifiedName": "core:Private8State"}, {"type": "DataState", "qualifiedName": "core:Private9State"}], "dataProperties": [], "widgetName": "DynamicBridge", "uiClass": "ProtocolGateway", "qualifiedName": "ogp:Bridge", "type": "ACTUATOR"}, "states": [{"name": "core:NameState", "type": 3, "value": "OGP KNX Bridge"}], "attributes": [{"name": "core:Technology", "type": 3, "value": "KNX"}, {"name": "ogp:Features", "type": 10, "value": [{"name": "private"}]}, {"name": "core:ManufacturerReference", "type": 3, "value": "OGP KNX Bridge"}, {"name": "core:Manufacturer", "type": 3, "value": "Overkiz"}], "available": true, "enabled": true, "placeOID": "6af77b24-bf47-4670-b112-ab85d86d670e", "widget": "DynamicBridge", "type": 1, "oid": "7b16b823-ac68-4363-a735-7cbce6f4a634", "uiClass": "ProtocolGateway"}

It seems indeed that the update did break some stuff… not sure yet what’s going on to be honest. What box are you using? I’ve never seen the “OGP KNX Bridge” before.

do you own a somfy smart lock by any chance?

I have no idea where this “OGP KNX Bridge” is coming from. I dont have KNX… I have the Tahoma Box. I saw someone else posting the exact same error message in another thread.

Btw, I tried the Somfy integration and that works fine - but of course doesnt really help me as Somfy integration doesnt support the window sensors.

in any case, many thanks Vincent for the incredible work you are doing. Lets hope it is a solveable problem…

No, not Somfy but I do have a Nuki.

Ok, I thought from our code that it could be related to the lock, but obviously not…
Do you have a Traceback (most recent call last): message before the ValueError?

Yes, sorry. Should have included that:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/config/custom_components/tahoma/config_flow.py", line 92, in async_step_user
    info = await validate_input(self.hass, user_input)
  File "/config/custom_components/tahoma/config_flow.py", line 48, in validate_input
    await hass.async_add_executor_job(controller.get_setup)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/concurrent/futures/thread.py", line 57, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/config/custom_components/tahoma/tahoma_api.py", line 180, in get_setup
  File "/config/custom_components/tahoma/tahoma_api.py", line 190, in _get_setup
    device = Device(self, device_data)
  File "/config/custom_components/tahoma/tahoma_api.py", line 634, in __init__

that helps a lot, and should be fixable!

could you try this fix by downloading this zip, and replacing the directory tahoma installed by HACS by the one in the zip, and restarting HA?

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That worked !

Thank you so much!!

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Thanks, this will be in the next release. keep your branch until then!