Tasmota MQTT IRHVAC Controller

@kaciker I want to mention that the fix was not just deletin all “/”, but just shortening the Tasmota topic from lets say “tele/tasmota/wemos/ir/papis/RESULT” and “cmnd/tasmota/wemos/ir/papis/IRHVAC” to something like “tele/tasmota/RESULT” and “cmnd/tasmota/IRHVAC”. Not sure why, but this helped. Might be something with the way HA handles complex topics. :slight_smile:

Hello, no, with “/” is not working either my local HA or my cloud HA. I needed to remove the clasification topic to make works, so the topic only works being a single word.
This “cmnd/tasmota/papisir/IRHVAC” NOt works
Only this “cmnd/papisir/IRHVAC” In config Tasmota Mqtt only one word “papisir”

hi @Chris_Holt , I`m facing tha same issue with “light”, can you please tell me what line to modify into climate.py to enable this function?

Sorry, can’t tell the version when it happened.
But I did manage to resolve it by removing the tasmota_irhvac folder in custom components and re-adding it by downloading the latest one from the repo.

Works like a charm now!

This is very helpful.

I have a couple of doubts though:

  • Are the Temperature / Humidity / Air pressure sensor (BME280) and the PIR sensor (AM312) required?
  • Are the IR emitter and the PIR motion sensor both on D2? I am trying to figure things out from the Tasmota configuration but am confused about these connections.

For noobs like me, please can someone let me know if this circuit diagram as per the Tasmota configuration is correct? I am planning to power the NodeMCU ESP8266 via a USB cable.

@wwwescape AM312 and BME280 are not mandatory for the project. You can skip it from the config by removing the line temperature_sensor:.

If you decide to use BME280 and/or AM312 look here:

Also you can read this thread from the begginig. I remember I posted some schemes how to connect the components and how to configure tasmota to work with them. :slight_smile:

Thanks, @gh0s7! With your help I got it working! I am really happy! :slight_smile:

I’m having one issue though. Occasionally, when using the remote, nothing happens. When I check the Tasmota console, I see that vendor is Unknown.


I don’t know if this is a problem with the IR transceiver, the Tasmota bin file, or the remotes themselves.

I also see this in the Tasmota console appearing randomly:

tele/MasterBedroomIRTransceiver/HASS_STATE = {"Version":"11.1.0(TasmoCompiler-esp8266generic)","BuildDateTime":"2022-04-13T12:06:40","Module or Template":"Generic","RestartReason":"Software/System restart","Uptime":"0T00:05:10","Hostname":"MasterBedroomIRTransceiver-0353","IPAddress":"","RSSI":"98","Signal (dBm)":"-51","WiFi LinkCount":1,"WiFi Downtime":"0T00:00:04","MqttCount":1,"LoadAvg":19}

Not sure if the above is related in any way, though.

Any thoughts?

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After updating to 2022.5 (both 2022.5.1 and 2022.5.2 ) integration failed.
ValueError: ‘unavailable’ is not a valid HVACMode

same error here

we need a new release

@wwwescape If you are using Tasmota 11.1.0 and the protocol is “UNKNOWN”, this means that your AC is not supported. You can check with 8.1, but I’m not very optimistic …

@gh0s7 Sorry If I was not clear, I’ve got all 3 ACs working via Remote, Tuya IR Blaster and the remote.

However, sometimes it doesn’t work and the console shows the protocol as UNKNOWN. It starts working again normally after some time.

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@conrad66 and @mohamedrefaat I’ll check and fix it as soon as possible … Excuse me for me not able to keep in track with the newest versions of HA … Also this was not documented as breaking change …
I opened a new issue in github:
Issue #71

@wwwescape I’ve opened a new issue in Tasmota github for that problem … This is a known issue outside ot Tasmota IRHVAC custom integration. :slight_smile: Tasmota 8.1 was last known stable release in IR manner … :slight_smile:

Cool. Thanks.

Thank again so much for this custom component. I’m really happy with it and my family and friends are very impressed. :slight_smile:

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How do I set “auto” ventilation to start by default?

Does somebody have the BME280 working with newer tasmota-ir(custom) releases?

Unfortunately the tasmota-ircustom 8.1 doesn’t recognize my IR remote. And tasmota-ircustom 9.1 and later does, but there I can’t seem to get the BME280 working (with 8.1 the BME280 output is visible on the home screen of the device, but not with 9.1). I also tried compiling the latest version (11) with I2C and BME support enabled. And I can configure the I2C channels with that custom build, but I also don’t see the BME280 output.

Edit: Nevermind, I had enabled USE_BME68X, but instead I needed to enable USE_BMP.
Now I got everything working under tasmota

2022.6.1 seems to have broken the component for me. Same error as this. My mistake for not checking before updating ig


What did you use to compile Tasmota?

I am using TasmoCompiler. If you are using the same, what options and custom parameters should I use? Anyone else can also suggest.

I’m using the tasmota docker build environment: https://github.com/tasmota/docker-tasmota

I basically created a new firmware ‘ircustom’, which is just the ir firmware with these 2 settings enabled: