Shelly 2.5 mounted in a fan/light and wall switch control.
Sonoff TX remote dummy switch. NO wires connected to LIGHT/FAN just power and neutral.
Full time power running to Shelly 2.5 installed in fan housing.
Big shout out to @digiblur Travis Griggs digiblur
Most of the Tasmota stuff I learned from his blog and videos.
I was asking him in his discord about using tasmota rules to link up Sonoff switches to a non flashed Shelly 2.5 that is just mqtt setting in ha config.
Long story short he just said just flash
I say “I don’t want to remove from light\fan.”
He said “OTA over the air” and gave me a link to his Video on how to over the air flash Shelly devices with just a web browser.
OTA tasmota shelly devices.
I have to say it was so easy
To do and why in the world would people use Shelly for Hass or even the mqtt config in ha?
It took me 5 minutes to over the air flash and configure the 2.5 in tasmota.
So to explain what I wanted and was able to do after flashing the shelly 2.5.
Before setting up HA to this home as a quick smart solution for a FAN AND LIGHT that was just wired with one circuit with one FLIP SWITCH giving 120V power to both at same time. I put a Shelly 2.5 in master bedroom light\ceiling fan. USING THE SHELLY APP or Alexa to turn off and on the fan and light separately or turning off or on both at the same time by cycling power at the flip switch on the wall on or off.
I had no issues with this set up when I integrated to HA using the Shelly built in MQTT settings and doing a simple MQTT config YAML in HA configuration YAML and alexa worked well to control.
Started buying more smart switches and we wanted a 3 button Sonoff TX in the bedroom to have physical control of the fan, light and remotely controlling the hallway TX switch.
This can be done as a dummy remote switch using tasmota rules.
ON button3#state DO publish cmnd/hallway_switch/POWER1 2 ENDON
ON button2#state DO publish cmnd/our_bedroom_shelly/POWER1 2 ENDON
ON button1#state DO publish cmnd/our_bedroom_shelly/POWER2 2 ENDON
But there was no easy way of doing this without having the shelly 2.5 using my mqtt broker.
Travis’s solution made my life easy.
More details on tasmota rules and switching here
Sonoff TX multiple button switches in multi gang electrical box with Tasmota rules to remote control other devicesMultiple button switches