TCL Home (AC) Integration

Do you know when TCL Home integration will come? I want to add my air conditioner to Home assistant.

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Did you solve in any ways?

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Has anyone found a solution yet? I’m still waiting for an integration for TCL Home.??

Go can be connected through external services such as Google, Alexa, Yandex Alice
Using Yandex as an example, I used external integration

I tried Yandex Alice but once I connected the TCL Home Account to Yandex Alice, I don’t see any of my devices in the app.

How do you add TCL Devices to Yandex Alice?

Thank you

Due to this I was forced to make a monstrosity of a freakshow in home assistant.
Basically, home assistant sends a voice over text command to Google saying “turn on AC bedroom”, google turns it on and has an own automation that “when AC bedroom turns on” it sends a voice over text command to it’s self (because for some crappy reason HA entities are not directly ussable in automations in google home?) that turns on (or off) a HA input_boolean “AC bedroom”. HA also sends the content of an input_slider to ALEXA (because for some reason Alexa CAN set the temp and google can’t) setting the Temperature of the AC. I then made a generic climate device in HA with as state the input boolean, as temp the slider and as action a freaking input_button that when triggerd uses an automation to send a voice command to both google AND alexa. i’m even ashamed of writing this down as a “solution”. mike-drop, hackerman.

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I’m not quite sure if I follow, to be honest.

So you’re saying there’s an automation from HA. Eg: If temp is over Xdegree then HA send voice over text command to google saying “turn on AC”.(just assuming this is what you meant). Then you said, “google turns it on” so why add all of what comes after? Isn’t the goal accomplished already? Would appreciate it if you could explain the purpose of all that comes after! Also, I would really like if you could explain how you did all that haha I’m brand new to HA.

Btw I don’t know if this will be news or useful to anyone but, I know Google Home doesn’t seem to give a possibility to control the Temp for these devices, but you actually can! Here’s what you can do:

First of even without preprogramming anything you can say hey google set “name of your AC” to XX degree. And that does actually work.You can also just tell is to go up or down 1 degree or more.

You can also set an automation:


Trigger = Ok google “Name of AC” Up

Action: Turn up “Name of AC” 1 ° (for the action you need to select “try adding your own” and write it up)

I don’t know if this could be of any help ? I mean in the sense that I guess there has to be a way for HA to trigger this automation or another setup in Google home when X condition happens?


Yes, there’s an automation wich uses the Google home SDK integration in HA which sends a voice over text command to google home saying turn on AC name.
what comes after is because I want to know the actual state of my AC in HA, regardless of what turned it on. So if HA turns on my AC but my wife turns it of with the remote, I wanted HA to know this. so I made an input boolean which is available in google home, and google home turns this switch on and off when the AC turns on or off, so if I turn the AC on with the remote, google turns this switch on and therefore HA knows the AC is on.

For the temperature I didn’t know google could do this, I assumed as it was not an option in the google home app it was not possible, therefore I used Alexa in which this is possible in the Alexa App, but thanks for the information :slight_smile:

Kind regards,

Hey, it’s really interested approach. But how you get Google Home to send the switch status back to HA (or control a input boolean in HA) ?

I am interested in this though…I now have a secund TCL AC and found out after 2 hours that I cannot connect it to the Smart Life App anymore. My older one did, so I tried everything for 2 hours until I found one hidden line somewhere on a website saying that newer AC’s will only connect through TCL Home.

So… Even though it is a monstrosity,I would be interested in the details of it. One question… Why did you not build everything through Alexa, but instead just the convocation of Google and Alexa?

So if you could share your code, I would be very happy, at least something to build from, rather than from scratch…

Sure hope someone will find a way off integrating TCL Home…